The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 259: : Avi, stop it, it's full of viruses outside

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"Li Wei, you are awake." Kun Kun's sonar sounded, this is a stream of information that cannot be captured.

Hearing Kun Kun's sonar, Li Wei shook his body, stood upright in the sea, and asked, "How long have I slept?"

"How long?" Kun Kun didn't seem to have the concept of time, and he couldn't answer Li Wei's question.

Li Wei shrugged helplessly, then looked around with a slightly confused expression, "Where's the phone sheep?"

Kun Kun answered this question, "Did you say that strange creature, it was already dead, and the body was eaten by some small fish."

"Huh? The phone sheep is dead?!" Li Wei was so shocked that his whole body bounced. If the sheep died, the dream could not be reproduced!

After a while, he sighed with some regret, and then regained his spirits.

Although that dream was great, it was fake after all, and he had always believed in what he wanted, and he had to create this profound truth with his own hands.

After giving himself a sip of chicken soup, Li Wei felt relieved, as if he had done a full set of massage treatments, and he was full of hope when he faced the **** time again.

At this time, the throbbing of the body began to come again. This throbbing seems to be affected from the outside in. The specific reason is still unclear to Li Wei.

After the Lese key was broken, the time function was also frozen, and it was now a useless treasure.

If you want to know how long you have slept, you have to go outside to see.

Aware that Li Wei seems to be leaving again, Kun Kun said again, "Is Li Wei leaving again?"

Li Wei replied, "Yeah, how long has it been since I went outside to see."

"It seems that some strange changes have taken place outside." Kun Kun reminded kindly.

Li Wei floated on the sea with a confident smile on his face, "I am extremely strong today, nothing can scare me, because I have it"

Drilling out along the kun's teeth, after drilling out the big mouth, the ocean showed an uneasy silence.

Almost all the fish and shrimp in sight have disappeared, and the once prosperous underwater world seems to have suffered some special effects.

The moment his body touched the sea water outside Kun Kun's mouth, Li Wei frowned. There was a black light virus in the sea water, but it was not his original version, but a new black light virus!


Realizing that the sea water was actually full of viruses, Li Wei was taken aback, jumped out of the sea and switched to flying form, ready to go and see what was going on.

But as soon as he got out of the sea, the thick black clouds in the sky really frightened him.

There is a lot of dust in the air, and the dark clouds are not like a natural gathering, but more like a large amount of gunpowder and smoke rushing into the sky.

The dark clouds weighed down, and the wind and rain were about to come and people could not breathe.

Staring at the sky for a moment, Li Wei plunged into the sea below again, got into Kun Kun's mouth again, recovered the meat ball, and regained all of his body before flying towards New York.

At this time, New York has long lost its former prosperity, and chaos is filling every corner of the city.

Countless deformed monsters dashed on the streets, knocking them down and biting them when they encountered people. Gunshots and shouts resounded non-stop, and tragedies continued to happen on this land.

"Watch out for grenades! Watch out for grenades!"

There were two dull roars from under the gas mask, and a team of American SWAT quickly hid behind the cover.

With a few explosions, the deformed monsters that rushed forward were blown down a few times, and the bombs were useless at all!


Upon seeing this, the captain of the SWAT team immediately greeted his companions to get in the car and prepare to evacuate.

After the police got into the car, the police armored vehicle dashed wildly on New York Avenue.

The deformed monsters running along the way were constantly knocked away, and none of the police officers looking out the window were relieved.

The captain sitting in the passenger seat reached out and pressed the radio station of the police car. The channel that had been tuned was not the internal channel of the police, but the recent news broadcast by a stranger.

"Welcome to Edith's channel, if you happen to start listening to my coverage, then I will congratulate you. As for why, listen to me slowly!

Today is the 13th day of the apocalypse, and monsters are evolving faster than we can imagine. There are three A-level hardest hit areas that have been confirmed so far, Peanut Tunnel, Los Angeles and New York!

If you are unfortunate enough to be in any of these three cities, then my prayers and good luck are with you.

But if a friend is in New York, then it is very sad, and I will mourn for you~!

Because starting from today, the danger level of New York has been upgraded to S-level, haha! Of course you don't have to believe my information, but when the big lizards arrive, I hope you won't be scared to pee your pants! "

"F**k! What kind of **** report is this!" When a team member heard this, he couldn't help but scolded, saying that New York had become the only S-class hard-hit area, which was talking about bad things!

"If this **** shows up in front of me, I will definitely give him a taste of the NYPD's iron fist of justice! Damn clown!"

"Shut up Bernie!" The captain scolded the player, and he was also very angry. Why is the situation in other places basically stable, but New York is becoming more and more dangerous.

But if they wanted to survive, they had to continue listening to this nasty **** finish his sentence.

The other team members didn't say anything. While being alert to the movement of the monsters outside the car window, they put some energy on the broadcast.

"Okay, well, I believe that many people already know where the big lizard is. This is not Khosla, it is a huge and terrifying monster, maybe seven or eight meters long?"

"It has a big mouth similar to a crocodile, and its claws are very sharp and can easily shred a car. If you are unfortunate enough to encounter it in New York, don't be afraid, as long as you don't actively attack, it will not attack you.

In addition, this information comes from drone aerial photography and a survivor's reminder that the old man may have died under the monster's claws, or he may have inhaled the virus and turned into a new monster, but he has already never mind. "

The people on the radio seemed to be very relaxed. He should have been hiding in a very safe place, and he could still speak in such a relaxed tone even when the whole world was in chaos.

"OK! After talking about the disaster report, the next step is the hot spot. It is the shelter that everyone is more concerned about. There are 311 small shelters, 43 medium shelters and 5 large shelters in the United States."

"After a long day of waiting, 18 small shelters lost contact, 7 medium shelters lost contact, and the large shelter has not collapsed, but the dawn shelter was hit by corpses, and it seems that many people were injured. I'm really worried about Dawn Refuge. UU Reading"

"Their entry rules have not changed. Each person has to pay ten kilograms of storable food to enter. Haha, this is the biggest joke of the 21st century!"

"Also, in New York, the Proud Boys' sanctuary has taken shape, and they asked me to promote it. Anyone with white skin is welcome to join, and each person only needs to provide five kilograms of food and is willing to go out with the hunting party. If you are white, Then congratulations, there's no better place than the Proud Boys Refuge!"

Hearing this, the captain hammered the baffle in front of him, his expression gloomy visibly.

The only black man in the team also squeezed his gun tightly and was quite angry, but after seeing the trusting eyes from his teammates, he felt a little more at ease.

Five minutes later, with a gunshot, Xiao Hei's body was thrown out of the armored car, and the car turned its head and drove towards the New York Proud Boys Refuge as the radio said.

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