The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 327: : Do you want it! Do you want!

Li Wei walked through the forest calmly, and he found that the progress of "elements" collection had stopped.

He kept walking forward, not in a hurry, he could walk for a long, long time.

And he has already made up his mind to throw little Godzilla on this planet! Whether the Na'vi accepted it or not, he was going to do it.

Eva? Do you want it!

Do you want!

If this Godzilla is really the guardian of nature, then it must be!

As we all know, the planet is round, as long as he walks in one direction, he will always go to the ocean, unless the continents of this world are connected rings!

Seeing the ocean, Li Wei directly threw Godzilla into the seabed, fed it full, and it could survive without its parents!


In short, the plan is just such a plan. As for the collection of elements, when the time comes to kidnap Jack or Natalie, and bring them both with you for a while, the progress will be slow!

Such a simple thing, no need for a brain at all!

This time, it's the next day...

Jack, who was abandoned and left alone, found a tall tree in the forest. After lying there, he was ready to sleep through the day.

But when he was about to fall asleep, the Na'vi's body lost consciousness, the link chamber was forcibly terminated from the outside, and his consciousness was pushed out of this body and returned to the body at the base of Hell's Gate.

The hatch was opened, and the harsh light above his head made him uncomfortable, but the light was quickly blocked by a large group of people surrounding him.

Dr. Grace reached out and patted his face, shouting, "Jack! Jack! Wake up child, wake up!"

Jack's eyes gradually widened. For the first time, he experienced this feeling of consciousness alternating back and forth between the two bodies. One second he was still in the tree, and the next second he was back in the connection cabin. It was amazing.

"I'm fine! Cough... Ha, I'm fine!" Seeing these familiar faces, Jack finally released himself from the pressure of Pandora's virgin jungle, and laughed out of recognition.

After confirming that Jack's life was safe, Dr. Grace immediately asked, "Is your Avatar safe?"

Avatar has invested billions of dollars in research and development funds, and the death of a body is enough to make her feel distressed for a long time, and care is inevitable.

"I don't know, I climbed the tree at the end, and it should be lying on it well... um!"

Jack's uncertain answer made Dr. Grace relieved. As long as he didn't lie directly on the haystack, he might still be alive. Just go and see tomorrow!

"Okay, let's go to rest and eat first. That body is important, and this body is also important now." Grace patted Jack's shoulder and said comfortingly.

The other scientists who were onlookers also comforted so much, and they were ready to leave after speaking.

"Wait!" Seeing everyone wanted to leave like this, Jack stopped them immediately and said mysteriously, "You never imagine what happened to me!"


When Dr. Grace and the others heard the words, they showed puzzled expressions.

Next, Jack told them everything he met Natalie and Li Wei after he left behind, followed Natalie into the home tree, listened to Li Wei tell the shocking history, and finally was chased by the "pot head clan" Species within the range of the home tree.

These stories sound magical, but they're all true!

Jack also focuses on Livy, and a beast with him, God knows why a human can move freely on the planet of Pandora without wearing a respirator.

They once tried to move on Pandora without wearing a respirator, and they would be suffocated by the extremely high gas concentration in three minutes.

And the air on the planet Pandora contains some substances that are harmful to the human body, and if inhaled in excess, it will cause death.

Grace fell into thinking. She felt that this was no longer a simple scientific study. Maybe I should inform Colonel Miles, maybe he will know something?

After Jack had cleaned himself up, they set off to find Colonel Miles.

At this time, Colonel Miles was still sweating profusely in the gym, and after receiving the communication, he entered the command room of the Gate of Hell with a stinky sweat.

Colonel Miles has three hideous scars on his face, which are the wounds he accidentally scratched by the beasts on the planet Pandora. Other than that, he is like an ordinary tough guy with American characteristics, not too many Features that can leave a deep impression on people.

In the command room, apart from the staff still on duty, there were only a few prominent scientists in white coats, and Jack in a wheelchair.

"Let's talk about it, if you have any good things, you can find me instead of Parker, the person in charge of this base. I will not grant you any funds."

"We know who's in charge of the money, Colonel Miles, let Jack tell you." Dr. Grace folded her arms and responded to the funny joke with a blank expression.

Colonel Miles chuckled, then looked at Jack in the wheelchair and said, "Oh, so you're looking for me, what's the matter?"

"Yes sir..." Jack then told about Li Wei This also successfully attracted the attention of Colonel Miles.

He listened to the description with a slightly weird expression. Li Wei's description sounded like a fart to him. Even if he was not a scientist, he knew that the air on Pandora planet was poisonous, and he would definitely die if he didn't wear a respirator!

But after Jack talked about Godzilla's appearance, he withdrew his smile, because he had only seen Godzilla today, and it left a lot of impression on him.

"You have indeed found the right person, come and have a look with me." Colonel Miles nodded calmly, brought a few people to a dozing technician, woke him up, and asked him to call out the transport plane this morning picture taken above.

Grace, Jack, and others watched strongly. Captured by the space fighter cameras of the interstellar age, the sudden appearance of humanoid monsters and the appearance of the dinosaur-like Godzilla were recorded with precious pictures.

The picture freezes at the moment when Li Wei and Godzilla just jumped to the top of the fighter plane, the image is enlarged, the pixel is restored, and the last wonderful combination of a humanoid monster and a dinosaur appears.

"Yes! It's it..." Jack said with certainty, but he was also very confused. The background of this photo seemed to be the universe!

When everyone was shocked by the pictures of the creatures appearing in the universe without any protection, Colonel Miles explained to them: "It was a sudden appearance when the transport plane arrived in the morning, the picture lasted for five minutes, and we also organized helicopters to prepare Go kill these two things. But he fell off the plane very quickly, and I didn't expect to be killed. I'm a little curious now what they are?"

Listening to Colonel Miles' words, Jack's eyes gradually widened. He was not staring at Godzilla, but the black humanoid monster.

My heart trembled, this... Could it be Li Wei? !


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