The Immortal Emperor is so fertile

Chapter 104: Strange beasts from the mountains and seas, ten suns in the sky!

Have some backbone!

This is Qin Tian's affirmation of the Red Rong tribe.

But that’s about it.

Those who do not surrender will die!

Qin Tian did not foolishly order Yeyou Dragon Cavalry to attack the city.

He is a cultivator.

Then, his figure suddenly appeared high in the sky, amidst the roar of thunder and lightning, and in his hand appeared a hundreds of meters long, winding and twisted thunder and lightning spear.

On the city wall, a purple light curtain instantly appeared.

This is the defensive formation of Chirong City.

Break it for me!

Qin Tian threw the thunder spear with all his strength.


A deafening sound sounded.

The earth trembled.

The two surging forces collided together, creating a hurricane that swept away in all directions. Dust was flying, and the sky around Chirong City instantly changed from a clear blue to a sky full of yellow sand.

It's like the end of the world.

Qin Tian fired his bow from left to right and threw thunder spears one after another.

Boom boom boom!

The purple light curtain was crumbling, but it was not broken!

This is normal.

After all, without the blessing of the Luck Golden Dragon at this moment, Qin Tian is only a little stronger than an ordinary fourth-level monk in the extraordinary realm. However, the defensive array of Chirong City has been continuously blessed by the Rong people for thousands of years, and its recovery ability is far greater than that of Qin Tianneng. the damage caused.

On the city wall, the leader-looking soldiers had sarcastic faces.

"Qin Hou, don't waste your time..."

"Why don't you come down and have some tea..."

"Oh...why are you so stubborn? How about you change someone else and let your concubine try it?"

Qin Tian followed his advice like a stream.

Then, Mu Yourong suddenly appeared in front of Qin Tian, ​​holding Tun Tianmao and wearing home clothes.


"who I am?"

"Where is this?"

"What are you doing?"

Mu Yourong rubbed his eyes with confusion on his face.

After all, one second she was petting the cat, and the next second she was in a strange place with the cat.

Fortunately, she felt a familiar scent.

Otherwise, she will definitely go crazy!

Qin Tian hugged Mu Yourong's waist, which was still slender after giving birth, and said with a flattering face: "Baby, help me!"

Mu Yourong was very reluctant.

After all, she was tired from playing the military training game and was on vacation at the moment...

But Qin Tian called her baby!

Mu Yourong's heart made a roaring sound, and he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Qin Tian pointed under his finger: "He is mocking me! I will pull out his teeth later! Come and help me dismantle the city wall formation first!"

Mu Yourong looked like he shared the same hatred with the enemy.

Although Qin Tian is the 'invader', she doesn't help her relatives!

So, Mu Yourong stuffed the swallowing cat into Qin Tian's arms, and the Xumijie lit up with a faint blue halo.

The next second.

Split Sky Ge appeared in Mu Yourong's palm.

"Bullying my man?"

"court death!"


Mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the ground shook.

As the faint blue light from Split Sky Ge shone, Chirong City's formation barrier cracked, and even the city wall beneath the barrier collapsed for more than ten miles!

The boss lady is powerful!

All Ye You Longqi who witnessed all this could not help but marvel.

Well, Mu Yourong also works part-time as the shopkeeper of Wanbao Building.

at the same time.

A giant beast as big as a mountain appeared out of thin air in Chirong City.

It looks like a fox, with claws like a tiger, nine heads on its neck, and nine tails floating behind it!

Qin Tian was stunned.

On the city wall, the Rong wizard had turned into a mummy.

In order to summon this lóng leech, they exhausted their own blood and essence.

A gentle breeze blew.

They suddenly turned into flying ashes and disappeared without a trace.

The Red Rong tribe may be despicable and shameless, they may be cruel and easy to kill, and they may have no etiquette and respect, but their background is that they would rather bend than bend. Even at the cost of their lives, they will never be conquered by anyone!

Qin Tian admired this very much.

But that’s about it.

After all, dead enemies who are not my species are the best enemies!

He waved his hand, and Ye You Longqi began to charge.

During this battle, he made a three-part agreement with the sergeant.

Those who surrender when the enemy looks at the wind are considered good citizens, and those who the Qin army burns, kills, loots, and molests women will all be killed!

Those who surrender after being surrounded are obedient people, and Dasuo will seal the sword after one day.

Those who break the city and surrender are those who rebel against the people, and those who resist will be killed without mercy!

Chirong City is obviously the third type. After the Youlong Cavalry entered the city that night, all those holding weapons were judged as rebels!


here we go.

Stimulated by the strong smell of blood, the strange mountain and sea beast that came from nowhere woke up.

The copper bell-like eyes opened, and what they saw was a sea of ​​blood.


The leech roared.

Qin Tian couldn't help but laugh.

Without him, the leech's roar is like that of a baby, and its milky sound is incompatible with its huge body.

But Zhizhi's strength is amazing.

Qin Tian conservatively estimates that the opponent has at least the peak combat power of the Transcendent Realm. If there are any weird innate magical powers, I am afraid that ordinary Daluo Realm strongmen will also overturn!

But to Qin Tian's expectation, Zhi Zhi did not attack him directly.

The targets of Zhizhi's attack were ordinary Rong people in Chirong City.

The bloody mouth opened wide, as if it had infinite suction. Hundreds of soldiers flew into the air uncontrollably in horror, and fell straight into the leech's mouth.

Then there was a sound of chewing.

Blood flowed down the corners of Zhizhi's mouth.

This scene happened nine times in succession.

After all, a leech has nine heads!

"Ancestral spirit, where did this monster summoned from..."

"You go and kill the Qin army. Why are you killing us..."

"Mom, save me..."

Amidst the cries of father and mother, Yeyou Dragon Rider withdrew from the city faster than before.

Qin Tian had some vague guesses in his heart.

The war horses that Ye You Dragon Rider rides today are dragon colts with the blood of dragons and horses. These dragon colts should have inherited part of the racial talent of dragon horses to obscure the secrets of heaven, so that it confuses the perception of the dragon and the leech, allowing the opponent to target the attack. on the civilians in the city.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the leech picks up soft persimmons, eats its fill first, and then responds to the call, and fights the Qin army to the death...

But no matter what, Ye You Longqi suffered no losses.

Ye You Longqi withdrew from Chirong City, and the ravages of Zhirudo continued.

All the strange beasts in the mountains and seas are different.

Some tend to be in the righteous lineup, and as long as they are not harmed, they will be harmless to humans and animals; while some live by selling their cuteness as pets, and some are food...

The Chi Chi in front of Qin Tian belongs to the evil group.

Eat people for a living.

At this moment it was summoned to Chirong City and undoubtedly walked into a cafeteria!

Eat eat eat!

Qin Tian's brows wrinkled.

In his ears, there was a sound from the avenue.

In an instant, his whole body turned into a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath!

Sword intent.

Protect the common people!

Maybe he sensed something. He stopped eating and looked lifeless. His eighteen eyes full of whites stared at Qin Tian, ​​roaring angrily and letting out a milky roar.

Qin Tian: "..."

I always feel that the painting style of this guy is very crooked... Qin Tian closed his eyes, and the hibiscus tree appeared behind him.


The avenue beeps.

Followed by the Sanskrit singing array.

As Qin Tian's strength improved, the ten three-legged golden crows that had previously only been able to knock wooden fish unlocked the skill of reciting scriptures. They were surrounded by Buddha's light and sparkled with golden light.

Infinite light and heat began to spread around.

Ten Days Volley!

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