The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 879: Passing through the altar (first update)

One after another, invisible figures were slowly rising from the deep pit of corpses below.

Their targets were Lin Yi and Aliatha.

Aliatha frowned at this moment, looking at the bottomless abyss made up of countless corpse fragments.

Her eyes were full of horror, "How many lives did this ancient god use for the experiment?"

"It's simply endless."

At this moment, she suddenly raised her left hand, where there was a green gem bracelet, emitting a flickering light.

Aliatha saw the light and immediately knew that something was wrong. She turned her head and looked at Lin Yi and said.

"It's bad, there is danger approaching us."

"This is an ancient god item I got."

"Its name is revelation."

"It can warn me of three events in advance."

"One of them is the approach of danger, which will emit this flickering green light."

"The higher the frequency of the light flickering, the more serious the danger will be."

"Let's hide quickly, or find a way to leave here."

Aliatha's face was serious, "This green light flickering means that it can threaten my life and ignore everything on me."

"Even you are included."

Hearing Aliatha's words, Lin Yi was slightly shocked.

He knew his own affairs very well, and he had never seen a force that could hurt him.

But Aliatha said this for a reason.

The source of the acquired Dao mark was not here, and he didn't want to stay in this abandoned corpse pit.

There were already more than a dozen strange shadows in the pit rushing towards them.

At most, there were more than a dozen seconds before they would drill out of the pit.

And there seemed to be something more terrifying below, which had been attracted by them and was rushing up.

Lin Yi put one hand on Aliatha, and the two flew to the front of the corpse pit.

There was also a metal door there.

There were a total of 4 doors around the corpse pit, which obviously connected 4 passages in different directions.

Only one of the doors was different from the other three.

Lin Yi chose this unique door. Behind this door was no longer a passage, but an empty area.

Lin Yi flew very fast, whizzing past like a stream of light.

Under the cover of the boundless destiny, even time and space could not restrain him, and he could continue to accelerate.

When he and Aliatha came to the opposite side of the deep pit.

More than a dozen twisted shadows had rushed out.

They exuded an unimaginable weird breath, which was pure death, destruction, and distortion itself.

They had no specific appearance, just like a shadow, and their bodies were twisted like countless spirals.

Any living being would instinctively have problems as long as they saw them.

The spirit would collapse, and the body would be unnaturally destroyed and twisted.

Their existence was the source of destruction.

At this time, Aliatha also saw them and was shocked.

However, Lin Yi's true destiny has enveloped him.

He can be immune to any soul and spiritual harm.

Even if these existences themselves represent destruction and can distort the mind, they cannot touch him.

However, when Lin Yi saw these things, he was a little cautious.

Because he felt that his spiritual waves were being consumed at an alarming rate.

Just seeing these things, his spirit was attacked.

The next moment, he took Aliatha through this special door and did not stay here for long.

These strange black shadows could not pass through this door.

They were directly blocked outside and hit the door head-on.

But under the obstruction of the mysterious power on the door, they were all bounced back.

These strange phantoms obviously have no wisdom, they just instinctively destroy all living things they see.

After Lin Yi and Aliatha left, they quickly died down.

Several people returned to the corpse pit and continued to lurk in the deep darkness and corpses.

At this time, Lin Yi and Aliatha stood in front of a mysterious building.

This is an area of ​​about 10,000 square meters, and they stood on a bridge.

The bridge extended to the center of this area.

In the center, there is a four-sided platform like an altar.

The top of the four-sided platform is empty, with nothing.

On both sides of the bridge are deep pools with some strange black liquid.

The bridge under their feet is a kind of black rock structure.

The four-sided platform in the middle is about tens of meters high, and there is a staircase facing them, extending to the top of the platform.

There are a gate and a bridge on each of the four sides of the platform, extending to the foot of the platform.

Looking at this place that looks like an altar, Lin Yi frowned slightly.

Aliatha looked at him and said, "Let's go, let's go up and take a look."

"It looks like a place for sacrifice?"

"Maybe we will gain something."

Lin Yi nodded, his eyes flashing with the light of the true destiny, and he was observing here.

The first thing he looked at was the pool, which was full of strange black liquid. These liquids gave him a very strange feeling.

It was filled with the power of the ancient gods, and there was also a trace of strange power.

Seeing this, he knew that these liquids were definitely not simple.

His eyes looked at the tall altar.

The interior of the altar is solid, and there is no hollow.

It is just that the interior is also full of wonderful light paths.

The top of the altar is a plane of about dozens of square meters.

There are extremely complex light paths on the ground.

These light paths are made of some strange materials, which contain the power of the ancient gods. It is obviously a special creation.

Lin Yi and Aliata spent ten minutes to reach the top of the altar.

In these 10 minutes, through the true destiny, Lin Yi has analyzed what the function of this altar is.

The only function of this altar seems to be a channel, a time and space channel.

Once the light path above is activated, it seems to be connected to somewhere.

The function of this light path is similar to the formation, and the source of power is at the bottom of the altar.

There is a light path there, extending to an unknown place.

All the power is transmitted here through this light path.

In general, these light paths are like things like wires and optical fibers in technology.

There will be a place to transmit energy and information to various devices connected by the light path.

Lin Yi was thoughtful when he saw this, thinking of the route they came in, and said slowly.

"All the roads we just walked may only be the first floor of this ancient god ruins."

"After climbing up this altar, we activated the transmission device above."

"We can enter the second floor of this ruins."

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