The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 969: Speculation, Jungle

If the second level is that the mind affects the material and real world.

Then the third level is that it can affect the minds of other life forms, which is even more terrifying.

Countless possibilities flashed through Lin Yi's mind, deducing the mystery of this power.

He felt that if this spiritual power continued to work.

The three great life forms in front of him seemed to have their minds eroded and turned into puppets or carriers of some kind of existence.

As long as you see this stone tablet, your mind will be affected.

However, Lin Yi's mind has the spiritual wave sphere as its foundation, and this power seems to have no way to affect him.

The moment it descended into his mind, it was blocked by his spiritual wave, unable to distort and erode his soul and spirit.

However, the consumption of spiritual waves to offset the spiritual power in the stone tablet is very amazing.

It consumes more than 10 times more than resisting the spiritual power of the second level.

"That is to say, my spiritual wave is at least at the third level, or even at the fourth level, which is higher than the third level."

With countless thoughts flashing in his mind, Lin Yi thought, "What is the origin of the "Yi Ling Jing"?"

"The unfinished six true destinies have already reached the fourth level of spiritual power."

"If all seven true destinies are completed, what level can be achieved?"

"Can it reach the fifth level of spiritual power?"

"Just now, these people recorded the rules on the altar on their spiritual creations."

"Then the spiritual power that their spiritual creations can carry seems to have increased many times."

"That is to say, the rules are something that can be used by the gods. , is the existence that can affect the mind. "

"And now there is another problem."

"The spiritual power they use already exists in their minds."

"There is no upper limit or consumption phenomenon, which is completely different from the spiritual wave I possess."

"If my spiritual wave is spiritual energy, it should be endless."

"But the upper limit of my spiritual wave power is actually increased by killing strange beings."

"It seems to show that my spiritual wave should not be spiritual power."

"The "Yi Ling Jing" is really mysterious. What is its origin?"

In Lin Yi's mind, countless thoughts and thoughts flashed in a short time.

The more he knew and the more information he had, the more shocked Lin Yi was about the existence of spiritual waves.

He always felt that spiritual waves were not just simple spiritual power. Although they were similar, they were qualitatively different.

"But to reach the second level of the mind, you must obtain the nature of eternity."

"For the immortal system, the essence of eternity is that the true spirit is immune to the five major rules, and then combines with the power of the mind to produce spiritual creations."

"For the Blue Star martial arts system, it is the completion of the Daohen universe. All information is combined with the true spirit to become the true spirit universe, which receives infinite spiritual power and finally becomes a spiritual creation at the level of the mind - the spiritual universe."

"This is the path after eternity. No matter what kind of eternity it is, its essence can produce the final combination with the power of the mind."

Lin Yi's mind quickly calculated the path of the mind, thinking in his heart.

"Could it be that all the end points of cultivation, the so-called eternal level, are preparations for entering the level of the mind?"

Lin Yi's consciousness can enter the spiritual level at will through the spiritual wave sphere.

He knows very well that the spiritual level is endless darkness, and only his own mind is shining.

If the path after entering the eternal level in the real world is the spiritual level.

That means that there may be beings who can shuttle freely at the spiritual level, and they can get close to the minds of others.

In an instant, he thought of the trip of Longgang people, when the weird nature was involved in the spiritual level.

Before being completely digested by the spiritual wave ball, many people in the Wanshiwu felt a huge danger at that moment.

Something terrible was staring at them.

And all this was connected to all the information so far, and Lin Yi had an idea in his mind, "Could it be that the spiritual level, as I thought, the so-called soul is in it."

"It's just far away?"

"Then if someone erases the other person's soul at the spiritual level, what will happen to that person in reality?"

Thinking of this, a creepy feeling rose in Lin Yi's heart.

"This is not good, maybe the spiritual level is more dangerous than I thought."

"The dark jungle law, whoever is exposed first will face death."

Looking at the stone tablet on the altar again, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

"The voice of the soul just now, the end of all living beings belongs to me, could it mean this."

"The souls of all living beings will be twisted by it, and eventually devoured by it, becoming a part of it?"

In an instant, Lin Yi felt his scalp tingling, and a piercing chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

He seemed to see some terrifying existences lurking in the soul level, staring at the dark void with a covetous look.

Waiting for the soul to show traces, and then attracting these existences to devour these souls.

"If my guess is true."

"Then these terrifying existences devour other people's souls for two reasons."

"One is to survive, and the other is to be strong."

"But no matter which one, it indicates one thing."

"The soul level is the starting point of true freedom and danger."

"What eternal level, outside level are just the real world, the mind is the most essential thing of a living being."

"Without the mind, the living being will either die or become something unknown."

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Lin Yi's mind again.

"This is where the ancient gods sealed."

"That is to say, the ancient gods knew the power of this stone tablet."

"Could it be that the ancient gods disappeared because they also calculated the danger of the spiritual world."

"So they embarked on the road to the spiritual world and abandoned everything in this world."

"So they will really disappear."

Everything seemed to have an explanation, and Lin Yi's eyes sparkled.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why the ancient gods wanted to seal this place.

Because this stone tablet will bring unimaginable disasters, once known by countless lives.

It is equivalent to lighting countless torches at the spiritual level, guiding the way for the existence behind this stone tablet.

A hunt that swept countless lives will begin.

With a chill in his heart, countless conjectures suddenly arose in Lin Yi's mind.

"If the will in the stone tablet was created specifically to expose the minds of all living beings at the spiritual level."

"Then what about this civilization of the priests?"

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