Chapter 284 Bait

  Mei Guangtao came to see the prince holding a statement.

   "His Royal Highness Qi, this is Zhu Quankun's confession. He confessed to the crime he committed."

  Luo Qinghan took the confession and read it again, and asked, “Didn’t Zhu Quankun say why he hired a murderer?”

  Mei Guangtao answered truthfully: “Zhu Quankun said that he never hired a murderer, and everything he did was just for money. He never killed anyone.”

  As for the hostages who were kidnapped by Zhu Quankun in the past, they were all sold into the mountains by him. These all need to be verified one by one.

  Luo Qinghan put down his confession and asked faintly: "Do you think Zhu Quankun's words are credible?"

  Mei Guangtao: "Weichen feels that there is indeed no need for him to kill. This is of no benefit to him, and it may even invite murder. This is not in line with his profit-only nature."

  Luo Qinghan: "If the assassination really has nothing to do with him, then someone is borrowing a knife to kill someone. Who is going to kill Dong Mingchun?"

  Mei Guangtao: "Weichen thinks that we should ask Dong Shangshu about this matter. It was him and the clue must be hidden in him."

  Luo Qinghan nodded slightly: "It makes sense."

  Since Zhu Quankun has confessed, he can be sentenced by following the procedure and going through the process.

  Dushengjiao’s case can be regarded as coming to an end for the time being.

  Luo Qinghan asked Dong Mingchun to come over.

  Dong Mingchun respectfully salutes.

   "I wonder what is your command?"

  Luo Qinghan motioned for him to sit down and talk slowly.

  Dong Mingchun knelt down and sat down cautiously, his right arm still wrapped in gauze, his face was a little pale, but fortunately his complexion was good, he looked more energetic than yesterday.

   Luo Qinghan: "How is your wife now?"

  Dong Mingchun: "Zhu Jing is pretty good, and your Royal Highness Lao cares."

  "Zhu Quankun has already confessed, but he said that he did not hire a murderer. That is to say, we have not been able to find out who the assassin of you was. Do you have any clues here?"

  In fact, Dong Mingchun has been pondering this matter for the past two days.

  The result really reminded him of one thing.

  Dong Mingchun hesitated, but still told the matter.

   "Two days ago, Weichen received a letter from his cousin far away. The cousin is the magistrate of Qiluo County. His surname is Niu and his single name is Wang."

"Niu Hong said in the letter that he encountered a very strange case not long ago, and the reporter was a crazy old woman. She said that someone had killed her family, and Niu Hong immediately sent someone to investigate, but found that no one had been killed at all. Kill, the children of this old woman are also fine, everyone said that the old woman is always confused, and what she said cannot be believed."

"Niu Hong thought that this thing just passed away, and it didn't take long for the old woman to hang herself. Suzuo said that she committed suicide, but Niu Hong felt that the matter was not easy. He wanted to continue the investigation, but the old woman People’s family suddenly moved away in a hurry."

  "Niu Hong said that he was very upset, and he had a foreboding that something bad might happen. He deliberately wrote this in the letter. If he unfortunately encounters an accident in the future, the Weichen may still be able to settle his grievances for him."

  "Weichen has been worrying about Zhuojing's affairs these days, and didn't take this letter to his heart. Now that I think about it, it's really strange."

  Dong Mingchun was assassinated on the way to pay the ransom. He instinctively thought that this was the work of the kidnappers.

  But now I want to come, the kidnappers are seeking for money, there is really no need to kill.

  He happened to be assassinated the next night after receiving a letter from his cousin.

   Very coincidental in time.

  This had to make Dong Mingchun suspicious.

   Luo Qinghan: "Where is that letter?"

  Dong Mingchun: "The letter is in Weichen's study, and Weichen will let people get it."

  He originally wanted the servants to go, but after thinking about it, he was afraid that there would be any accidents, so he let his eldest son take the trip himself.

  It took a long time for his eldest son to return, but he was empty-handed.

  Dong Mingchun asked: "What about the letter?"

   "I didn't find it. My son rummaged through the entire study, but he didn't find any letters at all."

  Dong Mingchun frowned: "How is this possible? I obviously put the letter on the book case with two books pressed on it. I can't remember it wrong!"

  Luo Qinghan asked: "Will anyone take your letter?"

  "It should not be possible. Weichen told the servants of the family. Without the permission of the Weichen, no one in the family is allowed to enter the study."

  Dong Mingchun felt more disturbed the more he thought about it, he decided to go back in person.

   Luo Qinghan said: "I will go back with you alone."

  Since the prince is leaving, Xiao Xixi's leg pendant will naturally be taken away.

  A group of people came to Dong's house in a carriage.

  As soon as Dong Mingchun entered the house, he went straight to the study.

  He first turned over the book case, and then carefully searched several bookshelves, but found nothing.

  Luo Qinghan and Xiao Xixi sat next to him and watched him busy.

  Dong Mingchun said sweating profusely: "Return to Your Highness, everything in the study is there, except that letter is missing."

  Luo Qinghan: "It seems that your study was a thief, and that thief only stole the letter."

  Dong Mingchun's face became paler.

  There are a lot of valuable calligraphy and paintings and antiques in his study. If an ordinary thief is sure to steal those valuable things, how can he only steal a letter?

  Unless the thief came specifically for that letter.

  Dong Mingchun said uncomfortably: "His Royal Highness, that person can enter this study at will, does it mean that he may be hiding with the Weichen? As long as the Weichen is not paying attention, he will be killed by him?"

  Luo Qinghan said: "I'm not afraid of them doing it, I'm afraid they don't do it. The lone will arrange for Yulinwei to follow you secretly. As long as the other party makes a move, Yulinwei will take them down."

  Dong Mingchun understood.

  He smiled bitterly and said, "His Royal Highness is to use the ministers as bait?"

  Luo Qinghan: "Only a thousand days are thieves, and there is no thousand days to guard against thieves. Doing this alone is to do it once and for all, lest you have to live in fear and fear for the rest of your life."

  Dong Mingchun wants to cry.

  He obviously didn’t do anything, so why did he get into such a big trouble? !

  Cousin hurt him!

  At this time, a steward walked to the entrance of the study and asked respectfully: "Master, do you have lunch now?"

  Dong Mingchun left the crown prince and concubine Xiao Fang to eat at home.

The prince did not refuse this time.

  In order to entertain the prince, today’s lunch was exceptionally rich.

Xiao Xixi sat on her knees beside the prince. She was eating fragrant grilled lamb chops. She wished she could raise a few lambs in the backyard of Qingge Hall. Not only could she drink goat's milk, but occasionally she could have a whole roasted meal. sheep.

  The more I think about it, the more I feel that that day is really beautiful!

  Dong Mingchun also specially asked his own musicians and dancers to perform for the Prince.

  Luo Qinghan was too noisy, so he winked at Xiao Xixi.

  Xiao Xixi buried her head in eating meat, but did not receive the signal from the prince.

Luo Qinghan pinched Xiao Xixi's thigh under the table.

  Xiao Xixi immediately raised her head, looking at the prince full of confusion.

  Luo Qinghan touched the obsidian beads on her wrist twice in front of her.

  (End of this chapter)

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