The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 86 Traces and Changes (3rd update)


He sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.


"What is that?"

He turned his head and looked around the lobby. There was nothing, as if everything just now was an illusion.

"Is there something dirty in the store?"

Thinking of the main business of his store manager, he felt a fear in his heart and got goose bumps all over his body.

But he couldn't go out now, he still had to watch the store.

Ring Ring Ring

The doorbell rang, and a couple walked in, just in time to see Brandy half-sitting on the ground.

The couple was stunned, and the man had a hesitant expression, "Can I drink coffee here?"

Brandy saw the guests coming and stood up smartly.

"Okay, okay, please sit down, please sit down, sorry, I just fell down."

The couple looked at each other and still sat at the double table. Brandy had cheered up and quickly ordered them food.

As for the weird scene just now, he planned to report to Lin Yi after he came back.

At noon, Lin Yi returned to the Wanshiwu with a real estate certificate.

He spent all his gold coins and bought the property of the Wanshiwu at the market price.

When he returned to the Wanshiwu, he saw many customers.

"Business is good," Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction.

Just after spending all the gold coins, the daily business is very important.

At this time, his eyes looked at Brandy who was busy, and his brows frowned slightly.

Brandy gave him an uncomfortable feeling.

"What's going on?"

With a move in his heart, the true destiny solution opened, and a green light flashed in his eyes.

The world changed drastically, and Brandy looked drastically different in his eyes.

Brandy himself was nothing, but for some reason, a trace of strange aura appeared on him.

"Traces of strange power?"

"Why is there a trace of strange power on him? It's strange."

Lin Yi became alert instantly. The origin of the strange power is unpredictable. Although he has obtained many strange objects so far.

But he doesn't understand what the root of those things is.

Brandy suddenly appeared with strange power, and he immediately thought of the strange objects he held.

"Yan Mengyao seemed to have said that strange objects are not so easy to get, and there are inexplicable dangers."

"Could it be that the situation on Brandy is a sign of danger?"

Thinking of this, the joy of getting the property certificate disappeared a lot.

He walked to Brandy, glanced at him, and whispered, "I have something to ask you after the guests leave."

Brandy looked at Lin Yi, and his eyes showed joy, "It's just right, manager, I have something to tell you."

Nodding, Lin Yi returned to his room, and the outside was completely handed over to Brandy.

Sitting at the desk, there was an event blog in front of him.

He turned to a blank page and began to write down the incident this time.

Case No. 20

Time: February 4, 2019, Red Lotus Calendar

Location: Abandoned House No. 99, Nan Ke Street

Event: Weird Bride Incident

Qian Rui, the grandson of old man Qian, lost his spiritual will. After investigation, he was found in the mysterious building complex under the abandoned house No. 99, Nan Ke Street, where Qian Rui fainted.

When Qian Rui's spirit body was brought back, it was blocked by a mysterious barrier on the abandoned house.

The plan was to find the bodies of Old Man Qian and Qian Rui, and directly fuse them on the spot to revive Qian Rui. However, the moment Qian Rui's body entered the barrier, a strange change occurred, and the black fog and the barrier constructed a mysterious space.

Kill the strange bride, obtain the strange red jade comb, Qian Rui merged with the spirit body, and finally woke up, and the incident was over.

The second set of handprints completed 11.

After recording, Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction.

This is the twentieth case he has handled, and recording has become his interest.

"I don't know how many incidents I can handle in this life?"

"Maybe in the future, this book of strange incidents can be published and become a historical material that will be circulated for thousands of years."

A proud smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Lin Yi felt a little happy.

Time passed quickly and it was evening, and the guests of the Wanshiwu left one after another.

Brandy, who had finished cleaning, knocked on Lin Yi's door.

Dong Dong Dong

"Come in."

Opening the door, Brandy walked in.

One of them sat behind the desk, and the other stood in front of the desk.

Lin Yi looked at Brandy, "Did you encounter anything today?"

Brandy's eyes widened when he heard this, "Manager, have you guessed this?"

Lin Yi frowned, "It seems that you really encountered something."

"Tell me, what happened."

Hearing Lin Yi's question, Brandy immediately told Lin Yi everything he encountered today.

Lin Yi frowned, "You mean, she pounced on you, but nothing happened in the end?"

"Yes, nothing happened, and then a couple came in."

"I was busy serving customers, so I didn't have time to take care of those things."

Lin Yi nodded, looked at Brandy and said, "You are entangled by some kind of power."

"I'll help you get rid of it."

Lin Yi walked out from behind the desk and slapped Brandy on the back.

A green light of spiritual waves flashed, and a strange power was injected into Brandy's body.

The next moment, a black gas rose from his body, and a weird spiritual scream sounded.


Accompanied by the green light of Lingbo, Brandy felt that the dark cloud that had been hanging over his heart had disappeared without a trace.

Countless black air rose, and a trace of black merged into Lin Yi's body.

This trace of black was directly drawn into the green light of the "Yi Ling Jing".

After a circle, it flowed into the mysterious handprint lotus in the spiritual space.

One handprint was instantly lit up.

Lin Yi's heart moved, "Interesting, it actually lit up one directly, this is a big gain."

Eighty-one handprints, at this time, he had already lit up twelve.

Looking at the handprints that had not yet lit up, Lin Yi was happy, "It seems that it is really a strange phenomenon."

"Okay," I have removed the things on your body.

"I have some ideas about today's situation. Pay attention these days. Tell me immediately if there is any problem."

Brandy nodded quickly after hearing this, "Yes, manager, if there is any problem, I will tell you immediately."

Looking at Brandy who left, Lin Yi was a little confused, "This strange phenomenon, is it caused by these strange things?"

With confusion, Lin Yi began to practice himself.

The Wanshiwu at night was very quiet, and you could hear a pin drop.

The power of the strange magic cube permeated the entire room of the Wan Shi Wu.

At this time, a strange change was happening in the toilet.

The Wan Shi Wu toilet was five square meters in size, and there was a half-length mirror on the washstand.

At this time, the half-length mirror was pitch black, with no light shining on it. There was no light in the toilet.

In the dark mirror, an invisible palm suddenly slapped the mirror.

A huge force pushed from the palm to the mirror.

Under this force, the mirror bulged outward.

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