The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 811 Cleaning up and expanding (Second update)

Incomparably deep fear arose in the legion commander's heart. This was a supreme power that far surpassed human beings.

"Is this the power of God?"

The Legion of Glory was fighting, looking at the tiny figure in the sky with trembling eyes.

He didn't emit any special power fluctuations, just watched him wave the treasure fan in his hand.

It set off this force that was like a natural disaster.

People can't help but think that his power comes from that mysterious treasure fan.

But the legion commander knew that this was just a fool's perception, in his feelings.

Lin Yi, without any power fluctuation, was like a black hole.

Any power that comes to him seems to disappear. The infinite energy in the void is swallowed into his body, and then transformed into majestic energy, which is injected into the mysterious treasure fan.

The result was the destructive power he saw, the power that could destroy everything.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Lin Yi in the sky with more respect.

At this time, the crisis in the fortress has been resolved, and all the terrifying monsters have been blown to ashes.

After doing all this, Lin Yi turned around and returned to the legion commander's platform.

He looked at the legion commander calmly and said lightly.

"Your wish has been fulfilled, but the journey of your wish will have to wait for 8 hours,"

"Do you have a question?"

The legion commander quickly shook his head.

"No problem, no problem, I'm totally fine with that."

Lin Yi nodded, "Then I will come back in 8 hours to collect the price of the wish."

After finishing speaking, he stepped into the door of Wanshiwu and returned to his sofa.

The surging energy created a huge vortex centered on the door of the Everything House.

The legion commander looked at the void around him with a shocked expression. The terrifying energy covered the sky and almost covered everything.

At this time, he could not gain a foothold on the platform and could only quickly leave the platform.

This place has become a sea of ​​energy, and the energy has almost turned into liquid.

At this time, in the Wanshi House, a large number of spiritual jade appeared in the underground maze on the first floor, and all the energy was involved in the spiritual jade.

On the lower 8 floors of the underground maze, a large number of mutated corpses are rushing into the maze.

At this time, Brandy controls the entire underground maze.

Countless dark green threads spread out from the maze.

Locking one mutated corpse after another.

Among them, the powerful mutated corpses will be pulled into the maze by dark green silk threads, and finally transformed into maze puppets.

The 9-story underground maze can accommodate approximately 10,000 maze puppets.

All of these maze puppets will become the main force in killing mutated corpses.

At this time, there are bounty hunters from the Everything House on every floor of the underground maze.

Among them, the person guarding there on the 9th floor is Sakuramiya Shirley.

Because he is the only Earth Immortal Master in the House of All Things, there is only one reason why she is here.

In the cities they are connected to, mutated corpses at the Earth Immortal level have evolved.

And once this mutated corpse enters the maze, only she can stop it.

And this kind of mutated corpse is also very valuable and has many contribution points, so it naturally becomes her prey.

At this time, countless petals were flying around her body, shrouding a huge mutated corpse that was 4 meters tall.

The muscles all over the body of this mutated corpse were pitch black, and the extremely thick and abnormal muscles made people feel frightened just by looking at them.

But at this time, the monster was being cut by countless petals, and dark green threads were entangled in his body from all corners.

He was unable to move even an inch and could only struggle feebly.

Finally, it was cut into piles of fragments under the flying of countless petals.

These fragments will be quickly pulled into the maze, digested and absorbed and become part of the maze.

This mutated corpse at the Earth Immortal level is the first target to be transformed into a maze puppet.

And every time a labyrinth puppet of the Earthly Immortal Dao level is transformed, the underground labyrinth will clean up the mutated corpses faster.

More and more strange powers are being input into the strange Rubik's Cube in the House of Everything.

The strange Rubik's Cube is gradually changing due to the injection of a large amount of strange power.

The strange Rubik's Cube is completely black and consists of a total of 27 squares.

The middle block is the core. It once absorbed strange raw stones and underwent a huge evolution.

However, because Lin Yi uses spiritual waves for refining, it is completely controlled by Lin Yi and will not lose control.

As a huge amount of strange power entered it, the strange Rubik's Cube was gradually shrouded in a layer of black mist, making it very hazy.

The strange Rubik's Cube was originally integrated into Lin Yi's bedroom, but now it slowly emerged from the bedroom.

At this time, several blocks of the strange Rubik's Cube lit up. They were connected to the bedroom, lobby, guest room on the second floor, corridor, backyard, kitchen, warehouse, and underground maze.

The entire space of the Everything Room is connected to the strange Rubik's Cube.

The changes in the strange Rubik's Cube are also stimulating changes in the Wanshiwu House.

However, this change seems to be still in the process of gestation, because the strange power is not strong enough.

In the maze, more than 100,000 mutated corpses have entered the 9th floor of the maze, and most of these mutated corpses have been eliminated.

But the arbitrary gates are still pouring in these mutated corpses.

Tonight, the Anywhere Gate will probably be able to destroy hundreds of thousands of mutant corpses.

This war will last for a long time, at least one month.

At this time, in the southwestern countries, there is a city called Yuewan City, and a large number of mutant corpses have disappeared in the city.

The Anywhere Gate is opened here.

Through some special channels, some people's eyes have gathered here.

They even crossed thousands of miles and came here in a short time.

They hid in the tall buildings in the city, looking at the Anywhere Gate opened in the center of the city.

The Anywhere Gate is 7 or 8 meters high, and a large number of mutant corpses poured into it like a tide.

Seeing this scene, all the mysterious people who came here frowned.

Because this is different from what they guessed.

According to the information last time, the owner of this door will enter the city to kill those powerful mutant corpses.

Only weak mutant corpses will be allowed to enter the gate, but this time is completely different from the last time.

In an instant, they knew that their judgment was wrong.

Behind that mysterious door, the Wanshiwu is not only for weak mutant corpses to enter

Powerful mutant corpses can also enter and be destroyed.

Many people frowned after realizing that they had fallen into a misunderstanding.

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