Chapter 835 Insomnia

  That night, many concubines in the harem were all looking forward to it, hoping that the emperor could turn to his own brand.

  Among them is the princess.

She deliberately soaked in a fragrant flower petal bath, put on a light white gauze skirt, painted delicate light makeup on her face, and put on a simple and chic bun on her head. Without much decoration, she only inserted it diagonally. Got two white hosta.

Concubine    looked around in the mirror, very satisfied.

  The catkins kept complimenting her for her appearance, and the concubines in the entire harem could not be as good-looking as her.

Concubine    pursed her lips and smiled: "Okay, you can let someone go outside and watch it. If your Majesty comes down, you can quickly notify the palace."

   Liuxu smiled and replied, “Don’t worry, the slave and maid have already been watched outside the door. Your majesty will definitely turn over your sign tonight. Just wait for your majesty.”

Concubine    looked at her: "How do you know your Majesty will turn over the sign of this palace? Did you do anything?"

  The catkins did not hide it, and said in a low voice.

  "The slaves specially bought the people in the palace and asked them to put your sign on the front. When the emperor turns over the sign, he will be the first to see you."

  Now the highest ranking in the palace is the imperial concubine.

  The sign of the imperial concubine was removed, and the next one was the concubine and the concubine.

Although Concubine Concubine has a title, which is a little bit higher than Concubine Li, the title of Concubine Concubine is really shameful. In addition, Concubine Li is now assisting the concubine in managing the harem. If you really want to compare the status of Concubine Concubine and Concubine Li. Comparable.

  It doesn’t matter who puts the two brands in front.

  The catkins took advantage of this loophole and tried a way to put the brand of Concubine Hun in the first place.

  痨Concubine said softly: "Don't do such a thing anymore. If your majesty knows about it, I'm afraid it will be unhappy."

  She said so with a smile on her face, apparently satisfied with the cleverness of the catkins.

  The catkins took the opportunity to show their loyalty: "The slaves are all for the maidservant. As long as the maidservant can do well, the slave maid will do anything."

  The princess took out a gold bracelet from the makeup and handed it to the catkins.

   "This bracelet is a bit too big for me, I will give it to you."

  The catkins were overjoyed, and quickly took the gold bracelet with both hands, thanking them in a hurry.

  Then there is a long wait.

  They waited and waited until the middle of the night, but still did not see the emperor's shadow.

Concubine   's hopes have sunk to the bottom.

  The catkins quietly let people find out where the emperor went to rest tonight?

   soon found out the result.

  The catkins relayed the result to the princess.

   "Your Majesty rested in Weiyang Palace tonight, and no one called anyone to sleep in."

  What does it feel like to be uncomfortable in the heart of Concubine   ?

  The emperor did not call her to go to bed, she was naturally extremely disappointed.

  But the emperor didn't call anyone else to bed, and she felt a little grateful in her heart.

  Liu Xu was naturally disappointed in her heart. After so much thought, it was actually a waste of water from the bamboo basket.

  She is so comfortable with Concubine, and I hope Concubine will look away.

  Unfortunately useless.

Concubine    couldn't look away, her heart was depressed, she couldn't let go, and she couldn't fall asleep all night.

  Someone also has insomnia tonight.

   Yunxiu Palace.

  Xiao Xixi tossed on the bed and changed several positions, but couldn't sleep.

  She usually sleeps with Luo Qinghan in her arms.

  This is the case every night, I have long been used to it.

   Suddenly there is no Luo Qinghan around tonight, Xiao Xixi always feels that something is missing, and her heart is empty.

  She is like a pancake, turning over and turning over again.

  Tossing for half the night, I finally barely fell asleep.

  The next day she woke up to breakfast with big dark circles.

   Baoqin was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly asked.

  "Did the empress didn’t sleep last night? Did you feel uncomfortable? Would you like to ask the doctor Fang to come over and show you?"

  If others don’t sleep well, it may be something to worry about, but the imperial concubine is different. No matter how big the worry is, it will not affect her sleep. As long as she wants to sleep, she can sleep in minutes to show you.

  Similar to insomnia, this situation has never happened to the imperial concubine.

  So Baoqin’s first reaction was that the imperial concubine was sick.

  Xiao Xixi said weakly.

   "I don't need to see a doctor, I just suffer from insomnia."

  Baojin was shocked: "You, you actually have insomnia?!"

  Xiao Xixi: "What is your look? I am also human, so why can't I have insomnia?"

  Baoqin wants to say, even if the whole world suffers from insomnia, you can’t get insomnia!

  She tried to keep herself calm and asked carefully.

   "Can you talk to your servant girl, why do you suffer from insomnia?"

  Xiao Xixi ate breakfast and said, “It’s not because of the emperor.”

  Baoqin can understand as soon as you listen.

  It turned out that the emperor did not come to Yunxiu Palace last night, so the imperial concubine and the empress were sick and unable to sleep!

  Baoqin feels both distressed and gratified.

  Her silly girl finally knows how it feels to miss, but she has grown up!

  She thinks this is a good opportunity to let the imperial concubine take the initiative to confide in love to the emperor.

   Baoqin asked expectantly: “Since the empress misses her majesty and can’t sleep, why don’t you do something to comfort the suffering of lovesickness?”

  For example, write a love letter, embroider a sachet, etc. to send it to the emperor.

  Although the imperial concubine is now banned, there are other people in Yunxiu Palace, and it is entirely possible for others to help give the emperor the token.

  With the emperor’s love for the imperial concubine, as long as the emperor sees the token sent by the imperial concubine, he will definitely be greatly moved.

  The relationship between the two can go further.

  At the same time, it can also let other concubines in other palaces have a look. Even if the imperial concubine is forbidden, she is still the emperor’s favorite concubine!

  Xiao Xixi thought about it for a moment, a flash of inspiration in his mind.

   "I have a way!"

   Baoqin is even more looking forward to: "What way?"

  Xiao Xixi: "You call Zhezhi here. She is good at sewing. I want her to help make something."

  Baoqin knew that her imperial concubine's needlework was terrible, and she didn't hesitate to hear this, so she immediately called Zhezhi over.

  Xiao Xixi said to Zhezhi.

   "I want to make a big pillow, probably this big."

  She stretched out her hands and gestured.

  Unknown folds, so: "What do you want such a big pillow for?"

  Xiao Xixi: "Naturally hug and sleep."

   Baoqin heard this, and suddenly felt bad in her heart.

  She couldn’t help asking: “Don’t you want to make something to send to the emperor?”

  Xiao Xixi was confused: "Why should I give him something?"

   Baoqin: "Didn't you lose sleep because you couldn't see the emperor?"

  Xiao Xixi: "Because of insomnia, I want to be a big pillow."

  Baoqin was at a loss, and obviously didn't understand the logical relationship inside.

  Xiao Xixi explained patiently.

"I usually sleep with a person in my arms. There was no one around me last night, so I couldn't adapt to it, so I couldn't sleep. I asked Zhezhi to help make a big pillow so that I can sleep with the pillow and solve the problem of insomnia perfectly! "

  Baoqin: "..."

  Baoqin fell into a long-term self-doubt.

  Why does she have expectations of the imperial concubine?


  Good morning everyone~

    I saw that a small partner gave Xianyu a support, and there is the last day left. If possible, Jimei can go and support a wave~

     The salted fish opened its mouth wide, waiting for the monthly pass,

     The last three days of this month, the monthly pass will be invalidated if it is not used~



  (End of this chapter)

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