The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 884 Fisherman, Visitor (First Update)

This palace is very plain, and there are not even any patterns or carvings.

It is made of pure white material, but it has not weathered for countless years.

A material comparable to time metal.

Among the countless palaces, the appearance of this palace is also very ordinary.

Lin Yi looked at the palace quietly, with a trace of thought in his eyes.

"This palace is too plain."

Aliata said slowly, "The saints only have the ancient gods in their hearts, and nothing else."

"Any luxury should be dedicated to the ancient gods, not owned by themselves."

"This is the behavior of saints."

"So the places where they live are as simple as here."

"Then what's next."

"Let's go in and look for it. The passage may be here."

Lin Yi nodded, and the two stepped into this simple palace.

This palace is not big. After entering, it seems to be a main hall with an area of ​​about 100 square meters.

On both sides of the main hall are side halls, which should be the living place.

In the center of the palace, there is a small statue, which looks like an ancient god.

Because the costume of this statue is exactly the same as the statue in the central hall.

It's just that this statue has no face, although it has a head.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi was slightly stunned.

"What is this? The appearance of the ancient gods?"

Aliatha shook her head and said, "The ancient gods are mysterious and unpredictable. Their faces never appear in any records."

"So their statues naturally have no faces."

Lin Yi nodded slightly when he heard this.

Both of them looked at the foot of the statue, where there was a god table.

There seemed to be something on the god table.

Lin Yi's eyes swept over, and there was no power or trap on it.

Aliatha walked over a few steps, stretched out her hand and took down the offering box.

He couldn't wait to open the box, and inside was a miracle coin and a black crystal.

The coin was all black, and there was a fisherman fishing on it.

A little joy appeared on Aliatha's face.

"This coin is called the Fisherman."

"It can catch fish in any river."

Lin Yi was stunned when he heard this, "Fishing?"

"Why do I feel that the functions of miracle coins are a bit strange."

Aliata smiled, "This is normal."

"Because miracle coins are not for fighting."

"It exists for some epic events."

"To accomplish some miracles and promote the history and destiny of the void."

Hearing this, Lin Yi frowned slightly.

"Do you really believe in fate?"

"If fate is predetermined, do you think all our actions make sense?"

Lin Yi asked a soul question, which made Aliata stunned for a moment.

Then she thought for a while and said, "Destiny is not immutable."

"But the miracle coin seems to have appeared to increase the possibility of a certain destiny."

"There is a legend that this is the future that the ancient gods hope for."

"But these are all legends, and no real person can prove it."

"So I don't know whether this is true or false."

"Don't think too much, there are tall people to support the sky when it falls."

"We just need to live our own lives."

"Do what you want, experience, and travel in this infinite void and civilization."

Aliatha seemed to be very open-minded, with expectations for the future in his eyes.

Hearing his words, Lin Yi was silent for a moment.

A trace of calmness appeared on his face, "That's right, no matter whether the legend is true or false."

"It's enough to live my own life well."

At this time, Lin Yi's eyes, flashing with the light of the true destiny, were observing the entire palace.

And Aliatha put away the miracle coin and the black crystal.

Soon he saw a different place.

"Come here."

"I saw something."

"Maybe it's a passage."

Aliatha's eyes lit up with joy when he heard this.

"Where is it? Let's go there quickly."

Lin Yi took Aliatha to the back of the statue.

Behind the base of the statue, there is a hole.

But this hole is closed, and there is no problem on the surface.

Even if the power of the soul level is used for scanning, it cannot be found at all.

Only Lin Yi's true destiny can see the existence of this passage.

Lin Yi did not destroy the passage, but directly pulled Aliatha through the closed partition.

After entering it, they saw a staircase leading to the underground.

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Are you sure the residence of the ancient god is on the upper level of the slave area?"

"Why do I feel that this staircase is going down."

Aliatha's eyes showed a trace of doubt.

"I don't know about that."

"We just came up from below, and it was clearly the experimental area."

"Now this passage is connected to the bottom again, it feels a bit strange,"

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and then his eyes continued to flash with the light of the true destiny.

A large amount of spiritual waves were consumed, and his eyes saw more and more things, penetrating the winding stairs below.

He could feel a force blocking his sight, which was the power of the ancient god.

Indistinctly, he saw that there seemed to be a ball of extremely dark things at the bottom.

The two stood on the stairs and did not go down. Lin Yi said in a somewhat solemn voice.

"I can't see the situation below clearly."

"This passage is at least several thousand meters deep."

"There is a huge ball of darkness below, and I feel a dangerous breath."

"Are you sure we want to go down?"

Aliatha was a little uneasy when he heard this.

His face changed, and he was obviously thinking whether it was necessary to take the risk to go down.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded in the palace.

Lin Yi and Aliatha were immediately attracted.

Lin Yi's thoughts came to Aliatha's mind.

"We don't have to worry about it now, someone will help us to explore."

As he said, Lin Yi's eyes had already seen the people who appeared in the palace.

There were a total of 5 people coming, and they seemed to be two groups of people.

They were clearly divided, and the breath of each one was not lower than the level of Tianxiandao.

Three people seemed to be subordinates, and the other two should be leaders.

The leader on the left was filled with white light, seemingly holy and extremely powerful.

This white light seemed to contain the fluctuations of time and space, which was very wonderful.

The other leader looked like a crystal man, with countless colorful lights flashing in his body.

At this time, the two seemed to be communicating something, and then the three people behind them quickly dispersed.

They began to search for something in this palace.

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