The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 843 Shock, Talent

Shopkeeper Tong immediately understood that Lin Yi had more talents. "

"Guest, please rest assured that I, Babao Zhai, am an innocent child. If the value of this orb is indeed what you said."

"Then after the final price is determined, I will definitely compensate you according to the price."

Lin Yi waved his hand, "I said I would give it to you, so I gave it to you. Complete the test as soon as possible. I am still in a hurry."

Shopkeeper Tong nodded, "I'll make arrangements immediately. Guests, please wait a moment."

After saying that, shopkeeper Tong left the living room and quickly made arrangements.

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About an hour later.

Shopkeeper Tong returned to the living room where Lin Yi was in disbelief.

"This guest, your talent orb has been tested and it is indeed true."

โ€œIt really puts talent in the hands of people who donโ€™t have it.โ€

"I wonder how many levels this talent can be divided into," Shopkeeper Tong asked nervously.

"In the inspection just now, we found that the musical talent orb can only be regarded as a lucky charm."

"Mortals can make music and have a certain sensitivity to music, but it is not enough to apply it to the immortal system."

Lin Yi smiled faintly, "That's just the most common talent."

"This is the kind of talent that can truly be utilized by immortal cultivators."

With that said, another brighter talent orb appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

"This one can be applied to the immortal system."

"This talent can allow an ordinary person to hear all sounds."

"Including the sounds of heaven, earth, nature, the sea, and the universe, all sounds will appear in the ears of the user of this talent."

"Even through sound, you can construct the universe in your mind."

"As long as the user is powerful enough, he can even see the essence of the universe."

Shopkeeper Tong trembled slightly when he heard Lin Yi's words.

This kind of talent is simply incredible. He immediately thought of the aptitude test in cultivating immortals.

His eyes lit up.

"This guest, in our immortal way, there are five types of qualifications."

"It seems that it can be applied to the judgment of this talent."

"If you want to step into the cultivation of immortality and various arts, you will usually have to take a qualification test."

"There are generally different levels of this kind of testing."

"Respect is the appearance of the middle man. Through hard work and learning knowledge, you can achieve something in a certain skill."

"For example, many people who are trapped in the levels of Talisman Making Apprentice, Alchemy Boy, Spiritual Planting Apprentice, and Flute Blowing Boy belong to this level."

โ€œBeyond that is genius level.โ€

"This kind of person knows almost everything about cultivating immortals. He can even draw inferences from one instance and become self-taught. He can be called a genius."

"Beyond genius is the genius."

"This kind of character is even more incredible."

"They can easily master the skills corresponding to their talents, and then directly reach the master level without any bottlenecks."

"He is the favorite figure of every sect who has paved his own path to immortality."

"Beyond the genius is a peerless talent. This kind of person is more than just a master of a skill."

"It's about being able to easily master all the relevant content in a craft, and even innovate and create new things."

"Almost a master-level figure in preparation. In the future, he will almost always be a Taishan Beidou-level existence."

"It may be possible to achieve a record that no one can surpass for thousands of years."

"And above this, there is the legendary supreme genius."

"I have never seen such people. It is just said that these people have pioneered the various arts of immortality."

"It is said that these people have the terrifying ability to open up new paths and even change an era."

"If your talent orb is really as powerful as you say."

"Then a talent orb of this level can undoubtedly create the ability of a supreme genius."

"Even if there is no supreme genius, there are still peerless talents."

"So the price is probably going to be high."

"But I can't make the decision on my own for an item of this price."

"I will ask the appraisal masters from Babaozhai and let them come up with a reasonable price."

โ€œI donโ€™t know how long guests can wait.โ€

Lin Yi looked at Shopkeeper Tong in front of him and smiled, "I can wait for a while, at least four or five minutes will be no problem."

Lin Yi has been in the Void City for several hours.

I also roughly figured out the time calculation in Void City.

They determine time based on a unique frequency in the void.

This frequency appears to be a wave carried by the void itself.

The duration of a wave is approximately three seconds.

A blink as they call those three seconds.

60 instants are one tenday, and one tenday is 180 seconds equal to three minutes.

Twenty ten days is a quarter, which is approximately equal to one hour.

A void day is 36 moments, which is 5 days.

Upon hearing Lin Yi's words, shopkeeper Tong immediately had a smile on his face.

"That would be great if that's the case."

"I'll make arrangements right away."

"Within a moment, the appraisal masters from Babaozhai in the Void City will arrive."

"Guest, please wait."

Lin Yi nodded casually.

Shopkeeper Tong left the living room and went down to make arrangements.

Lin Yi waited quietly in the VIP room.

Soon shopkeeper Tong walked in pushing a dining cart.

Let him push the dining cart to Lin Yi's side, and said with a smile.

"My guest, I don't know your name yet?"

"My last name is Lin."

"Mr. Lin, this is Fengxue Liantian."

"A thousand-year-old tea tree called Fengxuesong can only produce six taels in 1,000 years."

"I specially brewed a pot, please taste it."

As he said, he gently picked up the tray from the dining cart and placed it in front of Lin Yi.

The tray is made of green jade, and the teapot on it is an ice-blue jade structure.

You should be able to see that the natural clouds on this ice-blue jade teapot seem to be floating slowly.

Noticing Lin Yi's gaze, Tong, the shopkeeper, said with a hint of pride on his face.

"This is made of cloud jade that has been around for billions of years. This cloud jade was collected from a world of snow and clouds."

"There is no land or ocean in that world, only endless sky and white clouds."

"This cloud jade is produced in the clouds and mist, and its quality is very low."

"It takes billions of years to produce one piece, and it is priceless."

"It is a perfect match for making snowy days."

Tong, the shopkeeper, poured a cup of tea for Lin Yi.

The tea was very clear, and there seemed to be a mysterious glow flickering in it.

"This water is not ordinary water, it is pure water of luck, a wonderful thing."

"Luck is a wonderful power generated in the process of the world's operation."

"There are senior monks who have created a method of cultivating luck, among which there is this method of collecting luck and condensing qi into water."

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