Chapter 447

Because Pat himself is a foodie, he will search a lot of special delicacies, fruits, and foods on the planet to satisfy his appetite. Although the prices of these foods are not high, they will lose money even if they can’t be sold. It doesn’t matter to Pat, he almost finishes it.

For a tribe like Pat, the longer and rounder they eat, the better, because the fat zerg is their beauty, and the fatter they are, the stronger their strength.

Don’t look at Pat’s disgusting fat worm, but their racial potential is not low. Their birth strength is basically planetary. They can reach the cosmic level with a little effort. Of course, it’s more difficult to break through to the domain master level. Even so, their race is ranked top in the entire universe.

“Dear guests, if you are interested in these fruits and ingredients, please eat them~, take them as you like.”

For Pat, these fruits and ingredients are not very valuable anyway, and they can satisfy their appetite. If they can satisfy Xiao Ran and others with these things, it will be a big profit for Pat.


“It tastes good.”

When Pat said that Zhouyi was unceremoniously plucking a fruit from a tree and eating it, the taste was naturally good. For the picky Patty, poor-tasting ingredients were simply not in his eyes.

“Brother, this looks good…!” Xi Yan pointed to a green plant with transparent fruits on it, and the crystal water inside could be clearly seen.

“Mr. Pat can tell us about these specialty fruits? My sister also likes food very much.” Xiao Ran said.

“Of course you can be happy.”

“This is a special product that I searched in the Faerie Galaxy a few hours ago. It is a special product that has a very low yield and is only available on that planet. It is called Crystal Yingguo. The moisture in it can even restore the warrior’s injuries. .”

“There are also giant bone mushrooms. Regardless of their appearance and wrinkles, they are the same as white bones, but the taste is also very delicious.” Pat pointed to a giant bone mushroom and introduced.

“There is also purple gallograss here, it tastes great when used for dry sautéing.”

“and also……!”

Pete introduced more than 40 kinds of specialties to Xiao Ran in one breath. For the foodie Pete, as long as he likes the food, he can basically remember the name.


Xiao Ran, the spirit chef, naturally likes these things that contain aura ingredients. It was only after seeing these fruits and ingredients that Xiao Ran realized that this universe also has aura ingredients. Xiao Ran was a bit annoyed about this. He didn’t discover it earlier. The Silver Dragon Empire has searched so many planets, and I don’t know how many foods have been missed.

“What is your room?” Zhou Yi asked, pointing to the closed room.

“That’s some personal favorite food…!”

“Can I have a look?”


Zhou Yi wanted to see that Pat was very embarrassed. The ingredients were delicious to him, but they were definitely unacceptable to other races, especially humans, so Pat was hesitant to take them to see.

“How can it be something that can’t be seen?”

“of course not.”

“Since a few distinguished guests want to see it, let’s take a look.” Pat said.


“Good host.”

Slave Noel stepped forward to open the door, and Zhou Yi took the lead to walk in and take a look…!


The surrounding area is wide, surrounded by huge glassware filled with strange liquids, and there are many aliens of different races, they are constantly struggling inside.

“These are actually…!”

Zhou Yi looked at the surrounding things and instantly understood.

“Are these Xiao Ran?” Luo Xue looked at the surrounding scenes with anger in her heart, although she didn’t care about the lives and deaths of these alien races, she couldn’t accept this way.


“elder brother……!”

“Brother Xiao Ran.”

“not now.”

Seeing that the anger of Xiyan, Luo Xue, and Yu Xin had released their murderous aura, Xiao Ran quickly suppressed them and let them be quiet. Is there something to do.

“Master Pete, spare your life! Please spare your life!”

Some of the alien races still alive in the liquid saw Pat coming in and begging for mercy.


“Shut up! The food to be a great master is your pride and the value of your existence. You should feel honored.” Knoll said loudly.

Noel knew that his master was hosting a group of talented and powerful humans this time, and there could be no mistake.

0 ·······Find flowers 0 ····

These alien races are basically indigenous planets. Most people with low racial talents and incompetent will become slaves, but there are also some alien races within the fat zerg such as Pat, who like to treat other races as food. , The universe is so weak and strong, there is nothing to say.

For humans, monsters, spirit beasts, and fierce beasts are all food, and the same is true for the opposite. Therefore, looking at these Xiao Ran, he didn’t think there was anything. If you want to not be eaten by others, you need your own strength.

It happened that this scene was good for Xiyan, Luo Xue, and Yuxin, at least to let them understand the cruelty of the universe, and sometimes don’t show fearless sympathy.

“Are these delicious?” Mu Fei asked while looking at Pat.

Of course, deep down in his heart, Pat also wished to kill Pat now.

…… ……… …….

“Yeah! Especially the Altras and Harleys I just started recently…! A few races grilled, and the meat is tender and delicious.”

Pat thought that Mu Fei was a fellow man and introduced him with excitement.

They are very knowledgeable about eating these extraterrestrial pies. Even the fat zerg of their race has edited a book of extraterrestrial foods, listing hundreds of thousands of aliens, all of them are their recipes, in order to satisfy For appetite, they even raise these races in captivity, and provide them with tribal people as food every year.

“It can be seen that Mr. Pat has tasted many races.”

“There, compared to the elders of my race, I am still too young.” Pat was able to say.

“Huh! There is a chance to wipe out all these fat insects.”

Pat didn’t know the genocide brought about by his entire ethnic group. If it weren’t for the search for the Heilongshan Empire, Xiyan, Luo Xue, and Yuxin would go directly to the Demon Flame Civilization. The worms are all gone.

“I don’t know…!” Pat looked at several people.

If Xiao Ran and the others need it, Pat is also very happy to give Xiao Ran some of his delicacies.

“We are not good at this, Mr. Pat will take us to the incubation room for a look.” Xiao Ran said calmly.


Xiao Ran and the others didn’t want to send a special and didn’t say much, and the people in front led the people to leave the room and continue to walk forward.

…! Four.

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