The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 983 Storm, Destruction

No. 2 said slowly, "The fourth wave of the plan has a relatively large impact."

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"Be careful not to miss your whereabouts."

No. 6 nodded, "Don't worry."

As he spoke, No. 6 had already disappeared here in a flash.

When he appeared again, he had come to the border between the desert void and the life void.

The border area has obvious changes. Although the void in the life void is violent, it has an inexplicable stability.

But the desert void is completely different, violent to the extreme madness, mixed with the most subtle states of time, space, matter, energy, and soul.

Nothing tangible or intangible can maintain its own state wherever it passes.

Everything is chaotic there, and the world cannot exist.

It will be blown into particles in huge storms one after another, becoming part of the huge void storm.

At this time, a miracle coin appeared in No. 6's hand.

A force was injected into the miracle coin, and the next moment, the coin burst out with a wonderful power.

A wonderful hole appeared in the desert void, and countless storms were pulled by the hole and fell into the hole.

Opposite the hole was the meteorite area outside the Void City.

An endless storm blew out of thin air, and no one could even see where its source was.


The huge void storm blew away everything, and meteorites exploded one after another in the meteorite area.

They were blown into the most basic particles and swept into the storm.

The sudden storm attack alarmed one void base after another in the meteorite zone.

One after another, figures quickly flew out of it, trying to escape, but they were already exposed in the boundless void.

What greeted them was a storm that swept from afar from the sky and the earth.

Some Tianxiandao-level strongmen were all looking wildly. This kind of horrible natural disaster could not be reached by human power at all.

They could see at a glance that this huge storm contained the power of the five innate rules.

Unless you can step into the eternal level, or even reach the level of the Heavenly Immortal Dao with a size of a thousand or ten thousand times or more, you may be able to block this impact.

But most of the outsiders in the void cannot reach this level.

There is only one way left for them, that is to escape quickly before the storm completely covers them.

One after another, figures quickly rushed into the void, using the randomness of the void to quickly disappear in this area.

The storm that connected the sky and the earth blew away one meteorite after another, and quickly approached the Crescent Base.

The base had already sounded a violent alarm. As the developer of this meteorite base, the Lord of Wisdom discovered the storm at the first time.

But he had no choice. The storm came too mysteriously, and he couldn't even see where the source was.

Indistinctly, he had a hunch that the source of the storm should be the Wanshiwu.

"It's troublesome to be affected by the disaster."

A huge wave of power emanated from him, tearing through the void and stepping into it and disappearing.

The next moment, the huge storm had blown outside the Crescent Base.

Like other meteorite bases, the Crescent Moon Base could not avoid the fate of destruction.

Everything inside the base was collapsing, and everything was caught in the storm.

Those who did not have time to escape would be blown to ashes in the next moment.

The Crescent Moon Base, which was still popular in the last second, had disappeared into the void at this time, without any trace.

The Wanshiwu was naturally attacked by the terrifying storm at the same time.

However, Lin Yi's boundless true destiny and perseverance had covered the entire Wanshiwu.

The entire Wanshiwu was under his protection, and a slight gloom appeared in his eyes.

"It seems that the black hand behind the scenes is still not giving up."

He naturally saw that this was still aimed at him, in order to destroy his Wanshiwu.

Under the true destiny cage, the power of the moving black stone slab was activated.

The next moment, the Wanshiwu disappeared in the void storm.

When it appeared again, it had come to an open space in the Void City.

This was the open space he bought from the Void City, and it was vacated for him alone through the operation of the Void Destiny Committee.

However, he had not moved the Wanshiwu here, but this time the Crescent Base was destroyed, so he had to come here.

His eyes flashed with the brilliance of the true destiny, and he looked outside the Void City.

A huge storm was raging in the meteorite belt, which had already covered the entire meteorite area, and all the meteorites were destroyed in the storm.

In just a few minutes, countless strong men died in it, a complete massacre.

Lin Yi's face showed an indescribable indifference, and he had some ideas about the viciousness of the mastermind behind the scenes.

At this time, perhaps because of the rules of the void and the boundless randomness.

The next moment, the storm disappeared from outside the Void City, and the meteorite belt disappeared with it.

A place that had existed for countless years was destroyed just like that.

About 10 minutes later, something surprising happened.

Meteorites appeared out of thin air not far from the Void City, and a huge and glorious shadow enveloped this new meteorite belt.

That was the original creator of the meteorite belt, the Lord of Wisdom. He actually created a new meteorite belt again.

However, it is not so easy to restore it to its original splendor.

Everyone in the Wanshiwu was a little confused at this time, not knowing what happened.

Everything happened too fast, but soon they knew what happened from the screen at the bar.

Everyone looked grim.

Some people have already noticed the source of it, which is clearly an attack on the Wanshiwu.

Among them, Aliatha was the most angry, "Damn, who is it?"

"Don't you know that it is a war with Weird now?"

"Dare to attack the Wanshiwu, is this going to make the entire alliance fall into ruin?"

"Who is so bold? Dare to go against the entire void?"

Not only Aliatha, but other people in the Wanshiwu were also angry and full of questions.

They felt something was wrong with the first attack, and Li Wuji and others also noticed it in the second attack.

Now it's the third time, it's simply a state of not giving up until the goal is achieved.

Over and over again, no one can tolerate it.

But they are also helpless. There is obviously a unified controller behind these attacks.

Otherwise, the time cannot be so dense, and the attacks cannot be so regular.

All this shows that the mastermind has extraordinary means and abilities.

Everyone feels a little heavy in their hearts. If the mastermind cannot be found, the Wanshiwu will continue to suffer this attack.

It can be avoided once, but what about the second, third, or even countless times?

This makes everyone have a bad premonition in their hearts. Will this attack end?

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