[Parasite-type genetic modification agent]

Side effects: Not found yet.

Effect: A slight increase in body values, twenty times the healing speed after injury, the ability to harden at the injection site, and... change the upper limit of one's own limit values!

This is the experimental data Xiu Yi obtained from rabbits.

As for the rabbit that was almost spoiled by playing with it, he put it back into the cage and filled it with fodder.

After all, healing injuries requires the consumption of body energy, and body energy needs to be replenished by food. Xiu Yi did not want this experimental mouse to die.

Looking at the three tubes of dreamy and beautiful blue potion on the table, he still can't come to his senses.

There is no need to pay attention to the small variables of the medicine. You only need to follow the prompts of Super Brain, add the medicinal materials without thinking, and proceed mechanically...

Xiu Yi suddenly felt a little ridiculous. According to Superintelligence's guidance, he believed that if he succeeded once out of four productions, it would be the favor of the goddess of luck. But he succeeded four times. What does this mean?

The successful production of the parasitic beast's genetically modified medicine is inevitable!

He overestimated the difficulty of genetically modifying the parasitic beast! It can even be said that the genetically modified drug for parasitic beasts is not difficult at all.

Anyone can do this kind of mechanical operation based on prompts, as long as they can endure the three hours!

"The injection site will have the ability to harden, so..." Hughie took off his shirt, leaving his upper body naked.

Under the bright light, his skin glowed with a healthy whiteness like ivory, and his muscles were like sculptures. Not only did he not feel tough, but he showed a soft harmony.

"It would have been nice to have caught more of it."

Xiu Yi felt a little regretful and regretted at the same time why he had to use a bottle of potion on the rabbit with caution.

Genetic modification agents can only be injected of the same type, otherwise the genes will collapse.

Depending on the situation, some genetically modified drugs can be injected superimposed, although the effect will be reduced.

The genetically modified medicine for parasitic beasts belongs to this type of medicine that can be injected multiple times.

If there are four bottles of parasitic beast genetic modification medicine, the best result is to choose the limbs for injection. Now there are only three bottles. Xiuyi's choice is: both legs and right arm!

"Super Brain, records the fluctuations of my body data during sleep."

Xiu Yi gave the order to the super brain and looked at the time, nine twenty-one.

As expected, the transformation of three bottles of potion would probably allow him to sleep for thirteen or four hours.


In the urban night sky, there are no stars.

The bright white moon indicates that tomorrow will be another sunny day.

"Boss, get me another bottle of wine!"

Next to the barbecue restaurant cart, a man was eating barbecue and drinking sake, showing an expression of enjoyment.

He is very strong, with large muscles stretching his clothes tightly. He has long arms and legs. Even though he is sitting down, when he stands up, he is probably no more than 1.9 meters tall.

"You guys, do you know that you can get drunk if you drink too much sake?" The owner of the barbecue restaurant is a middle-aged fat man. From the conversation between him and the man, it is not difficult to tell that this man is a regular customer.

The man ate a bunch of squid and said with a smile: "Na na na~ I don't want my mother-in-law's. Hurry up and get me a drink. How can I not reward myself on salary day?"

While he was talking and laughing, a young man walked past his table, grabbed his mobile phone on the table, and ran away quickly.

"Hey! Stop here you bastard!"

The man angrily yelled out this nonsense, which is useless in reality and in TV dramas.

"Boss, grill me ten more skewers of squid. I'll be back soon."

The man got up and chased the young man, leaving the barbecue restaurant owner speechless.

A dark dead end with no cameras, no lights.

"It's really stupid to run into a dead end."

The man slowly walked towards the young man. He was tall and put a hand on the young man's shoulder. "I'm in a good mood today. Give me your phone and you can go."

"It's amazing. I've seen so many humans, but I've never seen one so strong."

Facing the strong man who was almost two heads taller than him, the young man was not only not afraid, but instead said something incomprehensible.

Through the lights radiating from the street outside, the man noticed the smile on the young man's face, which made him sober in an instant.

As a retired soldier who had been on the battlefield, his sixth sense made him instinctively aware of something bad.

"My name is Miki, and I want your body."

The young man named Miki spoke full of ambiguities, but the man felt a murderous aura. Without thinking much, with a tearing air sound, he hit the young man's neck with his fist.

After hearing a "click", the young man named Miki tilted his head and said with an incredulous expression, "Even the bones were broken. It's really powerful! If this punch was a normal human being, I'm afraid he would be dead."

"Okay, no more time to waste."


Along with a sharp edge, the last thing the man saw was his separated body!


Come out of the alley.

Miki wasn't quite used to his new body, maybe because he was drunk. Before he could take two steps, Miki fell flat on his left foot and his right foot, and the documents in his pocket flew out.

"Manaka Kazuki, it turns out that this strong human is called Manaka Kazuki."

Miki picked up the certificate on the ground, stood up, and said to himself.








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