The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 973: Giant feet, overlooking

That was a neutralization phenomenon. Lingbo did not consume the weird essence from the gray mist.

Instead, it was truly neutralized with the weird essence in the gray mist, and both forces disappeared.

This surprised Lin Yi. This was the first time he encountered a force that could truly neutralize Lingbo since his debut.

These gray mists contained a weird essence, but it seemed to be more advanced than ordinary weird essences.

Ordinary weird essences, under the power of Lingbo, had almost no resistance and would be directly sucked into the Lingbo sphere for transformation and absorption.

I felt a little heavy in my heart, "This should be the real origin of the strange place."

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"But what I can see now seems to be only a very shallow layer."

"There should be a deeper place under the gray smoke eyeball. This place suspected to be the origin of the strange place must hide deeper secrets."

Lin Yi's face changed and shook his head gently, "There is danger below. With my current strength, it is also dangerous to go down. I can't take this risk."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi knew that this exploration had come to an end.

Looking up, his whole body was shrouded in a green light, and he rushed towards the blockade formed by countless arms.

His speed was amazing, and it was much easier to go up than to go down.

The higher he went, the smaller the obstacles were, and the faster he was.

In the blink of an eye, it was a day and a night, 9 times faster than when he came here.

After rushing out of the foggy abyss, Lin Yi did not stop, but continued to fly towards this twisted border.

In a blink of an eye, a few minutes passed, and he had left this twisted area and stood on a black sea.

The sea was raging with completely disordered waves and storms, and all the terrifying natural forces kept appearing and disappearing.

The breath of death was everywhere, and everything could be crushed to pieces.

"Woo woo woo..."

A strange roar sounded from afar.

The next moment, above the waves that covered the sky, a huge shadow of tens of kilometers slowly fell.

This shadow was just above Lin Yi's head.

Looking up at the sky, Lin Yi's heart suddenly jumped.

It was a huge claw, a claw similar to a human foot but with four slender and sharp toes.

The terrifying and unimaginable power came down, and anything would be crushed.

The violent power crushed everything, and all storms and waves stopped under this kick.

Lin Yi frowned slightly. The strange land is different from the void.

There is only one layer of time and space here, and there are no countless layers like the void.

There is no possibility of hiding in other time and space levels. Facing this sudden attack from the sky.

He can only use his true destiny to dodge.

The simple power fluctuations emitted from this foot that fell from the sky have reached more than 100,000 times the fluctuations of the Heavenly Immortal Dao.

The strange world cannot be understood with normal thinking.

This 100,000 times the power fluctuations of the Heavenly Immortal Dao is also the first time he has seen it.

Most of the strange ancient beasts that invade the void world are basically the things with the highest power level.

Generally, there are only thousands or tens of thousands of Heavenly Immortal Dao power fluctuations.

This kind of ancient beast is usually extremely huge in size, so it can accommodate more power, and its shortcomings are also obvious.

Because of its huge size, it is a complete target in the void and will be cleansed by various powerful attacks.

However, it is not easy to kill these strange ancient beasts. It often consumes countless energy and hundreds or thousands of war machines for siege.

The mysterious strange existence in front of us has reached a power of 100,000 times, completely surpassing all records of strangeness.

The result of this is that the power currently appearing in the void in the strange land may be only a small part.

The truly more powerful and terrifying strangeness has not yet appeared.

The strangeness is different from the creatures in the void. Their power cannot be immune.

Therefore, a system like the immortal monks who take the immune route must rely on external objects to deal with the strangeness.

Like other power systems, there is not much advantage.

So the system that can infinitely raise the power has never been cut off in the void, because of this reason.

When they deal with the strangeness, the effect is really too great.


The space in the strange land was violently twisted and shaken, and everything was shattered under this kick.

The giant foot stepped into the sea with a bang, and it is unknown how much matter and strangeness were destroyed.

Lin Yi was still floating above the sea. The kick passed through his body without causing any impact on him.

Then the giant foot continued to slowly rise and retracted into the sky, and slowly fell towards a distant place at a distance of countless miles.

It was obviously a strange existence passing by, and it didn't even care about Lin Yi at all.

Looking at a huge shock wave rising in the distance, countless rain and materials fell from the sky, and even strange corpse fragments.

Lin Yi shook his head slightly, "The strange place is too chaotic. No wonder the void has not been able to explore some useful information from the weirdness for countless years?"

"In this chaotic environment, a little problem will be swept away by disaster. It is a luxury to want to survive."

"I wonder how many people will be sacrificed every year in an exploration team like Renwudi."

With a slight sigh, he vaguely realized that any information about the strange land was written in blood.

The surroundings gradually calmed down, and the sea water in the sky turned into endless raindrops, falling like a waterfall.

The entire sea surface turned into a world of heavy rain.

Lin Yi looked at the sky of the strange land, and an idea came to his mind.

"What is the sky above the strange land?"

Thinking of this, he encouraged his own strength and rose to the sky.

His speed was as fast as light and shadow, and he flashed for more than ten kilometers, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

After 10 minutes, he had risen to a range of thousands of kilometers in the sky.

The higher he went, the thinner the strange power seemed.

He looked down, and then his pupils shrank slightly.

The strange land revealed part of its appearance in his eyes.

The surroundings were still endless land, and there was no end in sight.

Under the light of the True Destiny Solution, it can be seen that the ground and space within the field of vision are completely disordered.

A kind of tiny particles composed of a strange essence make up the endless land and space below.

The distorted area, looking from the periphery to the center, is extremely similar to the shape of an eye.

Lin Yi even felt that this distorted eye seemed to be looking at him, as if it had discovered something interesting.

Then, something weird happened.

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