Chapter 846

  Although the imperial concubine seems to have accidentally ruined the book, the concubine has already determined that the imperial concubine deliberately!

  She ruined the book on purpose!

  Because of her guilty conscience, she was worried about being tempted, so she brought it to the tea cup at that time.

After sending away the other concubines, the concubine    sat alone in the room, staring at the book in front of her that could no longer read the handwriting, her expression unpredictable.

  She is almost certain that the concubine and concubine Xiao are the same person.

but why?

  Why did Concubine Xiao Fang leave suddenly?

  After leaving, return to the emperor with a new identity?

  There must be hidden secrets in it.

Concubine   Faith tried to recall all the things related to Concubine Xiao.

  She remembered that before Xiao Bianfei left, the last place she stayed was Weiyang Palace.

  Weiyang Palace is the place where the emperor lived.

  Emperor Sheng Yong was still alive at the time, so he left Concubine Xiao Fang in Weiyang Palace.

   But after Emperor Sheng Yong died, Concubine Xiao Bian disappeared.

  Someone in the palace once suspected that there is a connection between the two.

   But because there is no evidence, and because Concubine Xiao Fang has nowhere to go, she wanted to investigate but didn't investigate, so this matter can only be given up.

  If Concubine Xiao Bian really has a clear conscience, she can come back in full face.

  However, she chose to change her face and return with a brand new identity.

  She did this, but proved one thing from the side——

  She has a guilty conscience.

  Because of a guilty conscience, she dare not reveal her real body, but can only hide her identity.

Concubine   A bold idea gradually appeared in her heart.

  The death of Emperor Sheng Yong that year may really have something to do with Concubine Xiao.

  Assuming that the death of Emperor Sheng Yong was not a natural death, but a man-made death, then what role does Concubine Xiao Bian play here?

  Is she an insider? Or is it an accomplice?

  No matter what it is, it is enough to make her impossible to recover.

  The more she thought about it, the more she felt frightened, and at the same time she felt a secret sense of excitement.

  Her eyes gradually brightened, her fingers lightly stroked from the crumpled booklet, and the corners of her mouth rose little by little.

   "You are done."


  After returning to Yunxiu Palace, Baoqin immediately asked people to fetch clean dresses and wait for the imperial concubine to change clothes.

  Xiao Xixi's expression remained as usual, and it seemed that he hadn't paid attention to the things that had happened in Yanyu Palace just now.

   However, Baoqin felt a sense of anxiety in her heart.

  After she changed her clothes, Baoqin let the others go out, leaving only her and the imperial concubine in the house.

   Baoqin asked nervously: "Manny, Concubine Xing was deliberately testing you just now. Did she doubt your identity?"

  Xiao Xixi: "She is not skeptical, she should be sure that there is a problem with my identity."

   Baoqin is even more anxious: "What should I do? If she runs out and talks nonsense, will you be able to hide your identity soon?"

Xiao Xixi: "It would be fine if she ran out and talked nonsense. Anyway, she didn't have any real evidence. Everything was her guess. I can beat her back and say that she was framed by malicious intentions. of."

  Baoqin lowered her voice: "Should we make the best move first?"

  Xiao Xixi: "Let’s discuss with the emperor first."

  She went out again and took the coach to the Imperial Study Room.

  Luo Qinghan is currently discussing tax reform with Li Qingyan in the Imperial Study Room.

  After continuous improvement and adjustment during this period, the specific content of the tax reform has been determined.

  Tax reform is not a trivial matter after all. It is almost impossible to fully implement it in China in a short period of time, so they plan to choose a place as a trial point for tax reform.

  They thought about it, and finally chose Fengyang County.

On the one hand, Fengyang County is not very far from Shengjing City, so you can take care of anything. On the other hand, Fengyang County has just suffered a snow disaster. The people are just in need of recuperation, and the tax reform has greatly reduced them. The burden can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

   However, Luo Qing was not convinced by the local officials of Fengyang County. He was afraid that those officials would secretly collude with local powerful families and deliberately dig holes for tax reform.

  So he plans to send someone who he can trust to Fengyang County to supervise the implementation of tax reforms by local officials.

  Li Qingyan took the initiative to take the task.

  He is not married, he is a bachelor. The health of his parents in the family is quite healthy, and there are servants to take care of him. He does not need to worry about him. He can safely go on business trips.

  The most important thing is that he can use this to avoid urging marriage.

  Although the Empress Dowager has moved to Taimiao and will not hit him on his mind for the time being, he is still a little scared in his heart, fearing that the emperor will suddenly mention marriage again.

  He really didn't meet a suitable person for the time being, and didn't want to be urged to get married, so he simply hid and cleaned up!

  In order to make it easier for Li Qingyan to do things, Luo Qinghan temporarily added him an official position of monitoring Yushi, so that he could check the local officials of Fengyang County more legitimately.

   Hearing that the imperial concubine was coming, Luo Qinghan said lightly to Li.

   "Come here first today. After you go back, clean up and leave tomorrow."

  Li lightly said, "Hey."

  He exited the imperial study room and ran into the imperial concubine at the door.

  The imperial concubine is now wearing an aqua-green large-sleeved skirt with a long skirt trailing behind her. Jin Bu shook her side and gently shook her neck, making her neck white and slender.

  She grinned and smiled lightly.

   "Li Shi Lang."

  Li Qingyan bowed his hand to her: "Weichen pays courtesy to the imperial concubine."

  Xiao Xixi's gaze stopped for a moment on his face, and then suddenly asked.

  "Are you planning to travel a long distance recently?"

  Li lightly said that he was quite surprised: "How did the mother learn about this?"

  He had just decided on a business trip to Fengyang County. No one knew except him and the emperor. How did the imperial concubine know? This is so strange.

  Xiao Xixi did not answer this question, but just smiled.

  Just as Father Chang came out to invite her in, she nodded to Li lightly, and then brushed past him.

  Li lightly watched her enter the imperial study room, still feeling weird in his heart.

  Although he only met a few times, he always felt that the imperial concubine was very similar to Concubine Xiao, not only the appearance, but also the tone of speech and the style of life.

  If Concubine Xiao Fang hadn't said those things to him before leaving, and made him sure that Concubine Xiao Fang was indeed alive, he would suspect that the concubine was Concubine Xiao Fang.

  Li Yan shook his head lightly, shook off the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, and strode down the steps.

  In the Imperial Study Room.

  Xiao Xixi sat down beside the bookcase.

  The book case is full of memorials. Although there are a lot of them, they are not messy at all. They are all neatly arranged.

  Just like Luo Qinghan's feeling, he is always upright and tidy.

  Luo Qinghan also had an unfolded memorial on hand.

  But instead of reading the memorial, he turned his head to look at Xiao Xixi and asked.

   "Why are you here suddenly?"

  (End of this chapter)

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