The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 774 Cheers and Changes (First Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

In the eyes of a true strong man, a person who can't even escape the cage of the world can't be called a strong man at all.

And the store manager Lin Yi in front of him can go to other worlds, no matter what method he uses.

He is already considered a half-out-of-world strong man.

After thinking about it, he accepted Lin Yi's kindness.

A hero needs three helpers, even in the void.

At this time, the door of the Wanshiwu was slowly knocked.

Absinthe had appeared behind the door and opened it gently.

Outside was a gorgeous color, and there were plants flashing all kinds of light everywhere.

At this time, a tree man who looked similar to Ayala was standing at the door.

Ayala looked at the world opposite, and a trace of joy appeared in his eyes.

"This is my world, and you actually found my original world."

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "Haha, this is my ability, don't make a fuss."

At this time, Ayala had stood up from his seat and came to the door.

Looking at the short tree man in front of him, the other party was looking at him in disbelief.

"My fellow tribesmen, your king is back."

The little tree man seemed very excited, and he knelt down on the ground with his hands raised high.

He opened his hands as if he wanted to hug.

"Great king, you are finally back."

The little tree man's eyes were full of admiration, looking at Ayala in front of him.

Ayala turned his head and glanced at Lin Yi, "Our deal is done."

"I hope we can cooperate again next time," Lin Yi said with a faint smile in his eyes.


The door of the Wanshiwu slowly closed, and the whole house fell into silence again.

At this time, the senior officials of various countries in the world were all looking at the satellite map with shock.

The big tree that fell from the void of the universe disappeared out of thin air.

They had no idea what happened.

Only the senior officials of H country vaguely knew what was going on.

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Ximen Wusheng listened to the housekeeper's report, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Lin is really amazing. He really keeps his word and never cheats anyone."

"Now, the three biggest dangers have been resolved."

"Then we have to start studying new plans."

"If successful, the entire human race will usher in a huge leap."

At this time, his eyes looked at another report in his hand.

It was a message from Ye Mingliu.

Ximen Wusheng took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"Are they the people in the legend? They have disappeared for so long and finally appeared again."

"Tell Ye Mingliu to invite them to the imperial capital to meet."

"If it is really as they said, then mankind must unite."

In the area thousands of miles away from the void where Blue Star is located, a violent distortion is constantly appearing.

A huge piece of land thousands of kilometers long appeared here.

Countless magma spread on the ground, and corpses were everywhere. It seemed like a world of death.

And in the center of this continent, a huge snake was devouring countless corpses on this continent.

An incomparably vast force was constantly emanating from the body of the giant snake, affecting the entire continent.

At this time, the giant snake seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and a cold light flashed in its eyes as it looked outside the continent.

A strange language sounded in the void, "The Land of Mie."

"Damn, how did I get here?"

"In a place like this, even an out-of-bounds strongman can hardly escape."

"This is a big trouble."

This huge snake was pitch black, covered with thick black smoke, and each scale had extremely dense patterns.

If these patterns were disassembled, you could see that they were extremely delicate runes.

These runes were constantly flowing on its scales, affecting the stability of energy, matter, and time and space.

This was an extremely powerful existence, and its pure power could already destroy the world.

At this time, it soared from the ground, opened its huge mouth, and aimed at the continent below.

"Swallow the world."

A strange language sounded in the void, and infinite suction burst out from its mouth.

The ground below was affected by the huge attraction, and countless corpses and magma fragments rushed madly into the mouth of the giant snake.

Its mouth was pitch black, and no teeth or organs could be seen. It looked like another time and space.

The continent was quickly shattered under its huge power, and it was swallowed up by a torrent.

After completely swallowing the entire continent, the huge snake's eyes were filled with cold light, looking in the distant direction.

There was the only hot light in this void.

"A star in the land of annihilation?"

"The breath of life."

"There is still a trace of spirituality in their souls, which can be used as a supplement."

"Find a way to survive first."

Thoughts flashed in its mind, and then the huge body began to shrink violently.

Its power collapsed into a wonderful space in its body, as if it existed in an inexplicable level.

After about a few seconds, he had turned into a snake man about two meters tall.

He had a human body, a snake head, and was covered with black scales.

The most incredible thing was that a large amount of energy in his body seemed to be hidden and completely disappeared from this world.

If Lin Yi was here, he would be shocked by the power of this snake-headed man.

His power was reversed into the spiritual level and transformed into another form.

It perfectly avoided the devouring nature of the Land of Annihilation.

Feeling that the loss of power in his body began to slow down, he slowly let out a breath.

His current body is the strongest structure that the current world can allow to exist naturally.

It does not contain any power essence, and all the power essence in its body has been hidden in the spiritual level.

It is just released bit by bit to maintain the survival of this body in the cold void.

At this time, his eyes looked around, and a meteorite fell into his eyes.

A slight force rushed out of his body, and he instantly turned into a stream of light and approached the meteorite.

He only released the power once, and let his body move forward with inertia.

In this void, without any gas or resistance, its speed would hardly stop.

He calculated the precise angle and would come into contact with the passing meteorite in a few hours.

At that time, he would cling to the meteorite and follow its trajectory without expending any strength.

This was obviously an experienced monster with a strong ability to adapt to the environment.

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