The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 904: Division and Void Tribulation (First Update)

Thinking of this, he held the scepter tightly in his hands.

The violent power gushed out from his hands and was injected into the body of the ancient god along the scepter.

A trace of lines spread from the inside to the outside of the ancient god's body, like blood vessels.

As time passed, the ancient god's body was shaking wildly.

Although he seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, his body instincts did not disappear and he was violently resisting this erosion.

But unfortunately, without the cooperation of active consciousness, although instinct can delay this erosion, it also has its limits.

The black shadow-like existence above the ancient god's head was madly infusing power and accelerating the erosion process.

In the body of the ancient god, the black substance was boiling like boiling water, and the black substance continued to erode those mysterious runes.

But these runes were very firm, just like steel and unmoved.

Finally, with the power of the scepter running through the entire ancient god, all the power in the ancient god's body suddenly subsided.

Everything was quiet at this moment, and there was no resistance.

The black shadow-like person laughed loudly.

"Success, finally success, countless years of preparation, just for this day."

"Become mine."

He laughed crazily, and a huge black coffin spread out from his body.

After the coffin was completely exposed to the void, it slowly opened.

It was pitch black inside, looking like the void of the universe.

At this time, this shadow-like existence, holding the scepter in both hands, his lower body slowly sank into the head of the ancient god, leaving only the upper body holding the scepter.

The next moment, the endless black matter from the outside world slowly flowed back and all returned to the body of the ancient god.

Then, this mysterious coffin burst out with an infinite suction force, covering the ancient god.

The body of the ancient god fell into the coffin under the action of the suction force.

As it continued to approach the coffin, the body of the ancient god was shrinking rapidly, and finally became the same size as the coffin.

However, the mysterious black shadow was not affected and did not shrink.

When the body of the ancient god fell into the coffin, the black shadow and the body of the ancient god just completely merged together.

The scepter penetrated the spine of the ancient god and completely disappeared above the head of the ancient god, which was very strange.

As the ancient god fell into the coffin, the coffin suddenly closed.

The next moment, the coffin trembled slightly, directly tore the void and disappeared.

This piece of void only left a pure void, time, space, energy, matter, and soul all did not exist.

And with the appearance of the void.

A wonderful vacuum siphon effect was produced.

Everything in the surrounding void was filling up this "void".

Like a void storm, this pure void was filled with matter in the surrounding void.

When everything was calm, this place had once again become a pure void, no different from the surrounding void.

About a while later, several strange black-robed people appeared here.

Looking at a calm void, their thoughts communicated here, vaguely filled with anger.

"He deserves to die."

"How dare he take the body of the ancient god without telling us."

"Send down the order, find him, before he completely merges with the body of the ancient god."

Several shadows spread angry thoughts and slowly disappeared in the void.

Not long after they disappeared, a mysterious projection came here.

This projection flashed the power of the five major rules, and a perfect and eternal breath emanated from him.

It directly affected the stability of this void.

After he appeared here, the chaotic void within a radius of hundreds of miles calmed down in an instant.

It turned out to be the chairman of the Void Destiny Committee.

He looked at everything around him, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

He gently raised his right hand and waved it.

Countless brilliances gathered in front of him and began to evolve into a hazy pattern.

But there was nothing he wanted to see in this pattern.

What happened in this void seemed to have been erased.

Only the picture of "emptiness" absorbing the surrounding void was left.

The president could not help but frowned deeply, "These guys are really buried deep."

"There are actually their people in the Void City, and they have caused such a big trouble."

"They have delayed my hands and feet, otherwise I would have come earlier and might have known what happened behind this."

The president of the Void Fate Committee murmured to himself.

Obviously, there is a reason why he arrived here at this time.

After staying here for a while, the projection also turned into countless light spots and disappeared.

This area once again returned to peace, no one came again, and no one knew what happened here.


Time passed several Void days in a blink of an eye.

Lin Yi in the Wanshiwu resumed his peaceful life.

His main body was using the space crystal card to practice the Void Tribulation.

Void Tribulation, the practice is immunity to the power of space.

First he did one thing.

He began to collect various space-related practice systems, or spells, abilities, formations, etc.

Because these things are space information that countless lives have already extracted.

After mastering them, the practice of Void Tribulation can be greatly shortened.

However, the cultivation system involving space, time, and soul is more expensive in the void.

It is much more expensive than the cultivation system of energy and matter series.

After all, if you want to really touch these three powers, you need a very high starting point to touch them, which is different from energy and matter.

Therefore, it is not an easy task to collect these three power systems.

Fortunately, Lin Yi has the talent crystal, so he can still collect the power of the space system.

The Wanshiwu has now been on the right track, and a lot of wealth is accumulated every day.

Hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of bounty hunters are working for him.

So far, he has collected more than 30 kinds of space cultivation methods. There are thousands of spells, and there are countless things involving space formations, items, abilities, etc.

As for the time and soul series, they are collected by the way. The things in these two series are the least, and often rely on luck.

However, after getting so many things in the space series, Lin Yi has mastered a considerable degree of space secrets and started the practice of the void calamity.

Lin Yi was very careful when practicing the Void Tribulation, because he had nothing that could repair the spatial scars on his true spirit.

In the past, he had divine crystals in his hands, which could repair the damage caused by matter on his true spirit, so he could quickly practice the Tribulation of All Things.

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