Chapter 494 I want to take a gamble

  Xiao Lingfeng asked carefully: "Who do you think leaked the exam questions?"

  Luo Qinghan did not answer.

  After a while, he calmly spoke.

   "It's getting late, you go back first, and bring Li Qingyan to see Gu tomorrow morning."


  After Xiao Lingfeng left, only Luo Qinghan was left in the study.

  He looked at the "Book of Changes" in front of him, his face sinking like water.

  The questions for the exam this year were agreed upon by him and Qin Lie. Once the questions were determined, they were sealed up. The questions will not be unsealed until the beginning of the exam.

  So far, there are only three people who know the content of the test questions——

  Qin Lie, the emperor, and himself.

  He would definitely not reveal the exam questions himself, and the emperor did not need to do such thankless things.

   Then only Qin Lie is left.

Based on Luo Qinghan’s understanding of Qin Lie, Qin Lie may reveal the questions to his family. After all, there are several younger generations in the Qin family who will take the exam this year. If they can know the exam questions in advance, they will surely be proud of the exam. People's achievements.

   But if that were the case, it would be too obvious.

  After all, everyone knows that Qin Lie is one of the chief examiners of this year's examination. If all his family members have excellent results in the examination, it will avoid suspicion.

  Qin Lie is an old fox, he will never leave such an obvious story easily when he does things.

  There is also that bookstore that dared to openly sell exam questions, and someone must be behind it.

  Who is behind the bookstore? Is it the Qin family?

  Father Chang reminded: "His Royal Highness, it's getting late, you should have dinner."

  Luo Qinghan stood up: "Go to Qingge Hall."

  Father-in-law Chang immediately had people ready to drive and sent the prince to Qingge Hall.

  Baoqin guessed that the prince would come to Qingge Hall for dinner tonight, and prepared more meals specially.

  Luo Qinghan and Xiao Xixi sat at the table.

  On weekdays, Liluo always eats quietly in Qinghan, and today he made an exception and took the initiative to speak.

   "Why did you remind Li Qingyan?"

  Xiao Xixi raised her head from her job, and asked blankly, "Who is Li Qingyan?"

  Luo Qinghan: "It's the scholar you ran into at the door of the bookstore. You also reminded people not to open the door at night."

  Xiao Xixi suddenly said, "It's the hapless guy! Seeing that he might be unlucky, my concubine reminded me."

  From the face of it, Li lightly said that he was a rare talent. Xiao Xixi felt that it was a pity that such a person died young, so he could help.

   Luo Qinghan: "Do you think he is credible?"

  Xiao Xixi: "I don’t know about your concubine body. You have to make your own decisions about this kind of thing. After all, people's minds are very complicated.

  Luo Qinghan did not speak any more.

  Waiting to eat and drink enough, when the two went to bed, Luo Qinghan's brows were still slightly frowned, and he looked worried.

  Xiao Xixi stretched out his hand to press on his brow, and stretched a little to the side.

   "Don't always frown, this will make it easy to frown and make you look old."

  Luo Qinghan held her hand, pulled it down, and held it tightly.

  He whispered: "Guo wants to gamble, do you think Gu can win the bet?"

  Xiao Xixi: "As long as it is gambling, there will definitely be winners and losers, but it doesn't matter, the concubine's gambling luck has always been very good, and the concubine can share his luck with you."

  After speaking, she leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead.

   "Well, my concubine has allocated your luck to you, you can definitely win!"

  Luo Qinghan couldn't help holding her tighter.

  How much blessing did he accumulate to be lucky enough to meet Xiao Xixi?

  Xiao Xixi raised her hand and touched his back, as if touching her own dog.

   She comforted her warm voice.

  "Just let go and do what you want, my concubine will always support you!"


  The next day, before it dawned, Zhao Xian hurried to the Qingge Hall and asked to see His Royal Highness.

  Luo Qinghan simply finished washing, and met Zhao Xian in the Piandian.

  Zhao Xian: "His Royal Highness, Prince Qi, the final general arraigned the shopkeeper and buddies of the bookstore overnight. The shopkeeper has already confessed. This is his confession."

  He offered a paper confession with both hands.

  Luo Qinghan unfolded the statement and read it quickly.

  According to the bookstore’s confession, that bookstore is actually the property of the Cui family, and the "Book of Changes" was also handed over to the shopkeeper by the young master Cui family.

  The young master of the Cui family asked the shopkeeper to sell the "Book of Changes" on his behalf, and repeatedly warned that before the book was sold, no one was allowed to touch the book, and everything had to be kept secret.

  In addition, Young Master Cui also said that if the "Book of Changes" is sold out, he can go to Cui's house to ask him again.

  Luo Qinghan closed the confession and sneered: "It seems that the Cui family still has a lot of "Book of Changes" in their hands. They are planning to make a fortune by selling test questions."

  Zhao Xian did not dare to answer.

  In the previous dynasty, the Cui family was still a first-class family, the top of the family.

  Ke Since the change of dynasty, the Cui family has gradually declined.

  Today's Cui family is already one of the golden jade's external failures. The entire Cui family can't come up with a decent younger generation, and can only barely live by selling the assets left by the ancestors.

  But the ancestral property is limited, and it will be gone when it is sold out.

  Unexpectedly, Cui Jiaran found another way to make a fortune.

  Luo Qinghan: "You take people to Cui's house and bring Young Master Cui. If he is not there, you can bring his birth date."

  Zhao Xian: "Here!"

  He turned around and strode away from Qingge Hall.

  Father Chang reminded: "His Royal Highness, breakfast is ready."

  Luo Qinghan casually ate some breakfast, and drove to the Chamber of Deputies in the chariot.

  The six cabinet ministers, the King of England, and the second prince Luo Yunxuan have all arrived. When they saw the prince coming, they all bowed their hands.

  Luo Qinghan's gaze passed Qin Lie, standing still at his position blankly.

  The second prince Luo Yunxuan smiled at him slightly: "My third brother, tomorrow is the day when the exam will begin. I don’t know how you are preparing? Are there any difficulties?"

  Luo Qinghan said lightly: "Everything is fine, thank you brother for your concern."

   Luo Yunxuan: "You and I are brothers. If you have any difficulties, you must speak up. As long as I can help, I will try my best."

  Luo Qinghan felt that he had a lot of words today, so he couldn't help but glance at him more.

Among the princes, the second prince Luo Yunxuan seemed to be the most gentle and kind, but in fact, he was also the one with the deepest thoughts.

  Luo Qinghan has never liked to associate with him.

  Usually, when the two meet, they are just greeting each other, and they rarely greet them as they do today.

  Luo Qinghan instinctively felt that this person had bad intentions.

  The emperor came without waiting for him to speak.

  Everyone saluted the emperor in unison.

   "The son-in-law pays respects to the emperor!"

  "Weichen pays respects to your majesty!"

  The emperor sat in the first seat and asked in a formal manner: "What do you have to play today?"

  As soon as the voice landed, Luo Yunxuan stood up.

   "I have something to play!"

  (End of this chapter)

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