The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 89 Killing, Bar (Second Update)

As if it were stained with flames, the hair was quickly burned by the green light.

Lin Yi did not stop and arrived in front of the hazy figure in one step.

The Vajra Seal and the Fearless Seal were performed at the same time, with infinite green and gold brilliance.

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It almost illuminated the entire room and slammed heavily towards the hazy figure.

Countless strands of hair stabbed at Lin Yi from all directions.

Countless green lights surged, like green flames, burning all the hair that approached.

At the same time, the strange child's countless black tentacles intercepted most of the long hair.


The golden seal light fell heavily on the hazy figure.

A muffled sound exploded, and the green and golden lights drowned the hazy figure.

A strange and shrill scream exploded in Lin Yi's mind.


This strange scream went straight to the heart, and Lin Yi felt dizzy and almost exploded.

At the critical moment, his hands were not vague at all, and endless green and golden light burst out, igniting all the hazy figures.


A piece of black smoke exploded, and strange invisible ripples spread from the strange hazy figure to the entire room.

A trace of strange power flew out from the center of the explosion and was sucked into Lin Yi's body.

While the "Yi Ling Jing" was running, it was digested and absorbed in a breath and integrated into the second hand seal lotus.

The 21st hand seal was completely lit up, hazy and mysterious.

At this time, the black smoke in the room gradually dissipated and was absorbed by the surrounding space.

Lin Yi could feel that the power of the strange magic cube in his bedroom had increased.

"It seems that after killing these strange existences, a trace of core power will be swallowed by the "Yi Ling Jing"."

"The other debris will be swallowed by the strange magic cube and gradually grow."

As the hazy and strange existence was destroyed by Lin Yi, the influence on Brandy seemed to disappear.

His expression slowly calmed down, and then he fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, just now he teamed up with the strange child.

It took most of his energy and spiritual waves to kill the strange existence.

After all, although he was not very powerful at the level of human immortal, he was much stronger than Lin Yi, so he had to go all out.

He looked at the strange child, "Continue to protect him."

Turning and leaving the room, Lin Yi lay on the sofa in the lobby for a night, paying attention to the dangers that might appear at any time.

After this night, it was safe, and no strange incidents happened again.

Lin Yi, who was lying on the sofa, had a thought in his mind.

"It seems that I still have to go to the blood department of the black-clothed man."

Early the next morning, as Brandy woke up, the Wanshiwu started a day of business.

Brandy was energetic, and it seemed that he had slept well last night.

Lin Yi looked at Brandy, "You can watch the store by yourself, I'm going to catch up on my sleep."

"Okay, manager," Brandy was a little puzzled, why Lin Yi didn't go to practice.

In fact, Lin Yi's current "Vajra Seal" has reached a certain limit.

What is needed is an opportunity. There is no need to practice at all, and the essence will flow naturally in the body.

Evening soon arrived, and Lin Yi, who had slept for a day, came to the lobby.

Brandy looked at Lin Yi, his eyes lit up, "Manager, you got up, what do you want for dinner?"

"Convenient and fast, coffee and bacon sandwiches."


A few minutes later, Brandy had brought the plate to Lin Yi and put down the sandwiches and bacon sandwiches.

"Manager, please enjoy."

Lin Yi picked up the coffee and smelled it, "Not bad."

After more than ten minutes, after finishing the meal, Lin Yi stood up and said to Brandy.

"I'm going out for a while, I'll be back before twelve o'clock."

"Okay, manager," Brandy agreed without asking anything.


Accompanied by the welcoming bell, Lin Yi left the Wanshiwu.

Walking on the street, the sky was already dark, and he walked towards the Orchid Street in the east of Honglian City.

Orchid Street is a famous entertainment street in Honglian City.

Here the whole street is full of bars, KTVs, and various restaurants.

The bright lights and wine can be said to be the favorite place for young people, especially at this time.

The street is busy, and the famous restaurants are already full of people.

Lin Yi got off the bus, and was greeted by countless people.

Various music can be heard from time to time on both sides of the street. The shops are gorgeously decorated, and young people dressed in fashionable clothes gather here.

Lin Yi can even see street dances in the small square on the street, a group of carefree young people.

The familiar atmosphere made Lin Yi feel a change in time and space, as if he had returned to the earth in his previous life.

"Really, a nostalgic feeling."

Lin Yi has been in Honglian for a long time, and he has never been to this Orchid Street.

This is where rich people, white-collar workers, young men and women gather.

The street is full of beautiful cars and beauties, and there are even some who kiss passionately in the car.

This street is different from other places in Dongcheng. There are all kinds of exquisite single-family buildings with different decorations.

Lin Yi, dressed simply, walked on this street, giving people a sense of abruptness.

Wearing a dark leather jacket, jeans and leather boots, and gloves with five fingers exposed on his hands, he gave people a sense of rusticity.

However, Lin Yi didn't care about the strange looks around him, and walked along the sidewalk towards No. 13 Lanhua Street.

In this world, 13 is not an auspicious number.

It is always associated with evil and death.

Standing in front of No. 13 Orchid Street, this is a place with a relatively quiet atmosphere on the street.

Hell Bar, this name gives people an inexplicable meaning.

In addition, the completely old style here, without any modern atmosphere, gives people a more weird feeling.

People strolling outside the Hell Bar were all surprised when they saw Lin Yizhan walk in.

Hell Bar is very famous on this street.

Many people will come out pale after entering.

It is said that people who go in will see horrible things, and many people even dare not come to Orchid Street again.

An inexplicable person actually went in, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

In the Rose Bar opposite the Hell Bar, behind the French window of the door.

A beautiful and hot woman in red is looking in the direction of the Hell Bar.

Flaming red lips, as if the heat of fire is burning all over her body.

Perfect figure, age in her twenties, youth combined with wildness, people will be on fire at the first sight of her.

The manager of Rose Bar, Ms. Rose, was very busy in her bar at this time.

Many male guests looked at her with enthusiasm, and the female guests also looked at her with admiration.

However, she had long been accustomed to these looks and gazes, and did not care.

Her eyes fell on Lin Yi, who disappeared in the door of Hell Bar across from her.

"He is recruited by the Blood Department, a new external employee?"

"Last time he caused quite a stir, and Mo Bai seemed to be defeated by him."

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