The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 897 Doubts and shock (second update)

Aliatha's face showed shock.

Lin Yi looked at the three coins, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect that these three coins were all for the purpose of changing the future.

Obviously, the ancient god left these three miracle coins for the purpose of changing a bad future.

This may be the meaning of the existence of the three coins.

Aliatha's eyes showed great horror, "Could it be that."

"These three coins are a complete set of 1001 series."

"These three coins definitely contain unimaginable secrets."

"These are the miracle coins left by the ancient god to change the future."

Aliatha seemed to have thought of a lot, and her face changed.

At this time, she put down the three coins and her eyes fell on the mysterious stone.

Slowly picking up the stone, her eyes looked at the stone.

Suddenly, her body shook slightly, and a look of shock appeared in her eyes.

"This is time."

"It seems that there is time in this stone."

"Looking at it, I seem to see countless torrents of time."

"The past, present and future are all in it, belonging to my own time and possibility."

Lin Yi frowned slightly when he heard this, and couldn't help but think of the relationship between the fisherman and the torrent of time in the time stone.

The five things they got this time seemed to all be related to time.


"The ancient gods left these things specifically, is it for something?"

"To change something that has been decided?"

The two looked at each other, and both had a bad premonition in their hearts.

They felt as if they had stepped into some kind of plan left by the ancient gods.

Everything had started when they got these miracle coins and mysterious stones.

Lin Yi looked at Aliatha, "How do you want to divide it?"

"We can discuss it."

"There are a total of five items this time, and your bag of things."

Aliatha looked at these five things, and her face kept changing.

Thinking about what she saw and heard on the road this time, each one exceeded her imagination and overturned her past cognition.

Looking at these things, a trace of inexplicable fear flashed through her heart.

She always felt that these things seemed to hide some huge conspiracy and danger.

The worry in her heart kept beating, making her think constantly.

After a long time, Aliatha seemed to have made up her mind.

She looked at Lin Yi, "This time I have got the information I want to know."

"I don't want these things, just the ancient gods in my pocket, and I'll give you all the rest."

"I'm afraid I can't bear the danger these things represent."

Hearing this, Lin Yi looked at her in surprise.

"You are really very cautious."

Aliatha heard this and smiled helplessly, "These things are not taken out by my own ability."

"And the things I saw in the ruins of the ancient gods, I think there must be big problems in them."

"I don't even recommend you to collect these things yourself."

"The best way is to sell them all."

"Let others take over the cause and effect of these things."

Lin Yi thought about it, smiled faintly and said, "It's not time yet."

"At least, I still want to study them for the time being."

Aliatha sighed when she heard this, and then took out a box from her arms.

"This is the miracle coin agreed in our contract. From now on, our contract ends here completely."

As her voice fell, the strange power connecting her and Lin Yi slowly dissipated.

As long as Aliatha abides by the confidentiality of the contract, she will not be disturbed by the power of the contract in the future.

Lin Yi glanced at Aliatha and took the box she handed over, which contained the agreed miracle coins.

At this time, he already had a total of 8 miracle coins in his hand.

He actually didn't plan to keep these miracle coins.

With a wave of his hand, all the items disappeared from the lobby and appeared in the treasure room of the Wanshiwu.

At the same time, the exchange conditions for miracle coins have appeared on the task exchange board of the Wanshiwu.

The greater the role, the more contribution points are required and the higher the honor level.

During this period of time, the Wanshiwu will close the store after 24:00 every day.

Then Brandy will be responsible for using the power of the wish shrine to find people who hope to fulfill their wishes from one world after another.

And on the second day, these tasks will be quickly taken up by the bounty hunters who come to the bar.

So far, all tasks are relatively simple and the intensity is maintained below the earth immortal way.

The honor level is basically maintained at three levels: B, C, and D.

And A-level and S-level tasks have never appeared once.

However, as time goes by, these two levels of tasks will eventually appear.

The Wanshiwu has officially entered a virtuous cycle. It only needs time to accumulate and it will naturally become stronger and stronger.

At this time in the Void City, Ren Wudi looked at the clown who appeared in front of him with a solemn expression.

The clown took a jade stone and placed it in front of him.

It showed the message that Aliatha had conveyed to him.

There was an unprecedented solemnity and disbelief in his eyes.

"How is it possible? The ancient god was infected? Sealed in the ruins of the ancient god."

"Is it absorbing the life essence and soul particles of the explorer to revive?"

Seeing this, he stood up from his seat with a bang.

Then, he quickly opened his room and flew towards the Void Fate Committee.

He was very fast. In less than 5 minutes, he had rushed to the main base of the Void Fate Committee in the Void City.

He did not hesitate to find the top floor he could reach.

The head of the Weird Land Exploration Team, an ancient and senior Void Outer Realm strongman.

Looking at the invincible person who suddenly broke in, the head of the Weird Land Exploration Team-Ming Yue Ye, frowned slightly.

He is a human strongman, with endless blood and energy all over his body. Just entering here makes people feel an extremely terrifying pressure.

This man is wearing a very modern and trendy casual outfit, with a long black hair shawl, a fair face, without a trace of wrinkles and blemishes, standing in the crowd, this is definitely an eye-catching handsome man.

Ming Yueyue looked at the anxious intruder, Wudi, with a hint of strangeness in his eyes.

He was very optimistic about Wudi, who was capable, wise, and talented in cultivation, and would definitely be among the top in the future.

But now the other party's face was obviously flashing with anxiety, which made him feel a little strange.

"What's wrong with you? It seems like something bad has happened."

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