The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 307: : Failed Cultivation

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After routinely injecting little Godzilla with Compound No. 5, Li Wei was given a task that he had to complete, to get some Compound No. 5, because the underground laboratory of the manor no longer had the materials to make Compound No. One is to find some nuclear waste for little Godzilla to eat.

When he thinks of it, he sets off. These two things can be completed in less than a few hours. When the time is enough, he will return to the solemn. If the motherland has not come back, he has to clean up the motherland.

When flying in the sky, the little Godzilla that he held in his hand was shivering with fright at first, but after a while, it cried out excitedly again.

Now his destination is the nuclear waste storage room in the United States, but now on the way, he has to see how the embryos cultivated with Compound 5 are doing.

After flying for dozens of kilometers, Li Wei landed in an uninhabited gravel forest, and removed the boulder next to the slope, where the five embryos were placed.

This place can be found casually, all you need is a deserted place.

Li Wei separated a tentacle and tied the little Godzilla's upper body, and then led it to the cave. After a certain distance, Li Wei and little Godzilla both saw five transparent flesh-colored petri dishes.

These petri dishes are meat **** filled with amniotic fluid, and five unknown objects with only the outline of one person floating in the film are full of strangeness.

Even if these things were made by Li Wei himself, he was still horrified by this scene.

The results were not unexpected. These embryos had no consciousness, let alone superpowers. Compound No. 5 was scattered and flowed in every corner of the villain's body, but it was not absorbed at all, and it failed.

The picture is too intrusive, Li Wei quickly took back the embryos, cleaned up the surroundings, and then continued to lead the little Godzilla to the place where the American soldiers stored the nuclear waste.

The process is not far, and the nuclear waste does not need to be guarded frequently. Li Wei simply opened the door of the bunker-like storage facility, and walked in with the little Godzilla jumping after absorbing the radiation.

After he stuffed the little Godzilla into a compartment, he pinched the little Godzilla's face and said, "You stay here and don't go anywhere until I come back. If you understand it, shake your head up and down. Shake your head left and right when you understand!"

Little Godzilla was photographed in Li Wei's Silver Power, so he had to shake his head up and down.

"Yes, come back and reward you with a bone!" Li Wei rubbed little Godzilla's head with satisfaction, and then let it stay in the storage room for fun.

Then Li Wei left here, went to find the secret pharmaceutical factory of Walter Company, and got a little Compound No. 5 and it was done.

When he came to a secret pharmaceutical factory that was closest to Edgar's memory, he found that the outside of the factory had been beaten into a dog's brain.

The staff and security of Vought Company are gone. Instead, several groups of unknown armed men shoot each other passionately outside the factory, and explosions can be seen from time to time.

It's barely close to the edge of a city, and the police haven't arrived yet?

Oh! The police have already arrived!

At high altitude, Li Wei finally saw more than a dozen policemen with small pistols shooting cold shots at two waves of people from time to time in the corner of the battlefield. It looked very out of place...

Those groups of terrorists even have machine guns and rocket launchers in their hands. These dozen or so police officers have a small pistol, and if they add a few rifles, the outrageous degree is no different from toothpicks...

The battle below had an immediate sense of being over at any time. Li Wei couldn't stand it any longer and fell from the sky.

The fighters on several sides were beaten so hard that they did not dare to emerge from behind their respective bunkers. All kinds of greetings and remarks came after they opened their mouths, but they did not lose their vision of the sky. With the harsh sound of fuel jets, everyone stopped for a while. After taking a shot, he ducked back into the bunker and looked up at the rapidly approaching figure in the sky.

Li Wei started to decelerate after approaching the ground with his feet down and his wings adjusted his flight attitude, falling like a pitch-black angel.

His appearance was stunned by several waves of forces who robbed the compound No. 5 inventory, including the police who were playing soy sauce in the distance.

"Sword Bearer..." Someone whispered the most recognizable code name given to Li Wei by netizens, and the eyes exposed outside were full of apprehension and panic.

This is a ruthless man who singled out all the Walter superheroes. Although there are very few records of the opponent's actions captured from the camera, he is a monster that can survive the siege of more than a dozen superheroes!

For a while, panic spread among those who were not very determined, causing them to tremble with fear.

There are also some cult members who are so excited that they bow down to their heads. There are really many weird people in the European and American world...

Especially in terms of religion, these people have an astonishing gift for superstition, and Li Wei said he did not know those who kneeled in worship.

He landed on the top of a burning car, looked around at the people who were watching him silently, then changed back to his original appearance and asked, "You guys are having a good time here, tell me who took it. Compound No. 5, whoever told me first, I'll give him a small reward!"

One of the group of mercenaries who licked blood with a knife all smiled slightly, and stood up as soon as the voice fell, pointing to the two waves of people on the other two sides.

"They got it all!"*4


The three parties who blamed each other all looked at each other with shock in their eyes, as if they were wondering, how could you listen to this person so quickly?

Even if the sword bearer is the ruthless man who overshadowed the Justice League that was founded less than three days ago, but you are also a group of desperadoes who licked blood, how can you be so spineless!

It wasn't these people that Li Wei noticed. There were four responses just now, and the fourth one came from the police team playing soy sauce in the distance.

After giving a thumbs up to the other side, he made a decisive move, shooting nearly a hundred sharp thorns from his body, blasting all the three waves of armed terrorists who were still disgusting with each other.

Whether hiding behind a rock mass or lying on the ground, everyone's bodies flew upside down involuntarily, and the corpses surprisingly formed a beautiful wreath shape.

"Yeah!! Swordsman!"

Seeing such a shocking scene, the police in the distance not only were not afraid, but instead gave a collective cheer, just like they cheered to the people of the motherland.

The personnel in these high-risk industries don't care about the life and death of criminals. It's best if they're dead. Just put them in a bag and throw them away, and they'll cheer if they're not alive.

Li Weichong waved his hand at the policeman over there, smiling extremely happily, and then found several boxes of Compound No. 5 from the three waves of people.

These people all took some Compound No. 5, and the mission was completed, but he wanted to do something more and walked to the group of police.

The group of policemen were not afraid either. They put away their guns and took out their mobile phones and walked over. All of them had excited smiles on their faces.

The cops subconsciously saw Levi as a Walter superhero who never refused to take pictures with fans, not a top terrorist still wanted by the federal government.

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