Chapter 312 Preventing from being beaten

  Xiao Qiming put down his fist and continued.

"Then I went to inquire about it, and then I realized that someone had spread the fact that Concubine Xiao is the lone star of the evil spirit. Now many people in the city know that Concubine Xiao is the lone star of the evil spirit, which bothers me. Dead! If you enter the palace again next time, talk to Concubine Xiao Fang about this, so that she can be prepared."

  Xiao Qiming is usually very carefree, with a very nervous look, but he is not stupid, he knows that someone is deliberately calculating Xiao side concubine.

  He has no siblings for Xiao Fangfei, but Xiao Fangfei's surname is Xiao after all. If she is really bullied by outsiders, he will not look good.

  Xiao Zhilan stood up leaping, and was about to run out.

  Xiao Qiming shouted at her: "Why are you going?"

   "I'm going to find my parents!"

  Xiao Zhilan hurriedly ran to her parents’ room, repeating what the eldest brother had said.

Both Xue's and Xiao Lingfeng's faces changed.

  The fact that Xiao Xixi is a lone star of Tiansha is only known to their family members. They have never revealed this to outsiders. How could this matter be spread?

  If this kind of thing becomes a big trouble, it will definitely cause big trouble for Xiao Xixi, maybe even the crown prince’s side concubine will be lost, and even the Xiao family will suffer.

  Xiao Lingfeng immediately said: "You go to the palace and tell Xiao Xixi about this, I will find a way to find out who is spreading the rumors."

  Xue said hello.

  She couldn't even eat lunch, so she hurried into the palace in a carriage.

  In the Palace of Qingge.

  Xiao Xixi was preparing to have lunch, and Quartz suddenly came to her door.

  He politely bowed, and then said: "The queen, Niang Niang, has something to ask you. Please come over immediately."

  Summoning the concubine by the queen is a normal operation, not a major event.

  But Xiao Xixi felt a little strange in her heart.

  She had a foreboding that something bad might happen to her on this trip.

  But Empress Qin’s invitation could not be refused, even if he knew that the front was a pit, Xiao Xixi had to move forward.

  Xiao Xixi said: "Daddy Shi waits a moment, let me change my clothes."

  Quartz: "Please try to be as fast as possible, and don't let the empress wait too long."

  Xiao Xixi winked at Baoqin quietly.

   Baoqin knows, she and Xiao Xixi walk into the bedroom.

  After closing the door, Xiao Xixi immediately said: "Quickly, find me a pair of thick cotton pants!"

   Baoqin puzzled: "You don't need to wear cotton pants this day, right?"

   "I don't wear cotton pants to keep warm, but to prevent being beaten."

   Baoqin was surprised: "Who dares to beat you?"

  Xiao Xixi: "I have a hunch that I might be punished when I go out this time. I have to prepare in advance. Even if I really get beaten, at least some cotton pants can help me alleviate some of the pain."

  Baojin’s face turned pale with fright: "You, are you serious? Why did the queen punish you? You did nothing wrong!"

   "Quartz is still waiting outside, I have no time to explain to you, you can help me find a pair of cotton trousers, remember to be thicker!"

  Baoqin can only do what he says,

  She found the thickest cotton trousers from the cabinet and handed them to Xiao Xixi.

  Xiao Xixi quickly put it on, and then changed into a navy blue and carmine full-chested skirt.

  This skirt is very loose. At first glance, you can't tell how thick pants she is wearing.

   Baoqin was panicked. She felt that if the queen really wanted to punish Concubine Xiao, a pair of cotton trousers would not help at all, and it would still hurt.

  The thought that Concubine Xiao Fang might be beaten, Baoqin was too anxious.

   "Niang, slave and maid, then go to inform the prince, the prince spoils you so much, he will definitely not willing you to be punished by the queen."

Xiao Xixi hurriedly stopped her: "Don't! If the prince knows about this, it will only intensify the contradiction between him and the queen. The prince is still underwhelmed, and it really makes him and the queen torn apart, for him. There is no benefit."

   "But what do you do?"

Xiao Xixi comforted: "Don't worry, I have internal body protection. Even if I really get beaten, I can hold it. If it is a big deal, I will lie in bed for a few days and eat a few more bowls of rice. I will soon be better. !"

   Baoqin almost cried: "When is it, are you still making such a joke?!"

   Quartz's question sounded outside the door.

   "Side concubine, haven't you changed your clothes yet?"

  Xiao Xixi hurriedly responded: "It's good, it's good, that's it!"

  She lowered her voice and said to Baoqin.

   "I will go back as soon as I go. There will definitely be nothing wrong. You stay in the Qingge Hall with peace of mind. Don't go anywhere, let alone notify the prince. Have you remembered?"

  Baoqin could only respond with red eyes: "The slave servant remembered it."

  Xiao Xixi tidyed up her sleeves and skirt, looked at herself in the mirror and made sure that her appearance was correct, then she opened the door and walked out.

  She said to Quartz who was waiting outside.

"let's go."



  Xue rushed to Qingge Hall in a hurry.

  The atmosphere in Qingge Hall is normal.

  Except for Baoqin, everyone thought that Concubine Xiao’s going out this time was no different from usual, and she should be back soon.

  Baoqin was still secretly worried, she was quite surprised when she saw Xue's coming.

   "Madam, haven't you been here this morning? Why are you in the palace again? Did something fall here?"

  Xue waved his hand: "No, I'm here to find Concubine Xiao."

   Baoqin looked sad: "The empress has been called away by someone sent by the queen."

  Xue was surprised: "How can the queen's speed be so fast?!"

   Baoqin heard the words and hurriedly asked: "Does Madam know what's inside?"

  Xue briefly recounted the rumors outside.

   "I came into the palace deliberately, just to tell Concubine Xiao Fang about this, so that she can prepare in advance, but I didn't expect to be a step too late."

  Baoqin was very anxious at first. After hearing what Xue said, her heart was like a fire, and her heart was upset.

  If Empress Qin had really heard the rumors of Tiansha Lone Star, then Concubine Xiao’s visit is probably not just a simple matter of being punished, she may not even be able to keep the position of Concubine.

   Baoqin was in a hurry.

  Xue urged: "What are you doing here? Go and inform His Royal Highness, now only His Royal Highness can save Concubine Xiao!"

   Baoqin: "But Niangniang said, the prince can't get involved in this matter."

   "If the prince does not intervene, Concubine Xiao Bian will be over. Would you bear to watch Concubine Xiao Bian be beaten into the cold palace and spend the rest of your life lonely and miserably?!"

  Baoqin naturally did not want Concubine Xiao Bian to suffer this.

  She hesitated again and again, but decided to inform His Royal Highness.

  A wise man like the prince, he might have a way to keep Concubine Xiao Bian without sinning against Queen Qin.

  As for whether Concubine Xiao Bian will punish her afterwards, she can no longer take care of it.

  As long as Concubine Xiao Fang is safe, even if she is beaten and punished, she will recognize her!

   Baoqin confessed a few words with Qing Song, making him look at Qingge Hall, and then hurriedly ran to Mingguang Palace.

  Xue also followed.

  (End of this chapter)

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