The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 838 Fighting and Thoughts

First, in this Void City, everyone communicates through spiritual or mental communication, not directly through language.

Because there are at least thousands of completely different races here, the result is that the language cannot be unified at all.

Communication can only be carried out through direct spiritual communication.

And spiritual communication is also the most direct, and there will be no communication barriers.

Secondly, the shops under various metal buildings are opened by countless different races?

Some are only open to people of the same race, and some are open to all races.

This has created a very strong business atmosphere in the Void City. As long as you have money, you can buy almost everything.

Because the planning of the Void City is very perfect, there are almost no dark alleys here, only wide and bright streets.

There are no dark corners in the whole city, and everything is under the light.

This arrangement and layout seems to have some purpose.

Lin Yi also saw that in this Void City, there are many places with things like large GG screens.

But what is played on these screen cards is not some GG program.

Instead, it is a fight after another.

The targets of the fight were all some kind of strange existence without exception.

And the place where it happened seemed to be in pure emptiness.

Lin Yi stood under a screen, looked up at the content played on it, and a trace of thought appeared on his face.

At this time, the screen was playing a chase.

A sub-human creature with blue light all over his body, it seemed to be a sub-human that was a bit like a wolf.

His body was filled with deep blue light, and these lights turned into one blue javelin after another under his control.

These javelins soared into the air and blasted forward like machine guns.

A hundred meters away, there was a huge strange existence with a body size of more than 10 meters.

That strange existence was very ugly. It didn't look like a normal body, but something composed of countless creatures.

In the middle of it were thousands of heads, these heads were of various kinds, some were human, and some were non-human.

All kinds of distorted expressions appeared on their faces, anger, despair, madness.

Around these heads, there are tentacles made up of arms of various creatures.

You can see some black things connecting these arms together to form one weird tentacles after another.

In the void, dozens of blue javelins came across a hundred meters.

They were very fast, and each one seemed to reach several times the speed of sound.

Facing these oncoming javelins, this weird monster waved its tentacles and hit them in the air.

A layer of terrifying black light covered these tentacles, and when they touched these blue javelins, fireworks exploded one after another.

Each explosion covered a range of dozens of meters, and a huge impact bloomed between the two.

The wolf-headed warrior emitting blue light kept flying in the void, and countless lights were sprayed from behind.

At the same time, countless gun shadows kept emerging to replenish their consumption.

He always kept a distance of hundreds of meters from the monster, retreating when the enemy advanced, and advancing when the enemy retreated.

He kept entangled with the monster, absorbing a large amount of energy in the void and then transforming it into blue javelins.

This was obviously an experienced warrior, and all his javelins seemed to have tracking ability.

No matter how the monster dodges in the void, these javelins will follow it.

The monster can only wave its tentacles and bear the attack of these javelins.

Only a thief can be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Long defense will lead to loss, which is vividly demonstrated on this monster.

Puff puff puff.

One mistake, and all three javelins have been shot in the middle of its body.


Three huge explosions exploded in an instant, and blue sparks flashed.

Three huge holes were blown out on the monster's body, and three holes were vacated in the head.

The monster was hit hard, and the remaining head on its body let out a terrifying roar.

This roar passed through hundreds of meters of the void and even distorted the void.

The blue-glorious warrior, at the moment when the huge monster howled, a blue bell appeared in his hand.

He shook the bell violently, and golden ripples spread out from the bell, completely covering him.

The strange roar that could distort the void was directly blocked by the golden sound waves.

The two kinds of light exploded one shock wave after another where they touched.

The two kinds of ripples kept colliding in the void, but the blue light warrior never stopped.

36 javelins behind him exploded at the same time, instantly crossing a distance of 100 meters, and pierced the monster with countless distorted ripples.


The huge and unimaginable chain explosions exploded at the same time.

These 36 explosions instantly merged into one, turning into a blue light circle that collapsed inward.

The monster could not be stopped at all, and all the remaining body was sucked into the light circle.

In the end, in the blue light that collapsed to the extreme, it was finally burned into nothingness.


There was another huge muffled sound, and the blue light that collapsed into a point exploded directly, turning into energy in the universe and disappearing without a trace.

Looking at the battle scenes on the screen, many people on the street showed joy.

"General Shenbiao killed another big guy this time. The corpse of chaos broke through a line of defense at the front line, causing a lot of damage and breaking into the defense line."

"It has been wandering for a long time, and this time it was finally eliminated."

"General Shenbiao is a strong man in the outer level, so my record is justified."

"I don't know when it will end."

"Recently, the impact of the weird on the front line has become more and more intense."


Many people around were talking about it after seeing General Shenbiao's victory.

Lin Yi listened carefully to their words, like a silent ghost, constantly observing the Void City.

He started to move forward again, and he began to look for a suitable place.

It was bright and open everywhere here, without any darkness.

Lin Yi had been walking here for about a few hours, and almost walked around the entire core of the Void City.

But he still didn't see any open areas, which made him frown.

"It seems that settling down in this void city is not an easy task."

"I need to leave a coordinate here first."

"After all, I can come here this time because of the power of the Anywhere Door and the Shrine of Wishes."

"Next time, it will be very difficult to come here simply by relying on the Anywhere Door."

"First, I need to find a suitable person as a contractor."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi's eyes began to focus on finding people living in the void city.

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