The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 82 Bride, Fighting (Fourth Update)

He tried to retreat, and something surprising happened.

He had stepped out of the gate, but the next moment he appeared inside the gate of the abandoned house.

It seemed that after he stepped out of the gate, the opposite side was the inside of the gate.

"Is this a space cycle? Awesome, the power to control space is really weird."

Danger was approaching, and a murderous coldness permeated the air.

The temperature in the courtyard seemed to be getting colder and colder. He could see that a piece of white frost on the ground was spreading towards him.

He frowned, "Hmph."

Five pieces of talisman paper appeared in his hand, and the essence was injected, flying towards the ground under his feet.

Five pieces of talisman paper were attached to the ground, and a golden light burst out instantly, covering a two-meter radius without dead angles.

Lin Yi stood in the golden light, and the strange child quickly climbed along his trouser legs and climbed onto his shoulders.

It didn't like the exposure of this golden light very much.

In the black smoke behind him, Qian Rui's mental consciousness had fallen into a daze.

Lin Yi glanced at him, lifted Qian Rui with his left hand, and gestured to the strange child.

The strange boy understood what Lin Yi meant, and the black smoke behind him swept out, engulfing Qian Rui's body.

A magical scene happened.

When Qian Rui's body touched his spiritual consciousness, his spiritual consciousness seemed to have found the source.

It disappeared into Qian Rui's body like flowing water.

Qian Rui fell into a deep sleep, and a huge danger also arrived in front of Lin Yi.

A pair of embroidered shoes appeared outside the golden light covering the ground.

The embroidered shoes were very delicate, bright red, and covered with fine and exquisite patterns of various colors, looking like the embroidered shoes of a bride.

With a thought in his mind, Lin Yi's eyes had already looked at the owner of the embroidered shoes.

A woman wearing a bright red wedding dress, with her hair hanging on both sides and a pitiful appearance, stood outside the golden light.

She was holding a baby swaddle in her hands, her head slightly tilted, and a faint voice floated out of her mouth.

"Rock and rock"

"Go to sleep, go to sleep"

"Mom is here"

"Go to sleep"

The faint voice was filled with an inexplicably cold lullaby.

This voice made Lin Yi's consciousness shake, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Instantly, Lin Yi woke up, pinched the Aquarius seal in his hand, and his spirit was as round as an aquarius, blocking this mysterious hypnotic power.

He felt the breath of strange power, and the bride in front of him seemed to be a strange existence.

Lin Yi looked at the bride with drooping eyes, and the other party seemed to have been looking at the baby in his arms.

With no expression on his face, the world seemed to be quiet at this moment.

Only a faint lullaby was echoing, and the hypnotic power continued to invade Lin Yi's mind.

She stood motionless outside the golden light.

Lin Yi could see that the other party was filled with a strong strange power, not an ordinary vengeful spirit.

That strong fluctuation was enough to match the strong man of the human immortal level.

Lin Yi looked at him and said in a low voice, "Who are you?"

She seemed to react to Lin Yi's words and slowly raised her head.

Her eyes were dull and seemed to have no focus.

Suddenly, she looked at Lin Yi and a cold voice rang out, "Child, where is my child?"

"My child, my child"

The voice became colder, hollow and fierce.

Repeating over and over again, the whole world seemed to be echoing these words.

"My child, give me back my child."

The voice changed rapidly, becoming rough, cold and terrifying.

The body was also undergoing incomprehensible changes.

The body swelled, and sharp black nails extended from both hands and feet.

The five fingers and skin quickly became dry and cracked, and the face was full of holes, as if it had been rotting for countless years.

Four fangs grew out of her mouth, half of her hair fell off, and her scalp was full of signs of rotting.

The clothes on her body were also tattered, and her whole body was filled with waves of strange power.

The baby wrap in her arms also fell to the ground with its changes.

Inside was a still rolling head, which seemed to have just died.

It looked like a child's head.

A chill rose from Lin Yi's heart, and he looked at the other person with cold eyes.

At this time, the bride was full of black air, and she ignored the golden light of the talisman paper under her feet and walked towards Lin Yi step by step.

"Come back, come back, my child is coming back"

The terrifying voice was as cold and dry as the voice of hell.

She stretched out her hands, carrying endless black air, and rushed towards Lin Yi.

This endless black air seemed to be under her control, and it was dark and oppressive towards Lin Yi.

The terrifying pressure, the sharp claws tore everything, and the deadly danger rushed.

Lin Yi did not hesitate at all, and his body flashed to avoid the grab.

But the surrounding black air was filled with huge pressure, which obviously suppressed his movements.

This slowness caused the five claws to sweep across his shoulder.



The metal-like friction sound was accompanied by the sound of cutting.

There were several blood marks on his right shoulder. At this time, he had already run the "Great Power Diamond Sutra" and "Yi Ling Sutra".

The vital energy flowed, and the skin of the whole body became very tough in an instant, but it still couldn't resist the grab of the strange bride.

The huge pressure around him made it difficult for him to move, but the female ghost was completely unaffected.

The strange child had already made a move, and countless black air threads sprayed out, covering the female ghost.

For the strange power, the suppression of the surrounding black air was limited.

The ghost girl's body was instantly tied up by countless black threads.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes, turned his body and punched the weird bride's waist.

He had used the latest operation method he had learned for this punch.

A layer of golden crystals covered his fist, and a large amount of green light poured into the crystals.


With a huge muffled sound, the weird bride was hit hard.

Endless green light exploded from her waist, and terrifying black air vented from her waist.

Green light, golden light, and black air collided wildly in a narrow area.

Finally, the black air violently gushed out, and Lin Yi retreated three steps under a huge impact.

The hit bride floated in the air one foot above the ground, looking at him with cold black eyes.

Under the tattered clothes at the waist, the rotten and dry body revealed a charred fist mark.

Lin Yi was not happy. There were three blood marks on his right shoulder, deep enough to see the bone. He was seriously injured in one encounter.

His left hand went deep into his bosom, and a strange summoning album appeared, followed by a spiritual wave injection.

Three streams of black smoke floated out of the album, transforming into three figures around him.

The bad doctor, the two-headed dog, and the purple corpse monster, they stared at the strange bride as soon as they appeared.

The sudden appearance of the three strange beings stopped the strange bride floating towards Lin Yi.

Obviously, their appearance brought great pressure to the strange bride, making her instinctively cautious.

"Go," Lin Yi's cold voice sounded.

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