The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 281: : Ye Chuang Prime Minister's Mansion

As soon as the voice fell, the butler's anxious voice came from outside the hall: "Second Miss, you can't go in, the empress dowager is discussing the matter with the prime minister inside, wait for me to go and interpret it together...Second Miss..."

Then, there was a ‘bang...’.

The door of the main hall was pushed open heavily and shook several times before it barely stopped.

Seeing Feng Ruchu breaking in so unruly, Feng Zheng said angrily with a face of Chinese characters, "Presumptuous, the empress mother is here, how dare you to break so hard, do you have any rules!?"

The queen mother had a murderous intention to Feng Ruchu early, but she had an amiable look on her face, saying: "The second girl rushed back in such anxiousness. I guess she also heard the news of Fengze's injury. excusable."

With the help of the maid beside him, Feng Ze got up slowly, looking very weak, and said, "As always, you are back? Don't worry, brother is okay..."

He walked forward graciously for two steps. Who knows, before reaching out and handing her to chat, Feng Ruchu directly raised a golden light and hit him.

Feng Ze didn't seem to have thought that Feng Ruchu would make a sudden move. Without any defense, he was thrown into the air, and fell over with a bang, hitting the mahogany table and chairs behind him to pieces.

"Ze'er!" Liu Shuxian lost his "color" in shock, and hurriedly ran to help Feng Ze up. Seeing his bloodless "color" face turned paler, blood stains appeared on the corners of his mouth.

Liu Shuxian was distressed and angry, gouging Feng Ruchu and cursing: "You are a **** who won't go home for a few days. When you go home, you dare to do something to your brother. Are you mentally sick?"

Feng Ruchu ignored Liu Shuxian's abuse, but stood not far away, looking at Feng Ze with cold eyes. Liu Shuxian saw her contemptuous attitude, got up and rushed up: "I'm talking to you, what kind of attitude do you have, don't think that you will be lawless if you restore your five spiritual roots. It's the Prime Minister's Mansion, your father is still on it."

"Fuck." Feng Ruchu uttered a word.

Liu Shuxian's eyes widened in shock: "What did you say?"

"Get off." Feng Ruchu squinted at her: "Don't understand?"

After being scolded by a younger generation in front of so many people, Liu Shuxian rolled up his sleeves in anger and cursed with a blushing face: "Oh, you, a white-eyed wolf with no respect and inferiority, dare to talk to the elders like this. Teach you well..."

As he said, he must lift up and beat her.

Feng Ruchu was too lazy to bother with her. Before the wind of her palm fell, he directly raised a hand and threw her out.

Liu Shuxian had no aura, and was miserably beaten by this palm. His forehead hit the wall. He raised his hand and "touched" it, a piece of blood, and he fainted with a fright.

"It's the opposite, hurting the brother and killing the mother, Feng Ruchu, you're all the opposite!" Feng Zheng stunned.

Feng Ruchu ignored him, but a teleport, flashed in front of Feng Ze, and with one hand, he picked him up in the air and pressed him against the wall.

"In the beginning, I trusted you so much, relied on you, heard that you were injured, and drove out of the Cloud Palace regardless, but what about you, what did you do to him? Use his trust to demonize him and make him a peace You are not a human, a ghost, a fairy, nor a devil? Fengze, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Feng Ze was confused when he heard it, and his eyes were blank: "What is demonization? What is not human or ghost? What happened in the beginning? I haven't seen him these days, what happened to him?"

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