Chapter 856

“Kui Niu tell them in detail.”

Jin Guang looked at Kui Niu on the side and said.

The Kuiniu clan is also the top clan in the starry behemoth civilization. They are huge in size, and their own talents and defenses are very terrifying. There are also many affiliated races on the border of the Qihang star realm, so the news was received the first time.

“It’s my king.”

“This is how things are. At the boundary of our sailing star realm, we found a group of very strange races. They are not big, but they are very powerful. In just one day, hundreds of river systems have been occupied by them. Those The races of the river system are all recovered by them.”

“At present, we have not investigated which ethnic group they belong to, but it is certain that their goal is to conquer the most fertile part of the Qihang star realm in which we live-territory.”

“There is such a thing.”

“The size is small, but the strength is very scary. I’m afraid there is such a group?”

“I didn’t believe it at first, but when I sent three soldiers of my clan to check, I was also arrested by them.”

“The seriousness of the matter is even beyond your imagination. According to the rapid plundering speed of that race, they can reach our area within a few days at most.”

“My lord, what do you want us to do?”

“From now on, the princes and kings will immediately return to their territories and mobilize all the troops in their territories to the Central River System. We are going to have a bloody battle with the unknown plain text here, and a battle will determine the universe.”

“Understand my king.”

“The owner has detected that the royal family of the Star Giant Beast Civilization has ordered the various races to unite and want to fight with us in the Central River System.”

After confirming that the star behemoth also has a ruler, Xiao Ran has already monitored them. It can be said that their every move is seen by Xiao Ran.

“Haha! Is there any movement at all? That’s fine.”

The speed of searching the rivers one by one is still too slow. In Xiao Ran’s opinion, it is best to catch them all at once and get them all done together, which is the most trouble-free.

“Continue to speed up.”


With Xiao Ran’s rapid looting and raiding, the princes and kings felt the great danger, and all the troops dispatched to the central court with the masters of their own ethnic groups.

Along the important waterways leading to the central royal court area, the huge starry sky behemoth army is pressing. Wherever it passes, the void shakes its terrible ripples, which can not be calmed for a long time, and it will scare some weak ethnic groups along the way. For fear of being accidentally eaten by these starry giants as food.

The entire Qihang star realm, the most fertile and fertile area, is occupied by the Celestials. Any river system here is more fertile than dozens of river systems on the border, and it belongs to the central area of ​​the Qihang star realm, and its aura is abundant. It also nourishes many natural treasures, and all kinds of creatures are very abundant.

The Nanling River System is the river system where many starry beasts have been designated by the Celestial Clan this time. This river system is rich in resources and enough for the army to consume resources.

You must know that all the star behemoths are big stomach kings. The food consumed every day is a terrible number, and they can easily eat many planets. There are not enough resources to support these army.

“The food supply of the army must be timely, and it is best to reserve more. Before the war, we must let everyone open their stomachs to eat so that they can fight when they are full.”

With an order from the Celestial Clan, in addition to letting the princes and kings send their troops to prepare for war, the remaining races with weak combat power are responsible for preparing 1.5 billion, from different river systems, continuously transporting food to the Nanling River system. .


The entire huge starry sky continent is full of the corpses of star behemoths. There are various races. A large part of them are races that can grow quickly but are weak in combat effectiveness. These races are often kept in captivity by powerful races. Get up as food.

It must be said that it is also sad. If it is in the sanctuary world, a star behemoth is of great value, especially the star behemoth’s innate talent for space capabilities. In the sanctuary world, some big families even have their own star behemoths. China opened up a continent as their core location.

Xiantian is invincible, because the star beasts constantly shuttle through the star realms, and you can’t find their place at all.

Starry behemoth civilization just give it to Sanctuary World Academy and family training. As long as the resources are sufficient, they can cultivate it into a detached or even stronger existence. After all, starry behemoths are different from human beings, and they have no talents themselves. The only limit is the rules of the universe.

However, in the starry sky behemoth civilization, the strength of the starry sky behemoths of the lower races is too low. For the powerful starry behemoths, they are just food and have no other value.

0 ·······Find flowers 0 ····

Time flickered for the fourth day.

The speed of Xiao Ran’s rapid search these days is of course also because the powerful races in the surrounding river systems have basically moved towards the central court, and the weak races are also very easy to suppress and recover.

“Brother, the resources of this universe are really amazing.”

In the past few days, Zhou Yi and Mu Fei have searched the resources of more than 30 river systems, and they don’t remember how many Starry Sky Continents are.

Many of those resources are rare resources in the sanctuary world. It can be said that they will basically break through to life and death once this world, and even the resources for transcendence are all prepared. Of course, if you want to go further, you need to. Search for more resources.

……… …. 0

The resources required by the three secret realms of the human body above the detached lens have increased exponentially, and even the resources of a few star continents may not be enough.

This is only for one person. The subordinates like Xiao Ran have trained a large group of subordinates, such as fierce beasts, monster pets, spirit beasts, star beasts, maids, and some transformed biochemical humans and robots, which require even more resources. , So Xiao Ran is also searching for resources all the time.

“Hehe, when I take you away from this star continent and head to the real stage of the universe, you won’t think that the resources that are being searched now are nothing.”

“That’s really looking forward to it.”

“Brother, how is their army assembled?”

Xi Yan was also very interested in planning to rescue the starry behemoth civilization and go to the prosperous civilization.

“According to the speed of their assembly, I am afraid it will take another thousand years.”


“After all, they don’t have starships. Although the starry sky monsters themselves are very fast, the army’s marching speed is not fast. Coupled with the need to search for food, it may take a thousand years for some river system starry sky monsters to reach their Central Dynasty base camp. Time, of course we won’t wait that long.”

Xiao Ran plans to launch an attack tomorrow. Now the Central Dynasty of Star Giant Beasts has gathered 60% of the powerful races. It is enough to kill them all. The remaining river system and resources are given to the maids, and some The star fleet can be solved.

…! Four.

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