Chapter 900 Nosy

  Bu Shengyan was surprised when he saw that there was such a calculation method for the first time.

  She was convinced of the imperial concubine’s ability to calculate.

  Since the imperial concubine said it was a boy, it must be a boy.

  Actually, she doesn't have much idea about her son or her daughter. Anyway, it's her children, and she will love it the same way.

  She thanked the concubine again and returned the copper coin to the concubine.

  Xiao Xixi said: "This is a win over money. Take it with you to keep you and your fetus safe and smooth."

  Bu Shengyan held the Qianshengqian, and his heart was even more grateful.

  She wanted to repay the other person, but she knew that the imperial concubine lacked nothing, she could only silently remember this gratitude in her heart, and planned to repay the imperial concubine when she had a chance in the future.


  Bu Shengyan returned to the palace, packed up the small objects he had made, and wrote another letter, including the fact that he was a son.

  She asked the royal guards to send these things to the British king.

  The guards rode fast horses, rushing day and night, and finally caught up with the King of England on the fifth day.

  Luo Yechen took the baggage from the guard, and first asked some things about the princess, and when he learned that the princess was all well, he felt a little relieved.

  He opened the bag and took out everything in it.

  Pockets, insoles, and fan covers.

  As soon as I looked at the stitches, I knew that the Princess of England made it by herself.

  The embroidery ladies in the palace are exquisite, and the stitches are all fine and neat.

  Although the stitches of the things Luo Yechen held in his hand were not crooked, but occasionally missed stitches occurred. At first glance, he knew that he rarely did this job and his business level was very unskilled.

  Luo Yechen grinned at these things, and then picked up the letter at the bottom.

The first half of   's letter is all about the imperial concubine's instructions to the king of England, and only the last sentence speaks of herself.

  She said that the child she was pregnant with was a son, and if he was free, she would think of a name for her son.

  Luo Yechen was stunned.

  The child has not yet given birth, how did the princess know that she must be a son?

  Even if it is diagnosed by an imperial doctor, there may be misjudgments.

   But since the princess had said so, Luo Yechen would believe her for the time being.

  He was thinking about the name all the way.

Since    is a son, the name has to be a little aggressive.

  For example, Luo Aotian, or Luo Ritian, or Luo Batian...


  In the palace.

  Chen Jieyu’s illness is getting worse, not only the skin on her face is red, swollen and itchy, but also a lot of red rashes on her body.

  The doctors tried their best to help her cure her illness.

  She couldn't help but want to scratch, but the more she scratched, the more itchy she became. After the skin was scratched, it gradually became inflamed and ulcerated, and her symptoms became more severe.

  Yao Jieyu and Min Jieyu investigated for a period of time, but failed to find out why they came.

  There are many unsolved cases in the palace that can't be found out at the end. Chen Jieyu is not the first and will not be the last.

  It stands to reason that since it cannot be found out, it can only be forgotten.

  But Yao Jieyu’s greatest characteristic is that he is extremely curious.

  She can guess that Chen Jieyu was killed by someone, but she doesn't know who the murderer is.

  It made her feel as if she had been scratched by a dozen cats' paws, and her heart was itchy.

  She must find out who the real culprit is behind the scenes, otherwise she won’t even be able to sleep at night.

  Yao Jieyu will run to Ningxindian as soon as he is free to see Chen Jieyu's situation, and by the way, check the people waiting by Chen Jieyu to see if he can find useful clues.

  Yao Jieyu was delayed for a while because of the arrival of the Yao family.

  When she arrived at Ningxin Temple, it was already evening.

  She first went to see Chen Jieyu, and saw that Chen Jieyu was still asleep, so she did not disturb Chen Jieyu.

  She gently exited the bedroom and went to other rooms to search for clues.

  Rouju was still behind her. On the way, he heard Min Jieyu coming, and immediately said to Yao Jieyu, please wait a moment, and hurried towards the side hall.

Only Yao Jieyu was left on the corridor.

  Yao Jieyu did not stand still as Rouju had told her, she wandered around alone.

  Unknowingly, she walked to the door of the small kitchen.

  No one happened to be around here, so Yao Jieyu walked directly into the small kitchen.

  There is a medicine jar sitting on the stove, the soup medicine in it has been poured out, only some medicine residue is left.

  Yao Jieyu reached out and touched the pot of medicine. It was still warm, presumably the decoction had just been poured out.

   With a heart move, she pulled out the silk paw from her sleeve, poured out a part of the medicine dregs in the medicine jar, hugged it with silk paw, and carefully stuffed it into the sleeve.

  After finishing this, Yao Jieyu put the medicine jar back to its original place.

  She was about to leave here, but when she turned around, she saw Min Jieyu standing quietly outside the door.

  Yao Jieyu was so scared that her heartbeat almost stopped.

  When did this person come? Why is there no sound at all? !

  Yao Jieyu pressed her heart, trying to suppress the rapid heartbeat.

  She asked with lingering fear: "Are you here?"

  Min Jieyu smiled slightly: "I heard Rouju say that you are here, so I came to look for you."

  She paused, and then asked: "What were you doing just now?"

  Yao Jieyu then remembered what she had just done.

   Judging from the location of Min Jieyu, she should have captured all the movements of Yao Jieyu just now.

  This makes Yao Jieyu feel a little hairy.

   She swallowed hard, and said dryly: “It’s nothing, I just want to collect clues to see if I can find the cause of Chen Jieyu’s illness.”

  Min Jieyu stepped over the threshold and walked into the small kitchen in style: "You seem to care about Chen Jieyu very much. Is your relationship good?"

  Yao Jieyu: "Are you all sisters? I can help you count."

  Min Jieyu smiled unclearly: "You are kind."

  Yao Jieyu smiled: "You are also kind, right, are you also here to visit Chen Jieyu? Let's go, let's go and see her together."

  She walked out, and when she passed by Min Jieyu, Min Jieyu took her arm.

  Yao Jieyu had to stop and look back at her.

"What's wrong?"

  The smile on Minjieyu's face gradually disappeared, and she said coldly: "It's a pity that kindness may not be rewarded."

  Yao Jieyu saw this, her heart jumped, and she noticed something was wrong.

   "How do you..."

   Before she could finish her words, she stopped abruptly.

  A black pill popped out of Min Jieyu’s hand, and the pill flew straight into Yao Jieyu’s mouth, interrupting her.

  Yao Jieyu was shocked and wanted to spit out the pill.

  However, the pill is weird.

  Slid into her esophagus as soon as she entered her mouth.

   Then she felt that her eyes were dark, and she planted straight forward.

  Min Jieyu coldly looked at Yao Jieyu who was lying on the ground unconscious. His expression was not as if he was looking at a person, but rather as if he was looking at an object that was undesirable. His eyes were full of picky and disgust.

  She bent down, stretched out her hand to take the bag of medicine dregs from Yao Jieyu's sleeve, and said coldly.

"busy body."

  (End of this chapter)

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