Chapter 808

  Until Xiao Xixi left the British Royal Mansion, she still couldn't understand the reason for this.

  She got into the carriage in a trance.

  The carriage was about to start, and Bu Shengyan hurriedly chased it out.

  Bu Shengyan: "The empress stays!"

  Xiao Xixi pushed the window of the car, looked at her, and asked curiously.

"What's wrong?"

  Bu Shengyan handed over a brocade box with both hands: "The empress forgot to take this away."

"what is this?"

Bu Shengyan: "This is a prize for the winners. Originally, the prince wanted to hold an award ceremony in Liuguang Pavilion and personally present this prize to the winners. However, Concubine Li's special status makes it inconvenient to go out of the palace, and it is even more inconvenient to be in front of everyone. Show up, so I can only ask the noble concubine to take it back to Concubine Li."

  Xiao Xixi took the brocade box and opened it. It turned out to be a slapped gold medal.

   is a gold medal made of pure gold!

  It's heavy to pick up, and it weighs a pound to say nothing.

  Xiao Xixi couldn't help but slap her tongue. She really deserves to be the King of England.

  The expression of the rich is really simple, rude and unpretentious.

  She put the gold medal back in the brocade box.

   "Don't worry, I will take it back to Concubine Li."

  Bu Shengyan said again: “It’s getting late, and it’s not safe to walk at night. Please allow me to see you for a ride.”

  Xiao Xixi waved her hand and said no.

   "I have Yulinwei by my side, nothing will happen."

  At this time, Luo Yechen also walked out. He heard that his princess was going to send the concubine back to the palace, and he was immediately unhappy.

   "Wang Hao, you are also a woman, how can you let you run outside in the middle of the night? What if something happens?"

   Bu Shengyan said sternly: "I know martial arts, and if I bring a few more guards, nothing will happen."

  Luo Yechen insisted not to let her go.

  Bu Shengyan had to say, "Why don't you go then?"

  Luo Yechen was reluctant to run this trip, but he couldn't let his princess run out in the middle of the night.

  Hesitated, he finally nodded in agreement.

   "Good, I'll go."

  Bu Shengyan was quite surprised.

  She just said casually, but she didn't expect that he actually agreed.

   Seeing Luo Yechen's unwillingness but still nodding her head to agree, she felt a touch of sweetness in her heart.

  He will try to do things for her, even if he does not want to do.

  Bu Shengyan rarely showed a gentle side.

   "Then be careful on your way, I will always wait for you to come back."

Luo Yechen was irritated by her gentle tone, and wanted to kiss someone in her arms, but there was a big light bulb glowing and hot next to the imperial concubine. He could only resist the impulse in his heart, pretending to be Said calmly.

   "Well, I get it."

  Xiao Xixi lay on the window lattice, watching the young couple show affection, and couldn't help feeling.

  Before, she and Luo Qinghan showed their affection in front of Luo Yechen.

  Unexpectedly, now that Feng Shui turns around, it is also Luo Yechen's turn to show affection in front of her.

  Xiao Xixi said: "You don't really need to send it, I can do it myself."

  Luo Yechen turned directly on his horse: "Okay, let's go quickly, I'll be back soon after finishing the work."

  He is still waiting to go home early and be gentle with his princess!

  Xiao Xixi couldn't, so she had to let him go.

  She took ten Yulinwei with her this time. Shangkui is not there, he has other things to do.

  Luo Yechen also brought ten palace guards.

  There are more than twenty people in total.

  The number of people is quite large.

  It is getting late now, and there are basically no pedestrians in the street.

  Luo Yechen estimated in his heart that when he sent the imperial concubine to the palace, he would turn back again, and it would be almost time for a curfew.

  Once there is a curfew, people in the city are not allowed to go out and walk at will.

   Luo Yechen hangs an official position of the right patrol and defense department, and the patrol and defense department has the power to patrol the city at night, so even if he takes people on the street during the curfew, no one can take him.

  Xiao Xixi sat in the carriage.

  The carriage shook, and she yawned.

  She couldn't help but fell asleep.

  Who knows, the carriage stopped abruptly just after falling asleep!

  Because the brakes were too fast to kill, under the action of inertia, Xiao Xixi slammed forward!

   Fortunately, her eyesight is stubborn and her hands are supporting her body in time, otherwise she will definitely fall into the mud.

  Someone shouted: "There are assassins! Protect the imperial concubine and the prince!"

   Immediately after that, a bang was heard.

  It seems that something exploded.

  Xiao Xixi pushed the window of the car to look out, only to see a vast expanse of white outside, all white smoke in the eyes.

  Behind the smoke, she could hear the shouts of Yulinwei and the guards of the palace, they all shouted to protect the imperial concubine and the prince.

  Luo Yechen also yelled twice, but the voice soon disappeared.

  I don’t know how he is now.

  At this time, the door of the carriage was pulled open, and a hand reached in.

   "The concubine, this is dangerous, come with us!"

  Xiao Xixi looked at that hand, but didn't move.

  The people outside the car are still urging: "Manny, get out of the car!"

  Xiao Xixi asked: "What is your name?"

  The person outside the car did not answer.

  The white smoke became thicker and thicker, getting into the carriage, blurring Xiao Xixi's vision.

  The smoke seemed to be poisonous, and she gradually felt dizzy and her body began to lose strength.

  A man in black got into the car, his face was covered with a veil and he couldn't see his appearance.

  He slapped Xiao Xixi's neck with a palm, knocked her out, then carried her on his shoulders, jumped out of the carriage, and drove away.


When Xiao Xixi woke up, she found herself lying in a warehouse full of goods.

  Her hands and feet are all tied up.

  The warehouse has no windows, and the gate is closed, and the light inside is dim.

  Xiao Xixi took a lot of effort to sit up, narrowing her eyes and looking around.

  She found that there was a person lying not far away, and she looked familiar with her figure and clothes. Isn’t it the King of England? !

  Xiao Xixi shouted: "The King of England!"

no respond.

  Xiao Xixi: "Luo Yechen!"

   Still no response.

  Xiao Xixi: "Luo Hanhan!"

  I finally got some reaction this time.

  Luo Yechen raised his head with difficulty, looked in the direction where she was, and retorted angrily.

   "You are the silly and silly! Your whole family is silly!"

  Xiao Xixi breathed a sigh of relief, and still had the strength to argue. It seems that there should be no injuries on this guy.

  Luo Yechen's hands and feet were also tied, and they were tied more tightly than Xiao Xixi.

  He couldn't move at all, so he could only swear on the ground.

   "These tortoises and grandchildren dare to attack the king. After the king returns, they must be broken into pieces and thrown out to feed the dogs!"

  Xiao Xixi: "Stop scolding."

  Luo Yechen: "I'm going to scold, these **** bastards, this king will not let them go!"

  The warehouse door was slammed open.

  Two strong men walked in under the sunlight.

  Luo Yechen turned pale when he saw the two fierce brawny men, and immediately closed his mouth.

  The two brawny men obviously heard Luo Yechen's curse just now, and walked straight to him, and kicked him mercilessly.

  Have ever suffered this kind of hardship for the King of England, whose body is delicate and expensive?

   immediately screamed in pain.

  Xiao Xixi was helpless, she had reminded him just now not to scold him, he still had to scold him, this is unfortunate.


  Good morning everyone~

    Hey, it’s time to ask for a monthly pass again~



  (End of this chapter)

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