The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 830 Find and Take Action (Second Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

The screen stretched, the dark cave and the four people disappeared quickly, and then a huge island appeared in the screen, surrounded by an endless ocean.

The black water was everywhere, and there was a dead silence.

This picture appeared in Lin Yi's sight, which surprised him a little.

The island that appeared in the ocean was very strange, and the appearance was completely black.

Like a volcano, it was high and sunken in the middle.

When Lin Yi stretched the Bagua mirror, he could see a strange scene.

The volcano was too symmetrical, and it looked very strange no matter how he looked at it.

Because of the Bagua mirror, Lin Yi could not use the true destiny solution to observe the truth of the volcano.

He could only continue to stretch the entire Bagua mirror, and he was looking for the location of the Wanshiwu.

Soon, the traces of the Wanshiwu appeared in the Bagua mirror, and a light spot flashed with a hazy glow.

He immediately determined the specific location of himself and the volcano-like creation.

Then this information appeared in the mind of Lin Yi's Blue Star clone.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, looking at the invincible man in front of him and said.

"I have found your companions, let's go save them now."

He stood up and walked to the door of the Wanshiwu.

Ren Wudi was surprised. He didn't expect Lin Yi to find his companions so quickly.

The door of the Wanshiwu and the arbitrary door are integrated.


The arbitrary door slowly opened, and there was a dark space opposite.

Several shining figures can be seen, shrouded in a mist, fighting a group of strange creatures.

These creatures are very powerful, and there is no lack of dangerous existence of the earth immortal way among them.

The opening of the Wanshiwu door instantly alarmed the two groups of people who were fighting.

The four people who were in a bitter battle looked at the invincible man standing behind Lin Yi in the Wanshiwu, and they all showed joy on their faces.

Among them, the woman with a head full of thin snakes like Medusa shouted with a smile on her face, "It's the captain, the captain is here to save us."

Ren Wudi's face changed and he was about to rush out, but Lin Yi stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Don't worry, since the contract has been signed, I will rescue them."

As he said this, Lin Yi had already stepped out.

A huge cold and strange aura permeated the entire world, filled with ruthless murderous intent and corrosive power everywhere.

One strange being after another set their eyes on Lin Yi.

These strange beings looked very strange.

They looked like insects, with narrow and long bodies, and thick arms and legs growing on both sides, which were similar to human hands and feet.

There was a layer of carapace on the back, and under the carapace were insect-like wings.

Their heads were a hideous mass, composed of countless tentacles.

In the middle of the tentacles was a sharp round mouthpart, full of teeth, without anything else.

These monsters had no eyes, but they all looked at Lin Yi.

This cave was very vast, and there were densely packed around, with hundreds of strange beings.

Among them, there were about four or five at the level of Earth Immortal Dao, and they just beat the four members of the invincible team in pain.

These strange beings were incredibly fast, and the four people formed a formation to hold on until now.

A layer of hazy light on the ground enveloped them, and they hid in it and fought with these strange beings.

At this time, this layer of mist light had become very dim.

Lin Yi's true destiny solution saw the effect of this mist light at a glance.

It has a certain degree of suppression effect, which can limit the power of the enemy who breaks into it.

And this is why they have persisted until now.

At this time, all these strange beings have set their sights on Lin Yi.

The next moment, they rushed towards Lin Yi.

Their arms are thick and their fingers are sharp. As long as they are hit, there will be 5 holes.

But when they rushed towards Lin Yi in a swarm, something strange happened.

Lin Yi seemed to be non-existent, and the monsters rushing towards him from all sides directly collided with each other.

With Lin Yi as the center, a circle of dark distortion slowly appeared.

In this distortion, everything is collapsing, and reality is being affected.

These strange beings are the same.

All the guys who are not at the level of earth immortal power, their bodies began to twist unnaturally in an instant.

They were not dead, but the distortion of their bodies made them lose their fighting power and fall directly to the ground.

It was not until Lin Yi walked through these strange beings that fell to the ground that these strange beings slowly returned to normal.

It seemed that the power of the outside world was repairing the distortion and abnormality of their bodies.

This strange scene shocked everyone. They had never seen such power.

Even Ren Wudi took a breath. As a member of the Void Fate Committee, he had seen countless strong men.

But he had never seen the strange power that Lin Yi possessed.

Those strange monsters with the power level of the Earth Immortal Dao seemed to realize that Lin Yi was not easy to mess with.

They slowly surrounded him, a total of 4 heads.

All of Lin Yi's retreat routes were directly blocked from front to back and left to right.

Their heads covered with tentacles slowly opened, revealing their dark mouthparts.

The black light permeated in them, and the next moment, four rays of light shot towards Lin Yi in the twisted evil field.

This light was dark and full of strange breath. Everyone who saw this light instinctively felt the danger.

Each of them smelled the smell of death.

Ren Wudi shouted loudly, "Be careful."

But Lin Yi just calmly looked at the four black light attacks coming towards him.

The twisted evil field trembled in an instant.

Everything inside became more twisted, and the ground, air, and space were all spinning like a vortex.

From the outside, Lin Yi seemed to be wrapped in countless twisted vortices at this time.

And these lights that shot into the field also hit these twists in an instant.

These lights passed through one twist after another, but every time they passed through a twisted vortex.

These lights seemed to be affected.

In the process of continuous influence, the light finally turned into a twisted ball.

Then all the lights deviated from Lin Yi's position.

Finally, they hit the ground or shot into the sky, and Lin Yi was unharmed.

Lin Yi looked at this scene, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he was very happy.

Because the martial arts system on Blue Star can finally be used.

Combined with his spiritual wave, it exerted amazing power.

He easily resisted the attack of the strange existence.

The next moment, he moved his feet slightly, shrinking the ground into an inch.

In a flash, he arrived in front of the strange existence in front of him.

A palm landed lightly on the opponent's chest.

The terrifying distortion field was instantly injected into the opponent's body, causing crazy destruction.

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