"Can these guys help us in any way?"

"But cooperating with them is like seeking the skin of a tiger. We need to be cautious, cautious, and cautious again."

There seemed to be a cosmic void in the queen's eyes, with countless time and space lights flashing in it.

She exhaled deeply and looked into the distance.

There were huge ships with brilliant light, bombarding one after another of the huge strange ancient beasts in the void.

One after another, the light that destroyed all things in time and space swept past and fell on one after another of the strange ancient beasts, exploding countless black ashes.

The strange ancient beasts could no longer bear the impact of this force.

Even if their bodies were extremely powerful and their regeneration abilities were amazing.

But facing dozens or hundreds of destructive sieges, they could not completely resist.

Finally, the body of a strange ancient beast completely collapsed under the destruction of hundreds of rays of light.

The collapsed strange ancient beast blew up a magnificent hurricane. It was a strange wind, which contained infinite strange essences.

Wherever it passed, everything was extinguished, and even the void was distorted and strangely alienated.

All time and space, energy, and even matter were growing strange tumors, and they seemed to be turning into something strange.

And this huge force was constantly ejected from these giant ships.

The light swept across the void, blasting all the distorted and mutated voids into a vacuum, erasing everything in it.

All the strange forces were neutralized and no longer existed in this void.

But everyone could feel an inexplicable coldness filling this void, covering an area of ​​thousands of kilometers.

That was the remaining strange essence, which was rapidly merging into the void, and it was a force that could not be completely eliminated.

In front of the giant ship, there were dozens of strange ancient beasts, and they howled in anger.

Their bodies were extremely strange, growing countless terrifying organs, and they were not creatures that evolved normally at all.

They slowly charged towards the giant ship, and a dark beam of light gushed out from the body of a strange ancient beast.

The huge light directly hit a giant ship, and the huge ship body quickly collapsed and decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disintegrated.

But all this is not over yet.

On the wreckage of the disintegrated huge ship body, countless strange existences are growing rapidly.

It turned into a wave of strange armies and rushed towards the surrounding giant ships.

But the surrounding giant ships seemed to have expected it, and rays of light shot out, destroying all these weirdness.

The wreckage of the giant ship was also completely wiped out in this cleansing and turned into ashes.

Every ray of light that erupted here was thousands of times more powerful than a cultivator at the level of Tianxiandao.

Ordinary Tianxiandao cultivators were just ordinary soldiers here.

They had to lead weaker soldiers and operate giant ships one by one to barely resist the attack of this terrifying strange ancient beast.

In the cruel void war, everyone here is an ordinary cannon fodder.

Even if they were cultivators of dozens of times the level of the Heavenly Immortal Dao or captain-level beings, once they were affected by the brilliant explosion, it would be almost impossible for them to survive.

Only those with great luck could escape before the battleship completely exploded.

But compared to the entire battlefield, their number was too small.

As for those who escaped, they could only escape to the nearest giant ship as soon as possible. Apart from that, they could only drift in the void.

Hundreds of giant ships struggled to resist the attacks of dozens of strange ancient beasts.

The battle line was moving, not static. The giant ships always kept a distance from the strange ancient beasts and prevented them from approaching.

Behind the distant strange ancient beasts, there were patches of dark darkness.

Countless strange things were constantly appearing, as if they had grown out of the void.

The void there seemed to have become a hotbed for strange things, growing a bunch of disgusting tumors.

A large number of strange things would drill out of these tumors, and some even had mucus all over their bodies.

Each one was filled with the breath of madness and destruction.

At a glance, this void produced endless tumors.

They even connected to each other, forming a huge Fengchao network.

The area covered tens of millions of kilometers in all directions.

At this level, the weirdness that was born every moment was almost countless and uncountable.

There were at least three such battle lines in this world group, occupying 2/3 of the world group.

This was a war that was almost reaching a desperate situation.

In the Wanshiwu, Lin Yi's third clone was ready to set off.

Lin Yi had been studying the matter of charging Lingbo weapons.

Because although large chargers can solve certain problems, they cannot perfectly achieve the balance between energy consumption and recovery.

This time he made a brand new attempt. If successful, Lingbo weapons will be more perfect.

It will also be easier to promote to other world groups, and it is only a matter of time to become a truly universal void weapon.

In the Wanshiwu, Gumbret had already arrived. He looked at Lin Yi with excitement and said, "Hello, Manager Lin."

"The Kingdom has received the news, and they agree to all your requests."

"We can set off now."

Lin Yi smiled calmly, "Let's go, this trip will probably be very interesting."

Gumbret was a little puzzled.

But Lin Yi did not explain it to him.

A few minutes later, they had arrived outside the Crescent Base.

At this time, a crystal appeared in Gumbret's hand. This was the thing that opened the void channel when he came.

This thing is called the void markway. As long as there are clear coordinates and enough energy, you can move within the world group.

In addition to time and space, the main power used is the void gravity between the worlds.

Through the gravity between the worlds, time and space are distorted.

This is a crossing technique that uses the power of the void.

However, it only works in the world group, because the gravitational tides generated by the world will be spread throughout the world group.

At this time, Gumbret opened the void channel and brought Lin Yi to a huge fortress.

This fortress stayed on the void wormhole and was responsible for guarding the road to other world groups.

After the two came here, Gumbret looked at Lin Yi and said.

"We need to go through this void wormhole and register in this fortress first."

"Otherwise, anyone who tries to leave or come in will be attacked by the garrison here."

Lin Yi nodded, "Okay, you lead the way."

The two entered the fortress, where there were few people.

Most of them were patrolling soldiers, with only a few people dressed differently and from different races.

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