The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 821 A strange place (first update)

The frequency of the Wanshiwu flashing became higher and higher, and they were too late to make any moves.

Accompanied by the high-frequency vibration, the next moment, the Wanshiwu disappeared from its original position.

At this moment, all the information about the Wanshiwu in the world also disappeared at the same time.

It was as if he had never appeared. Whether it was ordinary people, or those Tianxiandao-level strongmen, or even those who had done business with the Wanshiwu, they had lost the memory of the Wanshiwu.

This extremely strange scene did not attract anyone's attention.

At this time, Lin Yi's face was also a little stunned, because the Wanshiwu seemed to be no longer on the Blue Star.

Everything happened so suddenly, without any signs.

Originally, leaving the Blue Star should have been a good thing, but now Lin Yi was not happy, but frowned.

Because the outside was a familiar scene.

It was a strange world filled with thick gray fog.

At this time, his will connected the entire Wanshiwu, and he noticed a huge mistake.

This time it was not the window or the door that connected to the strange existence of the other world.

But the Wanshiwu really appeared in the other world, which was very incredible.

At this time, he saw the strange magic cube, which had undergone an amazing change, from the original square to a sphere.

This sphere is composed of dozens of tiny faces, each of which flashes different colors.

The strange fluctuations it emits cover the entire Wanshiwu, which is why the Wanshiwu enters the alien world.

The sudden abnormal change alarmed all the bounty hunters in the Wanshiwu.

Except for Shen Wufang who was not here tonight, everyone else felt the abnormality in the air.

The strange atmosphere that cannot be described in words filled the entire Wanshiwu, and an inexplicable coldness made everyone tremble instinctively.

Even Sakuramiya Shirley felt a sense of suffocation. In this world, there is no spiritual energy, only pure strange atmosphere.

She can feel that the strange atmosphere outside this room is more terrifying than the strange atmosphere in the room, and it seems to be essentially different.

A few steps to the lobby of the Wanshiwu, looking at Lin Yi standing by the window.

"Lin Yi, what's going on? The Wanshiwu seems to have moved."

Lin Yi nodded, "Yes, the Wanshiwu has indeed moved."

"It's very strange, it seems to have entered a strange world."

"Let everyone cheer up, maybe we will have a hard battle tonight."

Sakuramiya Shirley's face condensed slightly, "I know."

Her face was gloomy, and a thought informed everyone in the Wanshiwu in an instant.

Even Lao Wei's son was brought down.

The atmosphere tonight was unusual. Lao Wei was worried about leaving his son alone in the bedroom.

All the combat power in the Wanshiwu gathered in the lobby. After a month of fighting, everyone received a lot of contribution points.

They also exchanged a lot of resources from Lin Yi, which greatly improved their combat power.

Lin Yi has two kinds of power in his hands, which can quickly improve combat power.

One is abyssization, and the other is perfect divine body.

Both powers are open to them. At this time, Sakuramiya Shirley has completed the first stage of the perfect divine body, and 108 talents are gathered in her body.

She has reached the level of half-step heavenly immortals. In the whole Wanshiwu, she is the strongest except Lin Yi.

Among the others, Lao Wei, Vodka, and Whiskey all chose to become abyssal.

Among them, Whiskey's power has directly jumped to the level of earthly immortals.

Lao Wei and Vodka have reached the peak level of ghost immortals.

However, the side effect of abyssal transformation is that the three of them look dark and can only rely on special spirits to disguise their appearance.

Absinthe swallowed a large number of soul crystals and directly became the top powerhouse that had appeared in his original world-the Great Resentful Spirit King.

From the perspective of level alone, it has reached the first level of earthly immortals, and there is almost no bottleneck.

As for Lafite red wine, it also reached the peak level of ghost immortals by swallowing souls.

Even Sakuramiya Shirley's grandfather and his head maid have broken through to the ghost immortal.

The weakest bounty hunter is Gin, but his combat power has also reached the peak of the human immortal path.

Even Lao Wei's son has entered the human immortal path level.

In just one month, everyone's combat power has almost reached a huge step.

Brandy received special care from Lin Yi, who opened up a complete and perfect body for him.

The combat power of the body directly reached the peak of the earth immortal path. As long as his cultivation level can reach the peak of the earth immortal path, he can directly step into the heavenly immortal path with the perfect divine body.

As for Li Hualian, who was resurrected from the dead, he combined the way of qi and blood, and the Blue Star martial arts directly stepped into the earth immortal path level combat power.

All the combat power gathered in the lobby.

Everyone looked solemn, and they felt the extremely cold breath from the outside world.

All the lights in the Wanshiwu have been turned off, and everyone is waiting quietly.

About 10 minutes have passed, and nothing has happened.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at everyone, and said in a calm voice.

"Everyone sit here first, the current situation is still unclear."

"Everyone just stay alert."

After hearing Lin Yi's words, everyone found a seat and sat in the Wanshiwu, looking outside with vigilance.

Absinthe's voice slowly sounded.

"Something is wrong outside. That strange breath is too cold, far beyond the strange breath we usually come into contact with."

"Lafite Red Wine, outside is your hometown, right?"

"What's going on?"

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Lafite Red Wine.

The only strange existence from another world in the Wanshiwu.

Lafite Red Wine is different from usual at this time.

Because the power level has entered the level of ghost fairy, its body shape has also changed.

The height has reached about 2 meters, which can be regarded as a small monster.

His skin is red, covered with some strange black lines.

At this time, he scratched his ears and cheeks, and his whole body looked uncomfortable.

The whole expression is filled with a tense, complex and weird expression.

Seeing his appearance, Absinthe looked at him with a smile, "What are you doing? Like a monkey."

"I'm asking you a question."

Lafite Red Wine didn't even look at Absinthe's provocative words when he heard it.

He kept his eyes on the window, and he spoke after a long while.

"The Wanshiwu has indeed entered a strange place."

"Outside is where the real strangeness gathers."

"Tell me what the characteristics of the strange place are."

Lin Yi looked at Lafite Red Wine calmly and asked slowly.

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