The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 787 Observation and Surgery (Second Update)

"The disappearance of Wanjin City, the disappearance of the mysterious outsider in the north, and the disappearance of the giant tree in the sea are all the work of this person."

"And this person also possesses the supreme magical power of rejuvenation and resurrection of the dead."

"I have examined the Li Wuyou who was rejuvenated by him."

"His soul and body are completely renewed. According to my calculations, both his soul and body are less than 20 years old."

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"But he was originally an old man in his 60s, and the path of martial arts was It has been broken."

"By taking the crystal called life span, he has recovered to his peak state."

"The power of this person is mysterious and has a huge secret."

"According to my judgment, he has at least the strength of a king."

"And he should be the first foreign visitor from heaven."

"His power is mysterious and it is very necessary to study it."

"But if you want to catch him, it is only possible if all the kings work together."

Shen Wufang on the side listened quietly. He did not reveal to the two people that he had become a bounty hunter.

Originally, he did not want people from his hometown to know about Lin Yi's existence.

But he did not expect people from his hometown to come so quickly and have contact with the high-level officials of country H.

I don't know what they talked about, and they talked about Mr. Lin from the Wanshiwu.

This brought him a huge problem. This person is the key to whether he can reach the top of the supreme martial arts in the future.

Although he was anxious in his heart, he could only listen quietly. He was the weakest person here.

Just as he was thinking, the voice of the Dark Night King slowly sounded, "Shen Wufang, you have been here longer than Shen Qianjun, tell me what you think."

After taking a deep breath, Shen Wufang's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

"Since I came out of the mountain, I have been looking for the outsider who fell into this world for the first time."

"I followed the breath that the kings took at the beginning and tracked it here."

"But after arriving here, I have never found this person because of too many complicated breaths."

"Later, I also learned about this person's existence through Li Wuyou."

"I also met this person at that time and made a deal with him."

"In exchange, I got a 10-year life crystal."

"After using it, I found that the thing can really make the body rejuvenate and even delay the decay of the soul."

"Originally, I planned to go back and report this matter."

"But Uncle Shen Qianjun came and contacted the top leaders of China, so I didn't say anything more."

Shen Wufang lightly passed over the process of his understanding of everything, and said in a moment of voice.

"According to my observation, this Lin Yi is very strange."

The Dark Night King was immediately attracted by his words, "Strange, how strange?"

"He seems to be a person who abides by the rules of businessmen."

"As long as you take out items of equal value, he will fulfill your wishes."

"So I feel very strange."

"As long as he is willing, he can use violence to get everything he wants."

"But he didn't do that."

"So this person, my suggestion is that we can get what we want through communication."

Shen Wufang quietly instilled his ideas.

Trying to eliminate some possible dangers for Lin Yi.

Hearing Shen Wufang's words, the Dark Night King nodded slowly.

"I see."

"This is a principled strong man."

"A principled person is more trustworthy than an unprincipled person."

"Let's go meet this Mr. Lin tomorrow. I have some ideas to ask him."

"You can leave."

"Yes, Your Majesty."


The two left the room, and the Dark Night King looked quietly in the direction of the Wanshiwu.

His eyes flashed with layers of wonderful spiritual brilliance, as if he could see through all time and space.

In his eyes, everything in the world emits countless magnetic fields, shining with each other.

The house in Wanshiwu is a different scene in his eyes.

A circle of dark and inexplicable holes, not connected to any magnetic field in this world, nor emitting any magnetic field outward.

"The whole building is made up of extraterritorial forces?"

"It's really strange."

"Extraterritorial forces may allow us to escape from this cage."

The Dark Night King is one of the oldest kings in the world.

He has witnessed too much history and experienced too many things.

Although he also has a nearly eternal life, he can feel it.

The world is heading towards irreversible extinction.

The instability of the world seems to be a countdown. It makes him feel a huge threat from the heart.

He is eager to find a way to break the deadlock and avoid this doomed ending.

He took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"I hope Mr. Lin won't let me down."

An inexplicable gloomy look flashed across the face of the Dark Night King, and he fell into thought.


At this time, in the southwestern countries, a small country called Serya, a strange change was taking place.

In an advanced underground laboratory, the country's strongest martial arts master, Xinia, was lying on the experimental table.

Several doctors in the laboratory gently cut open his chest and embedded a dry black eye in the center of his chest.

If someone had experienced what happened in Wanjincheng, they would be shocked to see this scene.

Because this dry eye was something from those mutant corpses.

With the eye embedded in the center of Xinia's chest, the eye seemed to come alive in an instant.

Countless blacks spread along the blood vessels in the chest to Xinia's body.

Xinia's whole body trembled violently, his spirit was vigorous, and he could feel an inexplicable power injected into his body.

His body was rapidly becoming stronger, and this power was completely under his control.

It merged with his spirit, and he felt that his emotions became very cold and very rational.

Every little change in his body was clearly presented in his mind.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he had his own martial arts cognition in the past and now.

It seemed that they all became clearer under the influence of this power, and some flaws in martial arts concepts that were not noticed in the past were also revealed in his clear and rational mind.

He repaired the problems of his martial arts philosophy bit by bit, and finally, he felt that he seemed to have completely understood his own martial arts principles.

His spirit suddenly shrank, as if breaking a barrier.

The next moment, a black light bloomed in his spirit.

A dark Dao mark appeared in his spirit, and a black spiritual power surged out from the Dao mark.

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