The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 917 Phase 1 (Second Update)

The scene in the picture was the scene they saw when they finally left the void where the ancient god's ruins were located.

A huge figure appeared in the darkness, an unimaginable existence.

They couldn't see his specific face, but the supreme majesty, even if it was a phantom, could be clearly felt.

The president, who was sitting on the high platform, had his eyes slightly condensed.

"It is indeed an ancient god. When I was using that miracle coin, I saw a majestic figure in it."

"This figure is very powerful and incredible."

“Full of a sense of omnipotence.”

"It's almost exactly the same as the figure in front of me."

"This is definitely an ancient god."

"But by the time I got there, he had disappeared."

"What do you think?"

The Lord of the Immortal Palace said in a slightly lower voice, "This matter definitely has their influence."

"This infected ancient god should be their target."

"They must want something from this ancient god."

"Like the secret of stepping into eternity."

"Although this ancient god has been eroded by weirdness, you should have discovered it,"

"He didn't die, he just fell into a deep sleep."

"And the weirdness has not completely eroded his body."

"This ancient god has definitely entered the eternal level of existence."

"Although it will also be corroded by strange power, it seems that it will not die."

"The surging vitality in his body is definitely something Weiyi can possess."

"This infected ancient god has been sleeping for who knows how many years."

"After so many years, the weirdness can't swallow it up."

"It is certain that the ancient gods must have a resistance to strange powers that is beyond our understanding."

"The ancient gods, the beings who created the void, we don't know what kind of secrets they have."

The president said with some emotion, "But one thing is certain."

"The five major rules in the void were created by them, which means they must also master the five major rules."

"According to the immortal cultivation system, as long as you can be immune to the damage of the five major rules, you can enter the eternal level,"

"Then the ancient gods who can create the five major rules must also be at the eternal level."

"There's no doubt about that."

"If we can get a complete sample of the eternal level powerhouse."

"Then stepping into eternity will no longer be an illusory dream."

"There will be a realistic basis, as long as we continue to study."

"You will definitely be able to step into eternity."

"If my guess is not wrong, their goal is also this."

"In order to obtain the eternal secrets of the ancient gods."

"We are a step too late now, the ancient gods have been taken away by them."

"Once they study the eternal secrets of the ancient gods, maybe they will truly come to light."

"Start conquering the entire void and start a huge war."

"We need to get the message out to all known world groups to inform them of future and possible dangers."

"At the same time, I also have to think of ways to shorten the time it takes me to enter eternity."

"There is still some time before I complete eternity, the final moment of transformation."

"I hope you can help me stabilize the entire committee."

"After completing eternity, I will personally take action to completely close the strange entrance to the front line."

"I have a premonition that when I transform into eternity."

"There will be an extremely huge disaster."

"This is the final test from the five rules of the void. If you can pass it, you can enter eternity."

"If it cannot pass, it will be destroyed and will no longer exist."

"We don't have much time, as you all must have felt."

"The weirdness in the void is slowly becoming clearer and clearer."

"Just like those invaded worlds, the strange invasion will reach the first stage in the entire void."

"Once that time comes, everything will be irreversible, and the countdown to destruction will begin."

Listening to the president's words, the Lord of the Immortal Palace and the Master of Souls all looked silent.

Naturally, they know quite a lot of secrets at this level.

There are countless world groups, and strange existences appear in almost every world group.

There are even some world groups that have been completely invaded by Weirdness.

In the process of constant war between Weird and the infinite beings of the world group, a large number of Weirds die, and their weird essences will merge into the void.

It’s almost the same routine as when integrating into one world after another.

Maybe ordinary people don't know it, but those of them who have survived for countless years have already noticed the abnormality.

Over a long period of time, they clearly felt the changes in the spiritual energy in the void.

Although the strange essence is very small, so small that it is almost impossible to detect, they are indeed growing slowly.

At this point, they have discovered that the strange aura seems to be entering the first stage.

They have seen this stage countless times in the world group.

Once a world enters this stage, it means that weirdness may appear in any place at any time, even if there is no life form in that place.

Frontline containment will lose its effectiveness.

The biggest role of the front line is to prevent the spread of weirdness.

If the weird wants to enter the world within the world group, it must know the existence of the weird, or be infected by the weird, and then it is possible to descend to the corresponding world by knowing its existence.

Of course, there are some special cases where the weird accidentally infiltrates a certain world.

But the weird cannot easily infiltrate the pure void, and coordinates are required.

And the coordinates are the world, they are like a beacon in the darkness, guiding the direction of the weird.

And now, once the weird enters the first stage of erosion with the void as a unit, the consequences will be catastrophic.

Imagine that there are countless places in the void, and a large number of weird beings appear.

Various weird phenomena follow one after another, and the originally chaotic and disordered void may become like hell.

Even if you have the strength of the Heavenly Immortal Dao, once you walk in the void, you may encounter weird phenomena at any time.

Then you will fall in the weird attack, and soon the world groups will be isolated and become isolated islands in the void.

A large number of weirds appear in the void, gradually approaching the world group, and finally completely submerge the world group.

The void will also be completely destroyed, or the void will be ruled by weirdness.

All life systems will be permanently destroyed under the weird system.

Thinking of this, everyone's heart is very heavy.

In fact, everyone knows that this is almost irreversible, and they can only delay.

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