The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 75 Cordyceps ascends to heaven, suspected witch (two in one)

Li Qing circulated his true energy, and the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree gently brushed, exerting the small magical power of stimulating plants, and landed on three Cordyceps.

The lettuce Cordyceps trembled slightly, and slowly squeezed out a rice-sized leaf bud from the wound, and then grew rapidly. After a while, a wide lettuce leaf stretched out.

"Ah?" Ah Sun suddenly felt no pain, looked up at Li Qing, and rolled over happily again.

Red Algae Cordyceps and Green Pearl Rice Cordyceps were a little slower, but they also quickly completed the leaves.

Ah Zao and Chao Yin felt sympathetic, their two big eyes were full of tears, looking pitiful: "Um..." "Gu Ka..."

"You have worked so hard today!"

Li Qing smiled and took out the red turquoise powder, bluestone particles and purple cloud grass slurry, circulated his true energy and spiritual fire, and soon prepared three cups of delicious nectar.

The three spirit insects forgot the pain just now, surrounded them, and each insect held a cup and tasted it happily.

Li Qing smiled, and with a thought, the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree was stored in his Dantian, and just "grew" on the high platform of the Dao Foundation.

The True Yuan Mirror Lake stirred up waves, one after another, hitting the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree.

The Wonderful Tree took root in the Dao Foundation, constantly absorbing what Li Qing had cultivated and learned, with Dao and Li interacting between the two.

"No wonder the natal spirit tool has a second Dao Foundation." Li Qing suddenly realized, and just as he was about to end his practice, he suddenly found that the visualization picture in the spiritual platform had also changed.

In the simple Taihao Palace picture, a graffiti-like small tree stood in the front yard, and there were also simple drawings of three spirit insects below.

Li Qing was stunned at first, and looked down at Asun Sanxiao who was drinking: "Maybe this is God's will."

Since Li Qing traveled through the spirit world, the three spirit insects have accompanied him through the transformation of his skills, the repair of his foundation, the enlightenment of Taiji Yinyu, and the foundation of the Heavenly Dao.

Now, they have helped him refine his natal spirit tool. The two sides are "fellow Taoists" and their fates are already connected and inseparable.

The transformation of the three elf insects will confirm Li Qing's path; and if Li Qing can achieve immortality in the future, Asun and the other three can also enjoy immortality.

"Even if there are more elf insects, even big elves, in the future, they are not as good as these three for me..."

Li Qing understood the key point, and his thoughts became clear. He stood up and collected the protective magic circle. Asun and the other two also drank the nectar in the cup.

Li Qing did not stay and took the three little ones back to his dantian. At this time, the wind was cold and the snow was heavy, so Li Qing did not go ashore again. He pinched the water-repelling formula and went directly back to Lettuce Island from the sea.


On the deserted island above the cave, the bronze warriors left with roasted witch medicine with satisfaction: "Leader Naru, we will have a chance to cooperate again in the future."

Naru glanced coldly and directed his companions to throw the roasted bodies of the three bronze warriors into the sea full of floating ice.

Immediately, three great white sharks and many strange fish came up, biting them fiercely and eating them up.

Naru spread his hands, and the flames on the stone platform fell on his palms, making a "beep" sound, but did not hurt him at all.

The other companions quickly packed up the wheat they had received, got on another boat, and parted ways with the bronze warriors.


In Rainbow Cliff Castle, Ryan held a gold-stamped invitation card, somewhat incredulous: "Viscount Jinmai is dead?!"

The one who delivered the letter was Baron Birch, who didn't get along with Ryan, but at this moment he had no time to sneer: "Well, the old witch broke through and killed Viscount Jinmai!"

"Most of the rune warriors on his island mutinied, killed his two sons, and fled to become pirates."

"Because the situation is serious, the earl ordered me to be an envoy to summon all the nobles of the Iris Islands to the main island to discuss major plans."

Ryan was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "Please tell Lord Iris that the Lettuce Family will attend on time."

Baron Birch was stunned at first, then smiled playfully: "You actually called the earl by his surname?"

Ryan glared at him, and the pressure of the golden warrior overturned, shocking Baron Birch speechless.

"Leier, send him away!" He waved his hand impatiently, and asked his youngest son, who had already broken through the silver warrior, to take his old rival away from Hongya Castle.

"He actually advanced to the gold warrior?" Baron Baihua, who was free from the pressure, was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "You useless boy, you are actually on the same level as me?"

Leier was not angry, and looked at him with pity: "Baron, times have changed!"

