The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 44: Elves are conceived, spirit rice matures

When Li Qing came to Lettuce Island again, the whole island was in full swing.

But instead of harvesting, they are busy driving away birds.

Three fields planted with spiritual rice are about to have a bumper harvest. The rich aroma of rice spreads with the sea breeze, attracting swarms of seabirds that steal food.

The straw man in the field is useless. The islanders waved long wooden poles vigorously to drive away the birds hovering in the sky.

Ren, Lake, and Reyer's father and son used their rune abilities to kill the larger and more fierce-looking "outstanding bird" among them.

Even Li Qing's spiritual pet Fenglei was working hard to drive the wind and thunder runes and fight with a vulture three times its size.

Sensing Li Qing's wind and thunder through the spiritual bond, he raised his head to the sky and let out a "ouch, ooh, ooh" cry.

Ren realized something and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Sir! Get rid of these harmful birds quickly! Otherwise, the spirit rice will be extinct!"

Li Qing didn't care about reminiscing about the past, and flew directly to the farmland, bombarding him with various spells during his Qi training period, and finally drove away the swarm of seabirds.

"Sir, you are finally here!" Ren concealed the runes on his body and breathed heavily, "You didn't say before that this spiritual rice matured and there would be such a big battle!"

Li Qing looked at the slightly messy rice fields and sighed: "I didn't think carefully."

Farming in the world of cultivation is protected by a magic circle. Although it also attracts birds and beasts with clever noses and greedy mouths, it is rare to see such a big scene.

Li Qing looked around and found that the originally low yield of spiritual rice looked even more sparse.

The Hongya rice, golden japonica rice and green pearl rice he chose are all spiritual rice popular in the world of cultivation and can be grown by ordinary farmers.

Although the quality is only low-grade, the yield is relatively high. Even if they are not planted on Lingfeng, the yield per mu of the former two is about 1,200 jin; the latter is about 1,000 jin.

Taking into account the lack of spiritual energy here, Li Qing halved the density when sowing seeds and set up a spiritual gathering circle. The expected yield per mu was only about 400 kilograms.

In addition, the islanders lacked experience in growing spiritual rice, and with some discounts, Li Qing was prepared to produce three hundred kilograms per mu.

But due to the scourge of seabirds, a yield of two hundred kilograms per mu is considered a blessing from God.

After some calculations, he found that not only would he not be able to recoup the cost, but he would also lose a lot of spiritual stones: "But as long as the spiritual rice spirit worms are bred, even if there is no harvest, it is still worth it!"

Li Qing asked Ren to clean up the mess first, while he, accompanied by the Lake brothers, went to inspect the growth of Cordyceps sinensis.

Feng Lei hovered around him, but did not take the initiative to get close to him. He only screamed "Ao Ao Ao".

Li Qing understood its thoughts through the spiritual contract and said with a smile: "I don't see that you have a good memory. I haven't seen you for a month and a half, but you still remember Azao."

After saying that, he called Azao out of his dantian and placed it on Feng Lei's head.

"Ouch!" "Ouch!"

The two little guys were very excited to see each other again after a long absence. They didn't care about Li Qing, the contract owner, and went off to play happily.

Lake was a little curious: "Didn't you bring Asun with you this time?"

Asun is actually here.

But considering its abnormal appearance after transformation, Li Qing did not let it come out: "A-Sun is looking after the house."

After a pause, he asked: "Are Reis and the Green Rose Fairy Bug okay? I made a special trip to bring them gifts this time. Some brown algae and rose seeds, which you probably don't have here."

Lake was very grateful: "Thank you, sir! Reis is sleeping in Hongya Castle. He will be very happy if he knows about it!"

Rael, who had no elf bug, followed him, so jealous that he burst into tears.

The three of them were walking and chatting, and soon saw Cordyceps sinensis.

There is a good thing in this world. Animals will basically not take the initiative to harm elf bugs.

Therefore, even if the rice around the cordyceps is almost eaten out by seabirds, the cordyceps remain intact.

Compared with ordinary rice plants, this cordyceps is much taller, almost as big as sorghum.

It has several ears, but the side branches are all shriveled, except for the top ear, which has plump and round grains and a sapphire-like luster.

Li Qing's consciousness swept over and found a light green elf insect curled up inside. Its body shape is the same as that of Asun and Azao when they first met.

The only difference is that there are no dark runes on its forehead. Instead, there was a pearl like a green pearl.

Li Qing thought thoughtfully: "Are the fairy bugs bred from this spiritual rice really different from ordinary people?"

Seeing his strange expression, Lake couldn't help but worry: "Sir, are the elf bugs not developing well?"

Li Qing shook his head: "This little guy is in good health and doesn't need any help from me."

A smile appeared on Lake's face: "Congratulations, sir, you will get another precious elf insect!"

Li Qing smiled and nodded, looking at the vast rice fields.

The ripening cycles of the three types of spiritual rice are slightly different. Now four months have passed, and the golden japonica rice has matured and is ready to be harvested at any time.

Hongya rice and Qingzhu rice take about five and ten days to mature respectively.

Li Qing casually pinched the ear of a golden japonica rice plant and found that the husk had a yellowish metallic luster, and he could pinch it open with a little force.

The rice is in the shape of a long grain, with one end rounded and blunt and the other slightly pointed. Use your spiritual consciousness to savor it carefully. The scattered aura contains a touch of gold elemental power.

"There is no need to wait any longer for this golden japonica rice." Li Qing asked Rael to inform Renn and prepare to start the first round of harvesting.


Over there, Ren had just packed up the seabirds he had shot down. Some of them were in good condition and sent to the castle; the other parts were distributed to the islanders on the spot.

Each villager got two, and each serf got one, all of them were smiling. These birds were fierce and cunning, and it was not easy for them to eat them on weekdays.

After receiving Leir's message, Lei En did not dare to neglect it, and brought a few villagers with more flexible brains to listen to Li Qing's instructions.

There are also rules for harvesting spiritual rice.

Jinjing rice contains golden energy. When the rice grains fall off the plant, they should not be contaminated with the fire poison of the sun. They can only be harvested in the dark at night, and then stored in clean water of the same weight away from direct sunlight.

When the clean water evaporates naturally, the golden energy of the Jinjing rice will be restrained, and it will be considered complete - if it is harvested and cooked directly, the quality will be more than one level lower.

Of course, if in the world of cultivation, borrowing special spells can also replace these tedious steps.

But Li Qing cooperates with Lettuce Island, so he needs to teach them how to fish, and he can't take care of all the chores himself.

He took out a few night-shining pearls from his storage bag: "These pearls don't shine during the day, but emit moonlight at night. They won't affect the quality of the golden rice. Let's use them for lighting."

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief. After all, they couldn't be exposed to the sun, so the torches certainly couldn't be lit.

Most of the islanders couldn't see at night. They couldn't just let their family harvest the rice, or ask Li Qing to do it himself, right?

Li Qing also reminded them of some precautions, and Ryan wrote them down in detail. After confirming that there were no omissions, he began to arrange people to prepare for the harvest at night.

The islanders heard that they had to work overnight, and none of them complained. Instead, they were in high spirits.

Because Ryan promised that the best harvester would also get a place to participate in the awakening ceremony at the end of the year.

With the hope of progress, the islanders worked hard and were full of energy.

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