Chapter 280

“Run…! Run, you run.” The young man slapped the horse under him frantically, but the horse didn’t move a step.

“You are moving.”

“Damn it! I can’t move, no…! Don’t come over, don’t come over.”

The young man wanted to abandon the horse and flee, but he found that the horse couldn’t move at all. Seeing Xiao Ran getting closer and closer to him, the young man’s heart was about to collapse. At this moment, his only thought was to live.

“Haha! You were very arrogant just now.”

“Don’t kill me, this son, take whatever you want. All the cultivation resources and treasures of my storage ring can be given to you. Please let me go.” The young man looked at Xiao Ran and pleaded loudly.

“Do you think it’s possible? I can get the storage ring even after I killed you. This won’t get you a life.”

“You can’t kill me. I’m the big five or seven young master of the Qian family. My family has a lot of cultivation resources, money, and martial arts. As long as you let me go, you can get as much as you want. If you kill me, you will be chased by my father and family elders. Killed,” the young man said loudly.

“so what?”

“No…! No, son, as long as you don’t kill me and let me do anything.”

Seeing Xiao Ran’s indifferent appearance, the young man knew that he was really a genius who provoke a big influence this time. He could directly destroy several of his men with a wave of his hand, allowing the dragon blood horse to stay in place and even control his body. Thinking about young people feels terrible.

“You guy is really a ghost who is afraid of death. Since you are afraid of death, you still like to provoke others. You killed a lot of people before.” Xiao Ran said.

“No no!”

“Shut up! Now I ask you to answer, if I am satisfied, I might let you go.”

“You said, as long as I know things, I will tell you.”

The young man now only wants to save his life, and he is willing to do whatever he can to save his life.

“What’s the name of the town in front?” Xiao Ran asked.

“It’s Moon Sky City.”

The young man wondered why Xiao Ran didn’t even know the town in front of him, but he told Xiao Ran honestly.

“Speak in detail, and tell me the surrounding forces.”

“Okay, okay! Young Master Yuetian City is the main city under the jurisdiction of Yuanyue Dongtian. Yuanyue Dongtian is a great power in charge of ten sects, including Yuehua Gate, Xinghua Gate, and Rihua Gate, and is extremely powerful.”

“What is your specific realm of strength here?”


“I asked you how the realm of strength is divided, don’t you understand?”

“Starting from the lowest level of warrior, it’s not very clear that the realm villain after the fighter, fighter, master, fighting spirit, fighting kuang, fighting king, fighting emperor, fighting immortal, fighting immortal, and Mingxian is not very clear. .”

“What? Fighter, fighter, are you sure you are right?”

“Of course it’s true, how dare I deceive you, son.”

Xiao Ran’s question made the youth completely bewildered. The martial artist’s cultivation realm is known to everyone. Not only did Xiao Ran not know, but he was surprised that it really made him…!

“What happened to Xiao Ran?” Luo Xue asked.


“What is the trading currency in this world?”

After that, Xiao Ran asked a lot of things, which completely made Xiao Ran depressed. No matter how he looked at this world, it was completely similar to the one in his memory.

“There is actually Dou Huo.”

In addition to this, what else are there in Doushui, Doumu, Doujin, Doutu, Doufeng… there are more heaven and earth spiritual objects than in that world.

However, the realm of strength is much stronger. According to the realm of normal strength, Xiao Yan’s world is only a medium-to-mid plane world. The strength of the strongest Doudi is only equivalent to the next realm of the Yin-Yang realm of the New Origin Period. And the strength of this world Mingxian is equivalent to the Doudi who breaks the world.

And there are two realms of strength after Mingxian. The young man doesn’t know, but at this point, Xiao Ran basically affirms that this world is indeed a high plane, in the New Origin Era, it is equivalent to possessing the strength of a royal city.


“Interestingly, which world is this? The martial artist’s cultivation realm is similar to that of Doupo, but this is not the world of Doupo, and its realm of strength is much stronger than the world of Doupo.”

Although he got some news from the youth, Xiao Ran couldn’t tell what kind of world this was for a while. After all, besides the most famous World of Fighting Break Sphere, there are also many worlds that also divide the strength of fighters.

“Forget it, don’t care.”

Xiao Ran really can’t think of what this world is, and I don’t bother to think about it. Now the main thing is to go to Yuetian City to check other news, buy some clothes for Jiyi, and find a treasure to break through the realm 0 .. …..

“Give me your storage ring.”


The young man quickly handed over his storage ring to Xiao Ran.

“Sir, can you let me go?”


Xiao Ran lifted his control over the youth and the dragon-blooded horse. The young man hit the horse with a whip and started running towards Moon Sky City. Now he wanted to return to the city quickly and let his father capture Xiao Ran and the others.



Before he drove a few steps, the young man’s body burst into blood and filled the sky.

“Couldn’t you stop using this disgusting method like brother?” You don’t have to think about Xi Yan to know that Xiao Ran must have used the Blood Origin Jiezhi again.

“Hehe! This is the art of explosion.”

“elder brother.”

“Just kidding, let’s go into town.”

Xiao Ran took the three daughters to the outside of Yuetian City. This Otherworld city seemed to be relatively majestic. The 30-meter-high city wall was guarded by a team of soldiers standing at the gate. It should be a fighter.

“The style of city construction is completely different for different world strengths.” Although Xiao Ran has only been to one town in Peerless Wuhun World, it can be seen that there is a huge difference between the two.

“There are so many people here.”

“Brother is so lively here.”

“Go into town.”

Around 0.4 weeks, there was a high flow of people coming and going. Xiao Ran led the three women into the city with the people, but their clothes were destined to attract everyone’s attention, especially Xi Yan and Luo Xue became the focus again.

“It’s so beautiful, this is the fairy of that sect.”

“Looking at their dresses, they don’t want any sect of clothing. Could it be that big family came from?”


“Whoever he is, it wasn’t our sin.”

“By the way, isn’t the Full Moon Chamber of Commerce holding an auction today? Did you say that the son and the two fairies came to the auction?”


“I heard that the Full Moon Chamber of Commerce is going to auction a lot of good things this time, attracting many big forces to participate.”

“Anyway, we can’t afford it, and we don’t even have the qualifications to enter the auction.”

…! .

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