Baron Baihua was furious at first, but before he could vent, he became depressed again after thinking about something: "So, it turns out that your family has also turned to wizards..."

Leier watched him like this, got on the boat in a daze, and sailed to other islands.

Half an hour later, in the boudoir on the second floor, Kailin looked at her aunt with shock on her face: "The Golden Wheat Family, which has been passed down for 600 years, has once given birth to great elves and cultivated high-level witch medicine, is just... gone?"

Her mother was from Golden Wheat Island. The Viscount Golden Wheat who just died was her uncle. Although the relationship between the two families is cold due to the disputes between the elders, blood is thicker than water.

Anna was silent for a moment: "It is absolutely true. The news will spread soon. My nephew, your second brother, Cather, is likely to inherit the foundation of Jinmai Island."

Kaelin collapsed on the sofa dejectedly, unable to say a word for a long time.

Anna took her hand and let her face the reality: "Your uncle asked me to tell you that the coastal countries are now facing a major change that has not been seen in a thousand years."

"The wizards who disappeared in the long river of history are returning to the stage of the times. The rune warrior families above the earl can still laugh at the wind and clouds."

"We, the Viscount and Baron families, are about to be swept into the dustbin of history. If Greenbrier Castle doesn't make a decision, it will be too late."

Kailin was stunned for a while, then nodded solemnly: "Please rest assured, uncle, I will convince my father as soon as possible..."


When Li Qing returned to Lettuce Island with Sanbao Miaoshu, he obviously felt that the atmosphere was a lot tense.

Men braved the snow to go up the mountain to clear away trees and grass, and reclaimed the slightly flat slopes into terraced fields.

It’s harvest time again in Qingling Bamboo Garden. The women and children are carrying baskets, carefully picking off thatch leaves and neatly stacking them into the baskets.

Young-looking young men and young girls were running circles around the square in front of the castle, exuding steam all over their bodies.

Lake and Leal, respectively, were running their fighting spirit and runes, stirring up ice and fire, and fighting freely in the square, causing the young men and women to glance distractedly from time to time.

When Rael was running the runes, a talisman flashed in his eyes. The twelve real runes around him gathered, separated, and combined to create various flaming phenomena, which looked very bluffing.

Reike showed no sign of weakness, and while avoiding the rune's surprise attack, he used silver-blue ice fighting energy to strengthen his fist, bringing up frost flower ice crystals, and hit the flame rune heavily.

The two were evenly matched at first.

But as the battle progressed, the flame runes gradually dimmed, but the ice fighting spirit was still abundant, and the balance of victory and defeat gradually tilted towards Lake.

It didn't take long for Lake to spot the flaw and blast away the flame rune with one punch. Then he quickly moved in front of Rael and hit the opponent's chest with a punch without any fancy.

Rael felt a shock in the acupuncture point near his heart, the runes suddenly dispersed, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Li Qing saw this scene from beginning to end: "The Taoist soldiers use their acupoints to guide the runes, which is a natural shield. If they are targeted, they will be difficult to resist."

"There is no such flaw in Dou Qi cultivation. The runes are refined by mana, and the Dou Qi merged into it keeps flowing through the meridians throughout the body, forming a circulation, so you are not afraid of being targeted."

He thought for a moment and had a clearer understanding of the two systems that he had modified by his own magic: "Perhaps, it can be modified like this?"

The new path to transcendence does not happen overnight. What's more, Li Qing himself is not a practitioner and can only learn from others, so he needs to maintain his composure and be cautious.

With this thought in mind, he slowly descended to the center of the square.

"Greetings to Master!" "Greetings to Sir!"

Everyone quickly stopped their actions and saluted Li Qing.

Li Qing glanced at the group of young men and women and asked Lake: "Are they the candidates to participate in the awakening ceremony this year?"

Lake smiled and replied: "There are ten reward places for experts in spiritual plant planting and harvesting. Some are themselves and some are their children."

"Four of them are villagers of the right age on the island and are related to my family. The other three are reward places for new islanders who are pacesetters in reclamation."

Li Qing nodded, his eyes falling on the face of a new islander girl: "What's your name? Which wizard organization are you from?"

The girl was a little uneasy, but she still answered bravely: "Sir, my name is Julie, and my hometown is in the Dark Swamp."

Lei Ke was facing a formidable enemy, but fortunately Li Qing was by his side, so he didn't lose his composure: "Master, she is a wizard? No wonder she is so powerful in land reclamation!"

"No, my lords!" Julie was so frightened that she fell to her knees. "There are many ordinary people in the Dark Swamp. I was just born there and was sold to a slave trader when I was ten years old."

