Chapter 584 I'm here to find you

  The emperor was assassinated and injured. After discussing, the three of Concubine Xian, Concubine Hui, and Concubine Ning decided to take turns to treat the emperor's illness.

  It's Huifei's turn tonight.

  Originally, Concubine Hui wanted to take her son to attend to the emperor's illness, so she took the opportunity to let her son have a sense of presence in front of the emperor.

   But think about it and forget it.

  Serving illness is not an easy job, she can work harder herself, there is no need for her son to suffer along with it.

  After all, it was because she couldn't bear it.

In order to find out who was behind the assassination, the emperor cleaned the entire Imperial Guard.

  Especially those guards who were supposed to stand guard near the tower but were temporarily transferred away were all beheaded by the emperor's order, but none were left.

  Even the commander of the Janissaries was reprimanded.

  As a result, the position of the commander of the Imperial Guard is vacated.

  The emperor chose from among a bunch of generals, and finally selected Zhongmu General Xiao Lingfeng to replace this post.

When Concubine Hui came to Weiyang Palace, she happened to see Xiao Lingfeng walking out of the dormitory.

  Xiao Lingfeng just got the official position as the commander of the Imperial Guard. It was just when he was full of spirits, when he saw Concubine Hui came, he immediately stopped and arched his hands.

   "At the end, you will see the concubine Hui."

  Huifei is not familiar with him, she just nods slightly, and passes him.

  Early the next morning, Xiao Lingfeng changed into a new official uniform, just taking office.

   Although the position of commander of the Imperial Guard has only four ranks, it is a close minister of the emperor, and is responsible for the safety of the emperor. People who are not trusted by the emperor should not hold this important post.

  But everyone knows that Xiao Lingfeng’s eldest daughter is the prince’s side concubine, and he should be regarded as a member of the prince’s group.

  The emperor re-used Xiao Lingfeng at this time, and his intention is very unclear.

   Say he wants to abolish the prince, right? But he reused people from the Prince's school.

   said he wanted to keep the prince, right? But he was hesitant to call the prince back.

  Everyone sighed secretly in their hearts.

  It's really unpredictable!

  Luo Yechen took a gift and the imperial doctor to Dingbeihoufu.

"Hou Ye, these are the medicinal materials and supplements that Hui Fei asked me to give to Miss Bu. There are not many things, but they are all good for the injured and they are all carefully selected by Hui Fei. It is Hui Fei’s wish. , I hope you will accept it."

  Ding Beihou: "The Concubine Hui has troubled her, and the troubled prince thanked her for me."

  Luo Yechen: "I also brought an imperial doctor who is good at treating trauma and fractures. Can you show him to Miss Bu?"

   "Lord Lao misses you, please come with me."

  Ding Beihou personally led the way, leading the imperial physician and Luo Yechen to the backyard.

  It is reasonable to say that Luo Yechen, as a foreigner, cannot enter the backyard of the Hou Mansion casually, but he is Bu Shengyan’s fiance, and he is also a half of the Hou Mansion. It’s okay to let him see Bu Shengyan.

  Because of his injury, Bu Shengyan looked much weaker than usual, his face was very pale, his right leg was sandwiched with a wooden board, and his body was wrapped in thick gauze.

  She was lying on the bed, receiving treatment from the imperial physician.

  The diagnosis result given by the imperial doctor is similar to that of the prefectural doctor.

  Bu Shengyan's right leg was fractured, and his back was bruised by arrows. Although it is not fatal, it must be healthy and peaceful.

After the doctor left the prescription, he was kindly invited to the penthouse next door to rest.

  Ding Beihou didn't leave, so he stood upright beside him.

  Although his daughter has already married Luo Yechen, they are not considered to be a real couple if they have not officially married.

  For the sake of his daughter's reputation, he couldn't let her daughter stay in the same room with Luo Yechen alone.

  Luo Yechen is not very good at caring about others. He was awkward for a while before squeezing out a word eagerly.

   "Does your injury still hurt?"

  Bu Shengyan's expression is not very comfortable: "It doesn't hurt much."

   Luo Yechen narrated: "That, that's good."

  After a while, he continued.

   "Thank you for saving me before."

   Speaking of this, Bu Shengyan was angry, she sneered.

   "Even without me, you can't die. Anyway, you have golden silk soft armor."

  Luo Yechen smiled: "Golden silk soft armor can only protect my body, but not my head and limbs. If those assassins cut on my head, I will wear ten pieces of gold silk soft armor."

  Concession Shengyan felt a little better.

  She wanted to ask about retiring her relatives, but she took into account that her father was standing beside her. She couldn't open her mouth, so she could only look down at the pattern on the bedding.

  The focus is like trying to see a hole in the embroidery on the quilt.

  Luo Yechen helped convey Huifei’s gratitude to Bu Shengyan.

  Bu Shengyan absently answered twice.

   Seeing her ill and unconscious, Luo Yechen said wittily: "You take care of your injuries, I will leave first, and I will see you in two days."

   That afternoon, Luo Yechen went to the imperial tomb.

  The imperial tomb is remote and deserted, and few people usually come here.

  Luo Yechen only came once.

   is when the first emperor died, he followed a lot of people here to cry for the first emperor. At that time, he was still young, and the picture of the emperor's tomb in his memory had long been blurred.

  Luo Yechen said to Yulinwei who was guarding at the gate of the imperial tomb.

   "Where are the prince and Concubine Xiao Fang? Take me over."

  One of the Yulinwei led Luo Yechen inside, and they stopped at the gate of Jingxinyuan.

  Yulinwei went in to report, and after getting the prince’s consent, he let Luo Yechen in.

  In the yard, Xiao Xixi is sitting on the porch and feeding the cat.

  After days of feeding, the wild cats have gradually lowered their guard against her. At this time, several wild cats were immersed in the food in the bowl.

  Among them, the orange cat is the roundest, and it is also the one that eats the most.

  Xiao Xixi stretched out her hand to throw her hand on the orange cat, feeling very happy.

   Seeing a stranger entering the yard, the wild cats immediately stopped eating, and stepped back two steps, assuming an alert posture.

  Only the orange cat did not move, still immersed in the food.

  Xiao Xixi said casually while teasing the cat, "Is the prince here looking for the prince? He is in the house, you can go in by yourself."

   Luo Yechen stood still in front of her: "I'm here to find you."

  Xiao Xixi was surprised.

   "What are you looking for me for?"

  Luo Yechen coughed lightly, and said pretentiously.

  "Didn’t you say that you owe me a favor? I happen to have something here that needs your help."

  Xiao Xixi motioned to him to talk and listen.

  Luo Yechen looked around and made sure that the prince was not nearby, and then said to her in a low voice.

  "Bu Shengyan was injured in order to save me. Recently, she had to stay at home to recuperate and it was not convenient to go out.

  I'm afraid she will be bored for a long time, so I want to send her some notebooks so that she can pass the time.

  I don’t know much about what scripts your women like to read, so I would like to ask you to help me with your comments. "

  He remembered Xiao Xixi's unique taste, and quickly emphasized his tone again.

  "The protagonist must be a person, must be a man and a woman, and it is best not to have a plot that is too fragrant!"

  Xiao Xixi said with a bitter face: "Your requirements are too high, right? Being screened by you like this, then I have nothing to read."

  Luo Yechen: "..."

  (End of this chapter)

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