The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 781 All parties, outbreak (second update)

"It's just the right price to pay."

The Heavenly God Emperor nodded when he heard this, "That's just fine."

"Go and prepare. When the time comes, I will separate myself and go to Jinguan City to meet this mysterious Mr. Lin Yi in person!"

"By the way, let the people below also pay attention to those outside the territory, and try to arrest those who can."

"Sent to the laboratory for careful study."

"Maybe we can find a way to break through the upper limit of strength from them."

The high priest nodded, "I have already given instructions, let all the gods in our country take action."

"Catch all the foreign beings in the country."

At this time, Britain and America were in the war conference room.

Rockeficus and Demogorgon sat at the head of the table, surrounded by military generals from Britain and the United States.

All of them are powerful men at the level of god generals. To achieve this position, they are simply not qualified without power at the level of god generals.

Otherwise, no one can resist the invasion of heaven and man, and this is true for all the truly powerful countries in the world.

Britain and the United States are traditional capital countries, and the law of survival is the law of the jungle.

The strong take possession of everything, and the weak become weaker and weaker.

At this time, there was a person in the conference room who was reporting the latest news on the Wanjincheng incident.

After listening to the content of the report, Rockefits Demogorgon frowned, and there was a hint of extreme solemnity in his eyes.

"The House of Everything? Fulfilling wishes? Just like the devil in myths and legends, tempting mortals to sign a contract."

"But if it's true, even the devil can take advantage of it."

In the war conference room were 10 marshals from Britain and the United States.

There was an inexplicable smile on Rockefy's Demogorgon's face.

"If what the intelligence says is true, then maybe we can make use of this mysterious Wanshiwu store manager."

"Since he can make people live forever and restore youth, can he also make people immortal?"

"Does he still possess some mysterious knowledge that is unknown to others?"

"We have to find a way to get in touch with this mysterious Mr. Lin."

"Send people to contact the foreign entities and legendary heroes who appear in the country."

"Everything that can be absorbed into our political system must be absorbed."

"Including those heavenly beings, please contact them. Now is the time for the world to change."

"We have to find ways to draw on all the strength we can to prepare for the future."

Rockefy's Demogorgon's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

As the supreme commander of Britain and the United States, he is actually the person with the highest status in the entire country.

Even the nominal head of the United States and Britain was nothing more than an elected puppet.

He represents all the plutocrats in the entire country.

None of the other nine marshals in the conference room objected. They all belonged to the same force.

At this time, information about Lin Yi in the Wanshiwuwu appeared in various countries around the world.

Regardless of whether it is the kingdom of gods or humans, he has been included in the objects that need to be contacted.

There are even some forces with evil intentions that have listed Wanshiwu as their target.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the whole world was in a strange calm.

But this calm is only on the surface, and every country is integrating its own military forces.

Recovering from various damages caused by the last tsunami.

At the same time, various underground fortresses and wartime shelters are being opened.

Both the government and the public are hoarding daily supplies.

A huge disaster may come at any time, and countless people are making preparations.

The streets outside have also become a lot more depressed, and some strange events often occur on the Internet.

Most of them are very dangerous, and there have been various death cases.

Some were drained of blood, some were dismembered, and some were completely missing.

Some netizens even left messages saying that all the people in their village had become neurotic and began to believe in a certain god.

The whole world is becoming different from the past, but among all the bad news, there is also some good news.

The technique known as "Perfect Martial Arts" was spread.

It has flowed into the people of the entire H country, and every martial arts hall has received this perfect method.

"Perfect Martial Arts" is extremely detailed, even the most delicate muscle operations are clearly recorded.

A technique breaks down the martial arts in very detail, and it is said that as long as you are not a fool.

By practicing step by step, you can reach the second stage of martial arts, Dzogchen.

However, if you want to go further and step into the level of a god general, you will need more efforts, and it will be more of a personal opportunity.

Because everyone understands the principles of martial arts differently.

As for practicing this technique, the only restriction is the supplement of material.

But behind this exercise, there is a detailed diet therapy algorithm.

All of the foods in it are among the most common foods in the world.

After a special proportion, the nutrients needed for martial arts can be maximized.

There is even a detailed algorithm on it. You can use this algorithm to detect your own body and calculate the required physical proportions according to the formula inside.

In other words, with the detailed formula in this algorithm, different foods suitable for everyone and every period can be produced.

This is not a technique that ordinary people can deduce. This is what Lin Yi deduced by using the spirituality of the heavenly immortal level and countless techniques as the basis.

It is the result of dataization, the culmination of martial arts.

As the "Perfect Martial Arts" spread, the whole world has set off a martial arts craze.

A large number of martial artists quickly broke through their original realms under the reshaping of the techniques.

Practitioners with perfect spirituality in the second stage have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Not only in H, but more and more countries abroad have obtained the "Perfect Martial Arts" of these two stages.

This technique has no emphasis, it is pure perfection.

From physical to spiritual perfection, it allows a person to express his own genes to the limit.

All those who have obtained this technique pay homage to the creator of this technique, which is equivalent to creating a prosperous martial arts civilization.

With the emergence of a large number of masters, the originally slightly chaotic world began to become orderly.

Because the existence of visitors from other worlds will quickly weaken as time goes by.

Especially those who appear directly on the blue planet, most of them are not very powerful beings from other worlds.

They weakened faster under the effect of the devouring power of the Blue Star.

Even if some of them relied on devouring life to maintain consumption, they could not stop the speed of power loss.

After a large number of martial arts stage 2 masters appeared, it became very difficult for these alien beings to hide themselves.

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