Li Qing's consciousness swept over and found an image of a spider in the girl's mind: "You have traces of witchcraft on your body, but you really don't look like a wizard."

He turned around and told Lake: "Let's choose someone from among the new islanders. But don't embarrass her, she's just a little girl."

Lake immediately took the order and asked someone to take Julie back, and another young girl came over.

Li Qing didn't care about this and called the Lake brothers back to Hongya Castle: "Why is it that the island becomes so tense when I go out?"

Lake then told the story about Jinmai Island.

He actually wanted to curse "dog eat dog", but considering that death is the most important thing and Viscount Golden Wheat is Kailin's uncle, he couldn't bear to say it.

Lettuce Island fell into the bottom before because of the battle between Viscount Golden Mai and the old witch.

If Li Qing hadn't come by chance and helped a lot, the Lettuce family might have been expelled from the family by Count Iris this year because they couldn't pay taxes.

After listening to this, Li Qing asked: "Earl of Iris will convene the meeting. What day will it be set for?"

"It's the tenth day of the New Year." When he heard that Li Qing was back, Ren hurried downstairs to greet him. "Iris Island usually chooses that day to hold the awakening ceremony. In doing so, it does not rule out the intention of showing off muscles."

Li Qing couldn't help but wonder: "Does their family awaken many people every time?"

Renn nodded solemnly: "A total of thirty people from their family participate in the ceremony every year. The number of people who successfully receive the blessing is usually around fifteen."

Li Qing frowned: "The success rate is so high? Then the number of rune warriors passed down from generation to generation in his family must be astronomical, right?"

Ren shook his head: "This is the secret of Iris Island and will never be leaked. We don't know either."

Li Qing stopped worrying about this and pondered for a moment before making a decision: "I will go with you then. By the way, I will bring a few newly awakened rune warriors to let them understand that Lettuce Island has risen again."

Ren Zheng was worried about how to talk to Li Qing. Hearing him take the initiative to mention it, I quickly responded: "With your blessing, I feel much more at ease."

Little did they know that Li Qing was so calm because he relied on the "Gate of Heaven" to complete the charging. If things went wrong, he could travel through the other world.

Since he decided to go to Iris Island with Ryan, he needed to make proper arrangements on Lettuce Island.

Li Qing took the three of them into the study and took out the map of Lettuce Island that he had drawn with his spiritual sense.

"I asked you to make a field survey before and make a plan based on the spiritual plant varieties I can provide. I wonder how the progress is?"

"There are about a few barren mountains that we can open up before next spring." Ryan took the initiative to step forward, "I have surveyed them all according to the method you taught me, sir."

"The spiritual energy on this mountain is relatively sufficient, and the soil is moist but not waterlogged, which is just suitable for growing the Crane Bud Rice you gave me."

"The spiritual energy on this mountain is thin, I plan to grow the ordinary rice I bought from the other side of the sea, and mix it with some Rainbow Cliff Rice to see if there will be any surprises."

"This mountain is relatively high, facing the sea, and there are more clouds and fog. I want to plant the tea trees you gave me, and interplant the Sea Mist Stone Sun."

"On this mountain, I plan to continue to grow Pingyang mushrooms. But I bought several kinds of witch wood from the other side of the sea to see if using them as a substrate can give rise to new changes."

The so-called "witch wood" is actually a variant of "witch medicine". They come from trees cultivated by those tree elves, which do not bloom or bear fruit and have no other use except to make wood.

This is also the type of elves that Li Qing is interested in. After all, although such trees cannot be eaten, they are excellent spiritual materials for building caves or drawing talismans.

Li Qing listened to Ryan's talk and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "He is really a man, who is not particular about trivial matters when achieving great things. Who would have known that half a year ago, he was still a noble lord who didn't work in the fields?"

On the contrary, although Rick and Leier were also working hard to learn, they seemed to have no talent in spiritual plants. The suggestions they put forward were decisively rejected by Ryan before Li Qing criticized them.

"The above are some of my preliminary ideas. Please correct me, sir." Ryan respectfully returned the map to Li Qing and waited for him to make a decision.

Li Qing smiled and nodded, flicked his fingers, and hung the map on the wall of the study: "Very good! Let's do it this way."

If he were to plan it, it would certainly be more perfect. But it would inevitably dampen Ryan's enthusiasm.

Li Qing still has at least another three hundred years of life ahead of him. Some minor setbacks are nothing more than scenery along the way in his long journey of cultivating immortals.

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