The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 785 Risks and Decisions (Second Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

The Emperor of the Sun took a deep breath. It is not easy to go to the moon.

Even if he abandons his body, it is very dangerous to go to the void with his own body.

The void is filled with endless solar storms, various invisible dangers and mysterious rays.

If his body is exposed to that environment, it is also in danger of destruction.

Thinking of this, his face became more gloomy.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your help,"

"I am very satisfied with this transaction. I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate next time."

A note appeared in Lin Yi's hand, "Of course there is no problem."

"This is the way to contact me. When you need it, you can contact me through this note."

"Welcome to visit next time."

"Wanshiwu will fulfill all your wishes."

Lin Yi's face is always filled with a faint smile.

Looking at this smiling face, the Emperor of the Sun felt a little cold in his heart.

He could naturally sense the coldness in Lin Yi's eyes, without any emotional fluctuations.

Watching the backs of the celestial beings disappearing outside the French window.

Absinthe tiptoed over and said to Lin Yi.

"Boss, these celestial beings are the enemies of mankind."

"You are also a human being. If you help them like this, you are a naked traitor."

"Don't you have any psychological barriers?" Absinthe looked at Lin Yi strangely.

"Hehe, I'm just a businessman."

"And I'm not from this world either. What the future of mankind in this world will be like has nothing to do with me."

"So what if he is a celestial being? So what if I do business with him?"

"Business is about equal exchange. My help to him will always depend on how much he pays."

"And if he really wants me to destroy mankind, then the conditions I propose may be a price he can't afford."

"Naturally, it won't violate my professional ethics."

Lin Yi's eyes were cold. After all, he was a human being. If the other party really wanted to make some excessive wishes, he wouldn't mind proposing a price that the other party couldn't bear.

The two clones of Emperor Tianri and the High Priest drove to the airport of Jinguan City in a special car.

In the car, the High Priest said slowly, "Lord Emperor, what we just saw is not simple."

"That kind of power is unheard of and unseen."

"The horror of this Mr. Lin has exceeded our imagination."

"Yes, I didn't expect the power of the other world to be so amazing."

"It's really like the myth and legend, with all kinds of incredible effects."

"But this time we can find the ancestor, which is worth it."

"Send the message to all the celestial beings, and don't allow them to get close to the Wanshiwu in Jinguan City."

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"Next, I will contact the other four emperors."

"The power of the other world must be included in the study."

At this time, Emperor Tianri raised his hand slightly, and a dark energy gathered from the void.

This is something he discovered recently.

It seems to resonate with a certain power in the air, which was not in the air in the past.

The most important thing is that this power can even be integrated into their bodies, allowing him to feel a slight improvement from their bodies.

He has made no progress for countless years, but now this little power has allowed him to see the possibility of a higher level.

At this time, wonderful changes are taking place in the whole world.

All martial arts masters involved in the spiritual level have sensed the energy in the air.

What makes them most excited is that this energy can be integrated into their bodies, allowing their bodies to grow at an astonishing rate.

Especially those at the level of God Generals, they grow faster, and the structure of their bodies is undergoing unknown changes.

In the huge underground world of the Divine Mountain of Heaven and Earth.

Countless spiritual energy is sucked in here like a tsunami.

All the martial arts masters here are constantly devouring this spiritual energy.

Every moment, the martial arts masters here are undergoing incredible changes.

Nine huge wills are constantly communicating in the sky of this world.

"The power of the other world caused by the changes in the world is entering our world."

"I feel the power in the air, which can be used by us."

The nine mysterious wills are the most powerful existences in the whole world.

"Lord Zhoutian, you are the best among us, what do you think will happen next?"

"What changes will this power bring?"

A faint voice sounded slowly, "Our world does not allow this kind of alien power to exist."

"These powers will eventually be swallowed up by the world itself."

"It's just water without a source."

"The power of the mind is our root, relying on external forces is just an evil way."

At this time, a cold voice sounded slowly, "But with the help of this power, we may be able to break through the current realm."

"Then let us leave this world."

"Lord of the Dark Night, your idea is good, but it's not so easy to leave this world."

"Our power has long been integrated with the world."

“If you want to escape from the world, you must separate yourself from the world.”

"But once divided, our power will decline significantly."

"At that time, it will become impossible to tear the void apart again and escape from the world."

"It's an argument that's not easy to break."

"Even with this wonderful power, we can bypass the limitations of the magnetic field."

"Even if the connection with the world is severed, it can still maintain a strong power."

"But this power is sourceless water. If we want to cultivate this power to a level comparable to the current power, it will take a lot of time."

"According to my calculations, this force will not exist for more than a year."

"Even if we cultivate this power, if we cannot meet our requirements within a year."

"Then this power will eventually be lost as the world is devoured."

"Even the loss of strength from the body causes irreversible damage to us."

"The deeper you practice this power, the deeper this damage will be."

"Don't try it lightly."

King Eternal Sky's voice was calm and ethereal, and he clearly analyzed the impact of this power on them.

When the King of Dark Night heard this, he was silent for a moment, "You can try it with a clone."

"It doesn't hurt us if we're wrong."

The Nine Wills were silent for a moment, and then they expressed their agreement.

"Shan, you can give it a try."

"Our contact with the outside world must also continue."

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