The Imperial Concubine Just Wants To Be a Salted Fish Every Day

Chapter 360: There is actually this kind of show operation!

  Chapter 360 actually has this kind of show operation!

   Qiu Sheng said that he could not go on, his face flushed.

  After a while, he continued speaking in a thin voice like a mosquito and fly.

   "I found...a woman lying next to her."

Xiao Xixi suddenly said: "Drunk sex, it's okay, if you like her, just marry her in. Is it because her status is too low to be your regular wife? Then be a concubine. It's also okay."

   Qiu Sheng shook his head: "It’s not that simple. That woman is Rong Ji. She is... She is the father’s concubine."

  Xiao Xixi: "..."

  She snapped the peanuts in her mouth with a click, her eyes widened slightly.

  Fuck, this plot is a bit exciting!

  Luo Qinghan obviously did not expect such a **** development, and his expression became difficult to describe.

   Qiu Sheng covered his face, ashamed of seeing people.

"I was drunk that day, drunk and confused. I don't even know when Rong Ji fell asleep next to me. I don't know what I did to her. After I woke up, she was lying next to me. NS."

  Xiao Xixi has no experience with such things, so she turned to look at the prince.

   Luo Qinghan expressionlessly: "What do you look at Gu?"

  Xiao Xixi: "My concubine is a little curious, I want to ask you a question."


  Xiao Xixi leaned over and asked gossipingly: "Can a man really round up with a woman after being completely drunk?"

  Luo Qinghanmu said with a face: "I don't know."

Xiao Xixi didn't believe it, thought he was shy, so he moved closer and whispered: "His Royal Highness is also a man, and there are so many beautiful concubines. You must have rich experience in this area, so you can help. Give some advice."

  Luo Qing said coldly: "I have no experience in this area alone."

  Xiao Xixi looked at him suspiciously, as if thinking about the credibility of what he said.

  Luo Qinghan: "I don’t like to drink, and I don’t want to touch those women."

  Xiao Xixi suddenly remembered what he had said before. He said that he did not want to give birth to an heir before he had the ability to protect himself.

  Thinking about this, she knew in her heart.

   "Hao Ba, it seems that my concubine asked the wrong person."

  Xiao Xixi turned to look at Qiu Sheng again, and saw that he was crying again.

  He cried and said, “I really didn’t mean it on purpose. I didn’t mean to dig the corner of Father King, oooooooo!”

  Xiao Xixi hesitatedly said: "As long as you don't tell it, nobody will know it."

Qiu Sheng: "But Rong Ji told me that she didn't want to serve the father, she wanted to marry me. I didn't want to, she threatened me, and if I didn't marry her, she would advertise our affairs. , I'm discredited."

  Xiao Xixi was shocked again.

  There is actually this kind of show operation!

Qiu Sheng wiped his tears again: "Father is very ill now. The doctor said he cannot be stimulated. If he is told about the affairs between me and Rong Ji, he will definitely get worse with anger. I cannot let my father suffer. This stimulus."

  Recently, because of this incident, he has been so worried that he can't rest in peace. He spends the whole day drinking and pouring his sorrows, and he feels a lot haggard.

Xiao Xixi: "Ke Rongji is your father's favorite concubine, she is your half-elder, even if you are willing to marry her, does she really dare to marry? Is she not afraid of being scolded to autism? "

  The son marries his father’s concubine. This kind of thing is apostasy no matter what era it is placed in, and it will surely attract countless criticisms.

  At that time, not only Rong Ji, but also Qiu Sheng will be pointed out by thousands of husbands, and everyone's spit stars can drown them.

  I have to say, that Rong Ji really dares to think and do!

Qiu Sheng cried and said: "Rong Ji said she secretly read the suicide note written by the father, and that the father will have all his concubines be buried after death. Rong Ji is very scared. She said she was still young and didn't want to be so early. She just sleeps long, she wants to live, so she wants me to put her in the house so that she won't have to die."

  Even if someone scolds them to autism, it is better than being forced to be buried, at least one can still live.

  This is probably Rong Ji’s idea. Rather than waiting to die, it is better to take a gamble.

  Xiao Xixi slapped her tongue: "Hey, it's another burial!"

  Why do these ancient people like to engage in burial?

  Is it bad to get into the soil quietly?

  It has to be so bloody, and it is not afraid of damaging its yin virtue!

  Luo Qinghan can understand Wang Chen Liu's approach.

He calmly explained: "King Chen Liu should be afraid that those young concubines will not be able to keep their widows, and there will be scandals that will discredit the palace in the future, so he will simply bring people underground. This will be regarded as an eternal trouble. ."

  Xiao Xixi: "Then you can send people to the nun's house."

   "Even if it is sent to the nun's house, it will still be vulgar in the future. Wang Chen Liu does not want to leave any hidden dangers. Choosing Ji Ji to be buried is the simplest and most effective way."

The practice of burial is very cruel, but for a politician like Chen Liu Wang, cruelty is not in his consideration, he values ​​the result more.

  As long as the result is satisfactory to him, no matter how **** the process is, it is worth it.

  The same principle can also be applied to the emperor.

  Xiao Xixi leaned into Luo Qinghan’s ear and whispered: “If you become the emperor in the future, you have to change this burial system. It’s really cruel.”

  Luo Qinghan responded: "Yeah."

  He originally didn't care about burial, but now looking at Xiao Xixi, he can't help but think more.

  If he died before her in the future, he would definitely not want to see her forced to be buried.

  Even if he is gone, he still hopes that she will live well.

   Qiu Sheng’s crying disappeared at some point.

  Xiao Xixi turned her head and saw that he was actually asleep on the table.

  She reached out and gave him a push.

   "San Gongzi?"

   Qiu Sheng smashed his mouth and did not wake up.

   Fair and fair: "It should be because he was too drunk and fell asleep. The minion will send him back to the palace."

  Xiao Xixi nodded and said yes.

  Grandpa Chang went downstairs and called two Yulinwei, they helped Qiu Sheng out of the restaurant, and sent the people back to the palace with a carriage.

  Xiao Xixi jumped up and said excitedly: "His Royal Highness, since we are all here anyway, why not go shopping!"

  Luo Qinghan did not refuse, it was considered a default.

  They checked out and left, and then strolled along this street.

  Xiao Xixi has no interest in those wearing things, so she concentrates on eating them.

  At this moment, she has completely forgotten the punishment of not being able to eat meat, and she wants to eat everything when she sees it.

  Luo Qinghan silently followed behind her, watching her eat Hesai, his eyes brightened with excitement, like a mouse falling into a rice jar.

  Xiao Xixi took the freshly baked pie from an aunt, and bite it down. The skin is thin and the meat is rich, the salty flavor is delicious, and it is very delicious!

   Auntie happily took the copper plate from Luo Qinghan. Seeing that these two lives were handsome, she couldn't help but ask.

   "Little lady, is this your brother?"

  Xiao Xixi said while eating: "No, he is my mate."

   "You are so handsome!"

  Xiao Xixi smiled triumphantly, her eyes seemed to be shining with stars: "That's natural! I am the most handsome in the world!"

  Luo Qinghan looked down at her, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

  (End of this chapter)

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