The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 57: Flame Taoist Soldiers, Ice Notes (Free Chapter)

Having made the decision to pledge allegiance to Li Qing, Ryan did not delay. That night, he gathered the whole family at Hongya Castle and told them his decision.

Anna and he had a tacit understanding. The brothers Rick and Leier were also convinced by Li Qing, so they naturally listened to Ryan.

However, Kailin, who had always claimed to "worship wizards", was very resistant to this matter: "We are nobles! Why should we surrender to a wizard? Obviously, the previous cooperation was quite good."

Ryan did not force it, but just said lightly: "Kalin, times have changed!"

The next morning, except for Kailin, who was angry and did not even see Rick, everyone else was in the study of Hongya Castle, swearing allegiance to Li Qing.

Li Qing took out a legal contract and asked them to sign and press their fingerprints one by one with their fingertips' blood, and then triggered the ban.

Then a green legal light rose from the legal contract, divided into four beams, and printed on the eyebrows of the four members of Ryan's family, flickering for a moment, and then disappeared.

Ryan and the other three were shocked, feeling the shackles deep in their souls, and quickly collected their minds.


Now that Lettuce Island has been brought under his command, Li Qing no longer hesitates.

On the one hand, he ordered Ryan to deal with the spiritual rice straw as soon as possible to avoid delaying the cultivation of spiritual fungi; on the other hand, he started to improve the strength of their family.

"In the past six months, I have done some research on your runes."

Li Qing flicked his fingers, and two spiritual fires jumped in front of Ryan and Leier: "You swallow them, and you will naturally improve your strength."

"My lord..." Leier couldn't help but shudder slightly when he felt the terrifying power contained in the spiritual fire, even if it was only a trace.

Ryan glared at his son, opened his mouth without hesitation, and ate the spiritual fire.

There was no expected scorching heat, and the spiritual fire warmed up when it entered his mouth, like soft cheese, and even slightly chewy.

Ryan couldn't help chewing it twice before swallowing it into his stomach.

In a trance, there was a "boom" sound, and Ryan felt that there was a furnace in his body, and hot molten iron flowed out, along some wonderful passages, and penetrated into the unknown place.

"Ah——" He couldn't help but scream, and the flame runes around his body spontaneously emerged, constantly combined, and fissioned, and so on.

Li Qing's consciousness probed into Ryan's body, guiding the spiritual fire, and following the widely circulated "Fire Art" practice path in the cultivation world, he helped Ryan to dredge the meridians and open the acupoints little by little.

Standing in the foundation-building realm, looking at the Qigong method, it is naturally a high-level view.

Li Qing could not continue to optimize the basic exercises such as "Fire Art", but it was very simple to delete and modify it for my own use.

Like Dantian and Lingtai, meridians and acupoints are not unchanging pathways and stations in the human body, but metaphysical concepts of practice.

Li Qing had the experience of helping Asun and Atzao to open their meridians and orifices before, so it was natural for him to use it on Ryan.

Soon, a meridian network based on the "Fire Art" was built in Ryan's body.

Li Qing's mind moved, and the remaining spiritual fire dissipated, turning into sparks and disappearing into many orifices.

But he did not continue to teach Ryan the tricks of opening up the Dantian, the Lingtai, and refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into magic power, but slapped his forehead.

"Meditate with your heart and lead the runes on your body to the orifices you just opened."

Of course, it is impossible to lead the runes on the body into the orifices. What Li Qing asked him to meditate on was actually the image of the runes.

Ryan resisted the illusion of being burned by the fire, and tried to concentrate. Relying on his familiarity with his own power, he soon constructed a flame rune in an orifice near the heart.

"Hu——" There was a faint sound of flames gushing out.

The spiritual fire left by Li Qing quietly gathered together, and used it as a spiritual material to gradually condense the runes from illusory things into runes that seemed to be real.

In this way, one would become two, and soon Ryan condensed a set of twelve runes.

They were embedded and connected with each other, turning into the prototype of the ban, and penetrated into a mysterious place somewhere in Ryan's body.

"Boom--" The flames around him burst and burned Ryan's body to a crisp. His aura quickly rose from slightly above the fourth level of Qi training to a strength close to the seventh level of Qi training.

His eyes suddenly opened, and a virtual rune mark flashed in his eyes, and the runes around him that were originally out of control suddenly became as easy to use as his arms and fingers.

"Thank you for your training!" Ryan knelt on one knee gratefully, "I am almost breaking through to the Golden Warrior."

Li Qing nodded slightly, not surprised at all: "You should adapt well! Try to complete the breakthrough before I leave!"

If you want to promote a cultivator in the middle stage of Qi training, if you don't consider the loss of life span and foundation building potential, there are actually many ways.

Like Ryan, it is to cultivate in a way similar to that of a Taoist soldier. The disadvantage is that the spiritual fire comes from Li Qing, and he is controlled by others.

There are also many advantages. If Li Qing's spiritual fire breaks through again in the future, it is also possible for Ryan to advance to the Earth Warrior.

Ryan returned to Hongya Castle and found a secret room to break through the Golden Warrior in seclusion.

Li Qing followed the same method and promoted Lei Er from the strength of the initial Qi training to the level close to the fourth level of Qi training.

But after all, his accumulation is limited, and there is still a long way to go before the breakthrough.


Seeing that his father and brother's strength had improved, Rick couldn't sit still and took the initiative to come to him.

Li Qing saw that he looked anxious and shook his head: "Because I master the spirit fire, I can help them improve their strength. The ice rune on your body is not my forte."

Hearing this, Rick's face was gloomy.

Li Qing signaled him to be patient and took out a notebook from the storage bag: "This is the rune practice method I summarized. Take it and have a look first."

"If you can practice successfully, your future achievements will definitely be far beyond Lei Er. Even your father will not be able to compare with you."

Rake was overjoyed. He opened it and found that the notebook used unfamiliar words and obscure metaphors, and was full of incomprehensible expressions such as: dragon and tiger, Kanli, yin and yang.

He was so dizzy that he looked up at Li Qing: "Sir, this notebook, I can't understand it a little bit?"

Li Qing smiled and taught him the long-lost "One Thought Transmission Technique", and then broke down these practice terms and explained them to him one by one.

This is the product of his understanding of runes and another popular practice method in the cultivation world, "Hanbing Jue".

Unlike Ryan and Leier who used his spiritual fire to practice, the method given to Rick, although it did not involve Dantian and Lingtai, had more tips on refining mana and feeding back runes.

After all, since Li Qing came to Lettuce Island, it was Rick who accompanied him to familiarize himself with the surrounding situation.

Algae and the date snail were both obtained with Rick's company. The birth of Chaoyin was thanks to Rick's "taking food from the mouth of a bird".

The relationship between the two was naturally deeper, so Li Qing was willing to give him more opportunities.

(The problem really cannot be solved, I will update it first. The comments on the listing are removed first.)

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