The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 300: : Gentleman is magnanimous

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pat! The rope in Shen Hai's hand fell to the ground, and his mood was like riding a roller coaster.

After seeing Medellin's body, his first reaction was to scream, and his second reaction was to close the door!

The door of the office was closed, and Shen Hai then hugged his head and said to himself with a look of despair, "Sheet, it's over! What should I do! Should I call the police? But how do I tell the police, this is definitely...Fuck !"

Who has been to the Medellin office before?

He saw with his own eyes that the natives entered the room. If he told the police that the natives killed him, he would not let him go. What should I do!

The deep sea was as anxious as ants on a hot pan, pacing back and forth.

But soon, his eyes were drawn to a camera in the corner of the office.

Seeing the camera, he immediately regained his energy, threw Medellin on the chair to the ground, sat on the chair, and called up the camera in the room from the computer on the desktop to record the picture.

He happened to learn this thing, to monitor whether the women who had had relations with him said behind his back that his body was strange, the technology was learned from the technical department of Walter Company, it was very solid, and he was one of the few Serious skills.

"Quick, quick! Okay, it's here!" Deep Sea pressed Enter, finally cracked the program, entered the monitoring system, called up the monitoring just now, and went back a little bit.

Water's monitoring is very advanced, not only is ultra-clear, but also has a sound recording function.

In the surveillance footage, Medellin stood up from the sofa with a sad expression on his face. He wiped his tears and walked behind the desk, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't hide this from you... I just want to protect you!"

"You promised me, there are no secrets!" The natives also seemed very excited, stood up from the sofa, and walked slowly towards Medellin.

After Medellin sat on the desk chair, he turned his back.

The surveillance did not see her expression at the time, only her voice could be heard on the computer, "I'm so sorry! But these are all forced, I didn't propose this matter, it was Edgar who wanted to do it. Yes, I'm just... sorry!"

"What..." Seeing this, the deep sea began to have a fatal interest in the things discussed between Medellin and the motherland.

During the surveillance, the natives strode around behind the desk, turned the chair that had been rotated to the back, and then moved closer to Medellin's face, speaking in a very low voice.

The surveillance did not record this part of the whispered conversation. Deep Sea could only see that after the two whispered a few words, the natives shot hot eyes from their eyes and killed Medellin...

Seeing that Medellin was killed by the eyes, Shen Hai couldn't help but glance at Medellin's body lying on the ground in a strange posture.

The natives stayed in place for a while after killing Medellin, then left, and then he entered the office.

"What secret are you talking about?"

To kill his lover, Shen Hai couldn't figure out why the motherland would do this, so he wanted to know the truth.

The monitoring continued to pull back, starting from the time when the native entered the office, and then he saw something special.

"Hahahahaha! It turns out that there are people faster than me! Hahaha!"

"What the... the giant baby of Wei? Hiss!"


"I knew it! Wanting to escape to London and leave us alone! Damn capitalist!"

The relationship between the motherland and Medellin is almost an unspoken secret among the seven superheroes, but it is the first time that the deep sea knows that the motherland can actually play so much with Medellin!

To actually drink milk... Weird things are done, it really has an unknown side!

Looking back, Shen Hai finally knew the secret of this motherland's killer after turning his voice to the maximum.

After learning the truth, Shen Hai's whole person was petrified, and his heart was overturned, as if he had experienced an earthquake of magnitude 8.

"The motherland actually has a super baby!"

The most unifying trait of Compound Five is the loss of fertility, which means that superheroes can never have children.

But now what he heard, the motherland actually had a child!

Deep Sea was so excited that his whole body was trembling, and he played that dialogue back and forth again. The original purpose had long been thrown into the clouds by him, and now he just wanted to know, "Who is Becca?!"

He wants kids too!


The people of the motherland under the Water Building did not know that their secrets were known so quickly, and someone hiding in the safe house did not know that their wife was being targeted by a superhero.

The motherlanders suspended above the crowd had a calm expression and shouted to the parade: "Do you think you are doing the right thing now?"

No one in the parade said a word, but looked at the people of the motherland with firm, contemptuous eyes.

Li Wei, who was in the crowd, didn't interrupt the people of the motherland. He wanted to know what the people of the motherland wanted to say.

"Who has been flying around in various places to protect you all these years? Who has prevented many disasters, and who has made the crime rate in the United States drop to an unbelievable level?" If you want at any time, start killing.

"You are a criminal!"

Finally, there was a stunned youth in the parade who shouted and angered the people of the motherland. More people responded to the warrior's words, and the trend of unifying slogans gradually increased.

Seeing that his voice was about to be drowned out, the natives of the motherland who had not finished speaking quickly raised their hands, "Wait...wait! Let me finish my sentence! Be quiet!"

After some coaxing and persuasion, the crowd finally calmed down again.

The natives of the motherland spoke again and said, "I know that you have a lot of dissatisfaction. You believed in the content on the Internet and marched, no problem! This is your freedom, and now I want to tell you!"


Li Wei in the crowd is ready to go, ready to jump out when the motherland is killing people, be a decent Taoist friend, and carry forward the inheritance of the teacher's sect!

But the next second, everyone was dumbfounded, even him.

"You won!" The natives grabbed their chests with both hands and tore the blue superhero uniform with force, revealing pectoral muscles with a little chest hair.

After tearing up his shirt, he crumpled the Stars and Stripes on his back and threw it into the sky, his sight burned to shreds.

Lost the gloves, and even shredded the pants!

Tear off the last and float above everyone's heads, the cows and cows swaying in the wind, extremely dazzling.

There was an unpretentious smile on the face of the motherland, akimbo, and roared sarcastically: "I'm quitting! Whoever wants to be the clown in front of the screen again, let them be! You are victorious, Enjoy your **** freedom! I wish you all die tomorrow, Fuckyou! And, bye!"

After saying these words, the natives flew into the sky with a series of frantic laughter, and disappeared in front of the stunned crowd in the blink of an eye.

No one thought that the natives would run away like this!

And run so crisply, so free and easy, so... bohemian!

Even Li Wei never imagined that the people of the motherland would do such a thing. This is a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from what he thought. Why is this happening?

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