The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 772: Elimination and Preparation (First Update)

When all the light faded, there was only a deep pit on the ground, and groundwater continued to gush out from deep underground.

At this time, Lin Yi had turned around and stepped into the arbitrary door, disappearing here.

The crisis of Wanjin City was completely resolved, even those strange black substances were completely eliminated.

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Nothing was left here, the only thing left was a huge lake that appeared out of thin air.

Tonight was destined to be a day that shocked the whole world. Countless high-level figures around the world looked at the lake formed in the satellite image with horror.

At this time, Lin Yi stood in the Wanshiwu, and in the depths of his heart, a huge spiritual wave sphere was rotating there.

The six true destinies rotated in it, like a flashing halo.

In the previous blow, he destroyed the entire Wanjin City, and the countless black substances were eliminated by the spiritual waves.

At the same time, countless strange essences were absorbed by Zhenming, which expanded the spiritual wave sphere in his mind by 1/3.

This is equivalent to an increase of more than 1/2 in the volume of his spiritual wave.

He took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity flashed through his heart.

"This time the harvest is not small."

"They have also gained something."

"Even the two weak guys, Lafite Red Wine and Absinthe, have stepped into the peak level of the Ghost Immortal Way."

"It seems that they have also felt the crisis."

"Vodka has also completed the complete abyss transformation and has completely stepped into the peak level of the Ghost Immortal Way."

"In the future, he can also choose the development direction of the perfect divine body."

"Step into the combat power of the great level of the celestial immortal."

"This guy has great potential."

"Sakuramiya Shirley has almost stepped into the peak of the earthly immortal way, and the next step is to impact the celestial immortal way. This step is not easy."

"But she can also choose the perfect divine body first and break through the bottleneck of the celestial immortal way."

The perfect divine body is now a big killer in Lin Yi's hands. As long as it is used well, a large number of celestial immortal level combat power can appear.

But only those he absolutely trusts can be given the treatment of a perfect divine body.

Of course, if you can make enough contributions, you can also get a perfect divine body.

But the contribution points required are sky-high.

"Brandy has finally entered the Ghost Immortal Path, which is worth my training."

"I didn't expect that Gin is really talented. He has cultivated the way of Qi and blood to the level of the Human Immortal Path, and the martial arts system of this world has also been cultivated to the realm of spiritual perfection."

"The two complement each other, and the future is limitless."

"Old Wei is almost the same, and has successfully entered the Ghost Immortal Path."

"Whiskey is still very nostalgic."

"The weird child, the bad doctor, and the two-headed dog seem to have a little wisdom. Maybe they can be trained."

"In the future, the four of them can form a perfect bounty hunter team."

"Li Hualian's progress is really great. She actually realized the cultivation of spiritual energy by herself."

"She also integrated the spiritual energy into her own Dao mark, forming the field of the sword. The lethality is infinitely close to the Earth Immortal Path. It's really an amazing talent."

Lin Yi flashed the gains of everyone in the Wanshiwu in his mind, and a trace of satisfaction appeared on his face.

"They are the cornerstone of the future of the Wanshiwu."

"In the future, I can be a hands-off boss, and a carefree life will be waiting for me."

As he thought about it, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"The next step is to let the giant tree soul Ayala leave this world."

"But his size is really a bit troublesome."

"Let's ask him if he has the ability to shrink himself."

"Otherwise, I can only use a special method."

Thinking of this, he opened the door of the Wanshiwu, took a step out, and the next moment he was in front of the giant tree.

Standing in front of the giant tree, his thoughts had been transmitted to the tree.

Ayala received his message, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

Then, its soul projection appeared outside its body.

He looked at Lin Yi, "The time has come. Are you here to send me away from this world?"

"Yes, but I want to ask first, can you shrink your body?"

"Your body is too big. If you can't shrink it, then I have to use a Taoist method."

"I can only send you away after you shrink to a certain extent."

The giant tree soul Ayala frowned when he heard this, "Okay, but there is a time limit, only one hour."

Lin Yi nodded, "One hour is enough."

"Tonight at 11:30, you can use your method."

"I will pick you up and send you away."

Ayala nodded, "Okay, I will be on time."

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, "Then I will be waiting for you."


The night came quickly.


Lin Yi opened the door of the Wanshiwu, and Ayala was outside.

At this time, the giant tree trembled slowly in the thick fog, and then suddenly burst into a deep green light.

The light slowly shrank, and a delicate tree man appeared in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at him with a hint of surprise in his eyes, "You are really delicate and cute."

Hearing this, Ayala showed a trace of helplessness on his face, and pursed his lips, looking at Lin Yi.

He was usually very reluctant to use this method, because it would make him look very young.

This is an ability called time travel, which can instantly restore oneself to any state in life.

Its body shape is different in each period, and its abilities will also be different, which is also one of his powerful means.

But when using this method, he hates to return to his young state the most.

The reason is that he was too cute when he was young.

Lin Yi looked at him, just like seeing the little tree man in a certain alliance of revenge.

Quite kawaii.

Looking at the half-smile on Lin Yi's face, the giant tree soul Ayala had to frown.

"Manager Lin, don't laugh, it's time to complete our contract."

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and laughed, "Okay, please come in."

Ayala followed Lin Yi into the Wanshiwu. At this time, he was covered with brown bark, with only three branches on his head, and green leaves growing.

The face of the tree trunk also looks very young, full of childish temperament.

Standing in the Wanshi House, Ayala's face showed a trace of concentration.

Because he felt that the strange power that frightened him was so deep and filled the entire space.

There was a trace of solemnity in his eyes, looking at Lin Yi, "I have been to countless worlds, but this is the first time I have seen someone like you who is not afraid of death."

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