
"Hi, come and try some freshly grilled little devil skewers! One gold coin for ten skewers!"

"Guaranteed fresh, freshly baked!"

"If it doesn't smell good, then I won't charge you for it!"

Next to the campfire, a player was shaking the skewers in his hand, while excitedly promoting his masterpiece to other players coming and going.

But the problem is that although the little devil skewers were indeed a popular type of barbecue a few hours ago.

But in the past few hours, the roasted inferior demon tendons have become the real hot item.

After all, everyone is tired of eating the little devil skewers.

So under the shouting of the boss, one player after another, with a full smile, approached another"barbecue restaurant" to taste the freshly roasted inferior demon tendons!

At this moment, tasting the roasted demon meat after fighting has become this kind of hot item. It is a basic need and a way to satisfy the cravings of a group of players.

Countless players, as long as they have a little bit of"cooking skills", will try to cook the corpses of demons in exchange for some extra income.

But this is not something difficult to understand.

Because the player groups are actually divided internally.

For this group of gamers, some gamers' talents do not lie in combat.

Compared to combat, they are more suitable for growing vegetables, mining, making armor and potions, and even inventing some weird technologies and exploring maps.

And this group of players is also collectively referred to as professional life players.


In fact, a successful game cannot be separated from these life-professional players.

In other words, the more successful the game is, the more life-professional players it needs.

The reason is simple.

The game is indeed more realistic, so the game needs more details to support it.

The players' eating, drinking, defecating, dressing, living and traveling all need to be taken care of.

The so-called game [Abyss Advent] is the best among them.

Because it truly achieves"freedom".

As a real different world, this group of players will feel hungry and thirsty after entering it.

And this thirst, once it is not satisfied for a long time, the players will enter the negative BUFF of hunger and thirst.

Even after a long time, this group of players will lose health because of this.

This problem is not too serious when the players are just born.

Because hunger and thirst both take time to brew.


So after this group of players began to go deep into the market area, this problem began to stand out.

And the way the players solved this problem was also very simple.

That is, they began to act as the fourth disaster, a group of moving locusts, and began to instinctively look for anything that could solve their hunger to eat, and everything that could be drunk to drink.

Although Yao Yuan had already piled up food and water in the exchange column, and allowed players to use gold coins for exchange.


What a joke!

Now is the pioneering stage of the game!

Any gold coin is extremely valuable!

This group of players, even if they just want to taste those weird and indescribable foods, drink those colorful and even bubbling water, it is impossible to spend precious gold coins to exchange even a bottle of water or a biscuit.

Of course.

This group of players are not trying blindly.

Because they are still partially rational creatures after all.

So after a lot of attempts, they still found something that can temporarily fill their stomachs and can be called food for the time being.

And these things are the flesh of the creatures of the abyss!

The flesh of demons, the flesh of devil slaves, the flesh of fallen believers, and the flesh of dead players....Ahem!

This is a free game!

There is nothing weird here, there are just some players trying freely!

In short.

After a lot of players tried, they finally solved their basic food and clothing problems.

But after they solved their food and clothing problems, they actually forgot another insignificant"little thing".

That is...

The flesh of abyssal creatures is poisonous!

That's right.

Because the terrifying existence of the Endless Abyss will constantly corrupt all creatures that enter it, the Endless Abyss has a complete but extremely strange ecosystem.

In the Endless Abyss, whether it is the weakest abyss worms and little demons, or the stronger demon warlords. Even those abyss believers who are exactly the same as the Ten Thousand Clan Leaders, but are just corrupted, their flesh is all toxins without exception!

More importantly, the toxins of these abyssal creatures cannot be purified.

Countless scholars and scientists of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance have tried every means, but have not found a way to purify this toxin.

So there is actually an absolute consensus among the Ten Thousand Clan.

That is, abyssal creatures cannot be eaten by normal creatures!

The toxins in these abyssal creatures are collectively called - abyssal poison.

But problems also follow.

Players, are they really normal creatures?

Yao Yuan looked at the group of Blue Star fellows in front of him, eating the grilled devil meat skewers with big mouthfuls, vomiting with big mouthfuls, and then dying in large numbers.


That's right.

Although the flesh of demons can greatly increase satiety and restore health.

But there are always unfortunate players who die due to excessive accumulation of abyssal toxins.

Fortunately, players can be resurrected.

So many players have also developed a very clever combat strategy.

That is, they often choose to eat the flesh and blood of demons when they are low on blood.

If they are lucky enough not to die and their health is restored.

Then they will continue to open up new land.

But what if they die?

That's even better!

Because this group of players got a free return to the city.

This actually saves their round-trip time!

Therefore, after the game entered the early stage of the new land, demon meat strangely appeared in the players' recipes.

Yao Yuan looked at the performance of this group of players and shook his head helplessly.

"never mind"

"Even if these players eat the devil's flesh to save money, it will be fine."

The next second, an eyeball grew on the forehead of a player in Yao Yuan's field of vision.

Before Yao Yuan could see clearly.

Along with the player's joyful shouts, the fourth and fifth eyeballs appeared on the player's body.

It will be fine....

It'll be fine... yeah?


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