The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 779 Jealousy, Change (Second Update)

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The sound waves are linked together, and all of them have reached a wonderful connection state, like big and small pearls falling on a jade plate, without a trace of disharmony.

The harmony of this music is perfect and intoxicating, just like the sound of nature.

Fang Lan played a famous song in the world-"Moonlight".

It tells the story of a beautiful girl missing her lover under the moonlight.

And the perfectly coordinated music at this time presents this picture.

When people hear this music, they can feel the pictures and stories contained in the music.

The most incredible thing is that in the process of playing, Fang Lan found some disharmony in this music.

She instinctively changed the original notes in the music, and the whole song became more and more harmonious.

As if there was magic, it seemed to resonate with something in the air around it.

That thing seemed to be the moonlight. At this time, Fang Lan was right next to the window in the practice room.

The bright moonlight outside shone here through the window.

Playing the piano under the moon, the faint moonlight seemed to gather around Fang Lan.

At this moment, she was like a mysterious elf.

It was not long before the campus concert ended.

The protagonist of this concert, Meng Xianyao, somehow came to the outside of the practice room building.

When she heard this dreamlike music, her face was completely stunned.

She has an absolute sense of music.

Did she immediately recognize what this music was?

She could also feel that this music had been modified, becoming more agile, ethereal and coordinated.

Just listening to it, she felt an incomparable shock, the kind of longing that went straight to the heart.

At this moment, the picture in the music appeared in her mind.

"Who, who is it?"

"Can change the score, this world-class masterpiece, modified so perfectly."

"This piano skill is incredible, smooth like the sound of nature."

"Is there such a person in the college?"

At this time, Meng Xianyao's heart was filled with shock and disbelief.

She was a child of destiny, and she couldn't imagine that there were students in the world who were more talented than herself.

Inexplicably, a trace of jealousy rose in her heart.

Her footsteps sounded quickly, and she accelerated towards the practice room.

But unfortunately, she only walked a dozen meters away when the sound of the piano stopped.

Meng Xianyao's face showed anxiety, and she ran towards the practice room at an accelerated speed.

At this time, she no longer cared about her image as a fairy. She just wanted to know who played the song just now.

At this time, Fang Lan had left the practice room because she heard someone coming.

And from the countless voices, she even outlined the appearance of the person in her mind.

Even the heartbeat and anxiety of the person, as well as the complex emotions in his heart, appeared in her mind.

All this was incredible, but Fang Lan felt happy.

Because she felt the jealousy in Meng Xianyao's heart.

"Hehe, be jealous."

"This is just the beginning."

"I will use music to take back everything I deserve."

"I want to become the eternal music god of this world."

Fang Lan disappeared into the night, and no one knew that a generation of music masters would be born in this world and influence countless eras.

Lin Yi sat in the Wanshiwu, but through the power of the contract.

He saw Fang Lan's experience.

In the last incident, the Wanshiwu accumulated a lot of weird power, and the weird magic cube seemed to have ushered in a change.

And this change also affected other weird items, giving them some new abilities.

Among them, the power of the wish shrine is that anyone who has signed a contract with him and has not yet fulfilled the contract.

He can check the other party's status through the wish shrine.

And this ability can only be used by him, but the other party is completely unaware.

This greatly increases Lin Yi's control over his contracted people.

Once someone completes the Dao mark, he will know it at the first time and start to complete the contract.

"Very good, ambitious people are the best."

"Ambition brings endless motivation. I hope you can complete the construction of Dao Hen as soon as possible."

"Then start looking for the next goal."

As Lin Yi's voice fell, the wish shrine lit up again.

This time, a boy with an ordinary face appeared.

He was dejected, carrying a schoolbag and holding a 0-point paper in his hand.

Obviously, this is a poor student.

In the door of the Wanshiwu, Absinthe looked at the little boy.

"Welcome to the Wanshiwu, where you can fulfill your wishes."

The little boy raised his head ignorantly and looked at Absinthe, his eyes full of confusion.


Time passed in a blink of an eye.

The Wanshiwu opened back and forth dozens of times.

Lin Yi has found dozens of suitable trading partners and handed them the gems of talent.

After these people get their talents, they will make great and long-term progress in the future.

As long as it goes smoothly, they should basically be able to touch the existence of Dao Hen.

Once they fail, their talents will be taken back and Lin Yi will not suffer any loss. This is a very cost-effective deal.

However, during the transaction, he also found many problems.

That is, his talent, the scope of which is not comprehensive enough.

365 seems to be the upper limit after the fusion of talents.

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But each of these 365 talents is not perfect.

It seems that there are various defects.

These 365 talents are generated by the fusion of various talents. Their imperfections mean that the coverage of these basic talents is not comprehensive enough.

"It seems that we need to increase transactions with governments on Blue Star and obtain more talents."

Lin Yi wants to create his own acquired Dao trace system, and its fundamental purpose is to deduce the 7th true destiny.

But in order to deduce the true destiny, the first thing he has to do is to reverse the Dao traces involved in the other 6 true destinies.

To reverse the Dao traces, he must first obtain enough acquired Dao traces and understand the secrets of Dao trace deduction.

Only in this way can he be qualified to reverse or reverse.

This is a very complicated process and cannot be completed in a short time.

Lin Yi has made plans to wait for a hundred years.

Anyway, what he lacks the least is time, so he can wait slowly.

The sky outside the French window gradually brightens, and a new day has arrived.

But on the entire Blue Star, a new panic is emerging.

Countless people are venting their fears on the Internet, discussing the source of countless strange phenomena that continue to appear in the void outside the Blue Star.

And there are a lot of terrifying news on the Internet.

For example, a village in a certain place disappeared, and then a mountain appeared.

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