The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 861 Uselessness, Miracle (First Update)

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An eternal breath of destruction erupted in Lin Yi's body.

But this breath still could not break Lin Yi's boundless destiny.

It's just that the consumption of spiritual waves has increased.

In Lin Yi's eyes, the brilliance of the true destiny solution kept flickering.

He had seen a ray of eternal breath in the sword.

That was the principle of matter, and this principle seemed to have a new extension.

It seemed that matter should dominate energy, time and space, and soul.

This is a new and alternative eternal principle, using matter to accommodate the other four innate principles.

And this has formed a prototype, and it seems that there is a possibility of success, although it is only one in a billion.

But this is the road to eternity.

At least there is a direction to move forward, and it is no longer a headless fly.

King Jin Ling watched himself pierce Lin Yi with a sword, and the endless golden light submerged Lin Yi.

But in his perception, Lin Yi was the same as before, without any damage.

A cold will exploded in his heart.

"You still only have this much power, I'm really disappointed."

In the endless golden light, Lin Yi's hand appeared in front of King Jin Ling in an instant.

He pointed at his forehead with one finger, and the chaotic power burst out in an instant.

King Jin Ling flew out directly as if hit by a truck.

He hit the wall in the Three Treasures Hall heavily.

There was a slight dent in his forehead, but the golden light exploded from his body.

The obvious dent recovered in an instant.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and the attacks of these people had no effect on him.

But his attack could not kill King Jin Ling in front of him.

The opponent's body was too hard, like a compressed neutron star, and the density reached an unimaginable level.


King Jin Ling fell from the wall and looked at Lin Yi with a very ugly face.

Just now, he almost used his highest mystery, but still couldn't hurt the man in front of him.

The opponent's power was so mysterious that he had never encountered it in countless years of roaming the void.

Thinking of this, his face became more gloomy.

At this point, things can't be resolved peacefully.

At this time, the other 7 people came to the side of King Jinling.

They didn't attack just now, but it doesn't mean they are timid.

It's just that they found that their attacks might not work on the people in front of them.

As long as they can't break Lin Yi's state, any attack is meaningless.

Li Wuji from the Evil Spirit Academy said, "What should we do now?"

"This man's power is too weird, and we can't touch him at all."

"Even the power of time and space can't stop your attack just now."

"It's impolite not to return the favor, and it's my turn to do it next."

Lin Yi's mouth rose with a cold smile.

His eyes gently swept over the 8 people in front.

King Jinling can't be killed for the time being, but others may not be.

Seeing Lin Yi's eyes sweeping towards them, except for King Jinling, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

But they were not afraid.

Wu Ji suddenly took out a strange coin from his hand in the Evil Spirit Academy.

His spirit was communicating with others at the same time.

"Miracle coin, left by the ancient gods countless times ago."

"The power of my coin is - instant death."

"If I use it, you have to compensate me after this war."

Including King Jin Ling, everyone else looked at Li Wu Ji.

Miracle coin, that is the biggest secret in the void.

Legend has it that this miracle coin contains the secret of the ancient gods.

Miracle coins, each one is unique.

Once used, it will disappear, and then appear again one day in the future.

Legend has it that there are 1001 series of miracle coins, each series ranges from one to 999, involving all aspects.

Some of the effects are amazing, and some actually don't have much effect.

But legend has it that among these 1001 series of coins, there is a set of coins leading to eternity. Once collected successfully.

You can get a secret of eternity and truly step into the realm of eternity.

This is something that countless people are collecting.

Countless people want eternity, but there are almost no people who can really step into this level.

Eternity is like a legend, existing in countless stories, but never in reality.

There are countless cultivation methods in the void, and the eternity pursued by powerful beings is still like flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water.

You can only see it, but you can never touch it.

No matter what kind of cultivation method, even if it is claimed to be able to lead to eternity.

But the person who can really get through has never appeared.

All cultivation methods are just claims.

And among these 1001 series of coins, there is a series that truly leads to eternity, so any miracle coin is a supreme treasure.

Seeing Li Wuji take out the mysterious coin, Lin Yi slowly stopped.

Because this coin surprised him very much.

His true destiny solution can analyze everything, but when he saw this coin.

But he found that he could not see through this coin.

In an instant, a large amount of spiritual waves were injected into the true destiny solution, and the power of analysis increased thousands of times in an instant.

Then he saw a strange power, or a brand new rule.

A rule that was completely outside the five principles of the void, and a rule that was completely equal to them.

But what he could see was only the surface, and this power was filled in this strange coin.

And deeper down, there seemed to be something else hidden.

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Lin Yi's face was slightly surprised, and Li Wuji and the others seemed to have reached an agreement.

Li Wuji pointed the coin at Lin Yi, and then he gently let go.

The coin began to collapse the moment it fell, turning into a mysterious fine sand.

Then, countless fine sands disappeared in a strange breeze.

Lin Yi felt a terrifying death coming towards him.

This was a death that went straight to the essence. Even if the true destiny was opened, Lin Yi felt a hint of death.

The next moment, he felt that his spiritual waves were being consumed at an alarming rate.

In the first second, his spiritual wave consumed 1/10.

In the second second, only 2/3 remained.

After the third second, only 1/5 remained.

His mind knew in an instant that if there was only one more second, he would die under this power of death.

But fortunately, in just three seconds, this power of death was exhausted.

The premonition of death disappeared in an instant, and Lin Yi's face showed a trace of solemnity.

In all these years, this was the first time he faced death, and death was so close to him.

If this power was a little stronger, he would probably have to choose to die once with the true immortality.

Use the true immortality to come back to life and consume the death power of this coin.

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