The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 803: Diffusion and Thinking (Second Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

A war suddenly broke out somewhere, and terrifying soldiers appeared on the battlefield. They were extremely powerful.

They could even destroy chariots with their own strength, and they were fearless and even surpassed the masters of the second stage of martial arts.

This was not worth noting, and the whole world was studying biochemical warriors.

It is not that biochemical monsters like this that can destroy chariots have not appeared.

But the real reason why this war is called a disaster is that.

The people killed by these monsters have mutated.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝘵𝘸𝘬𝘢𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮

They seemed to have become mutated corpses like Wanjin City, and like a plague, they quickly spread in the southwestern countries, causing disasters in countless cities.

The speed of the plague is like that of the zombie virus.

In just a few days, a large number of cities fled, and quite a few cities were also destroyed.

The number of mutated corpses quickly expanded from dozens or hundreds in the initial war to millions.

A huge crisis exploded in an instant, and the changes here also attracted the attention of the whole world.

Several countries bordering the southwestern countries quickly began to be vigilant.

A large number of blockade networks were established to prevent the mutated corpse army from spreading.

But the blockade is not that simple. The mutated corpses are like locusts.

Wherever they pass, all life will be devoured, infected and killed.

And the most terrifying thing is that these monsters can't be really killed.

Even if they are broken into pieces, they will reassemble within a few hours and restore their original state.

Strange black nests appeared in a large number of cities.

A large number of mutant corpses gathered in the nests, and some of them seemed to be specially cared for in the nests.

They are mutating and becoming more powerful.

The spirituality in the air was plundered, absorbed and transformed into strange power, which promoted the evolution of these mutant corpses.

And some visitors from other worlds showed horror after encountering the mutant corpses.

Quite a lot of visitors from other worlds know what the essence of this mutant corpse is.

In the Wanshiwu, the news is being broadcast on the TV station.

The content played also attracted Lin Yi's attention.

"Emergency news, mutant corpses have appeared in the hinterland of the southwestern countries."

"These mutant corpses are extremely contagious and have spread to tens of millions of people."

"In dozens of cities, a large number of people are fleeing to the outside world."

"A large number of refugees have appeared in the border areas."

"A large number of warrior teams have been sent from all over the world to try to stop the spread of mutant corpses."

"All citizens please pay attention, once you find something suspicious, similar to a mutant corpse."

"Be sure to call the police as soon as possible, and never deal with it privately."

"Don't have any curiosity to contact it."

"The World Crisis Organization has issued the highest alert."

"All countries are required to raise the danger of mutant corpses to the highest danger level."

Looking at the news that suddenly interrupted the TV, Lin Yi was a little surprised.

"How did these things spread?"

"Last time, Wanjin City was completely destroyed by me."

"Could it be that those countries in the war transported the mutant corpses out? For experiments?"

"This is really asking for death."

At this time, Lin Yi frowned slightly.

Because the southwestern countries are less than 1,000 kilometers away from Jinguan City in a straight line.

According to his understanding of this world, this mutant corpse is like a zombie.

The speed of transmission is extremely terrifying, and it will continue to evolve and will not be killed by physical weapons at all.

It is almost impossible to stop them from spreading.

Only by using spiritual energy can the weird power in their bodies be neutralized.

But this kind of neutralization is not omnipotent.

Just like the Red Lotus Realm.

Even if these weird existences can be eliminated in various ways.

But the weird power itself will not disappear, they will continue to integrate into the world.

Finally, the whole world is filled with weird power, and more and more weirdness will come.

The final result is the destruction of the world, which is completely occupied by weirdness.

This is almost an irreversible result, and he has already seen the ending.

Now the entire Blue Star seems to have this tendency, a tendency to completely go to destruction.

"It seems that I have to prepare to move again."

"This world is about to end."

What happened in the Red Lotus Realm is still vivid, and Lin Yi can basically judge the future of this void.

Moreover, he contacted Indra and Ayala, and the information he got from them showed that.

Once the strangeness anchors a world, then no matter how hard the world struggles, it cannot avoid destruction.

However, Lin Yi's heart is still a little heavy.

All this shows the horror of the strangeness, and it will not stop until it achieves its goal.

All those who know the strangeness are accomplices of the strangeness to some extent.

Once they stay in a certain world, they will attract the attention of the strangeness.

Then, the strangeness will follow them to one world after another.

Sighing slightly, Lin Yi felt a little sorry for the people in this world.

Because it is very likely that his arrival caused all this to happen.

If he hadn't come to this world, perhaps for a long, long time in the future, this world would continue to operate according to its original trajectory.

And the martial arts practitioners in this world are constantly developing.

Perhaps they can bring the martial arts of this world to the eternal level.

"Maybe I should do something."

Lin Yi fell into deep thought. He didn't want to save this world.

Instead, he was thinking that maybe he could recruit more people who were willing to leave this world.

Let them go to other worlds one after another, which would also leave some fire for this world.

The disaster continued to expand, mutated corpses, the heavenly disasters sealed in the three continents, and the powerful people from other worlds who frequently descended!

The entire Blue Star was shrouded in a sense of doomsday.

Chaos was constantly erupting in one country after another, and all major countries sent their most elite teams to deal with the disaster that might erupt at any time.

However, many countries were contacted by the adventers at this time.

Most of the adventers seemed to know the existence of the weird, and they were also very aware of the horror of the weird.

At this time, an important meeting was being held in Tianqinghai, H country.

The participants included Ximen Wusheng, several top leaders of Country H, an alien being shrouded in black robes, and a man with a mysterious spiritual power.

The alien being seemed to be from a world called Wulingdao, and seemed to have a fighting power at the level of Tianxiandao.

The man with spiritual power was the incarnation of the Starry Sky King in the Divine Mountain of Heaven and Earth.

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