The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 770 Agree and Leave (First Update)

"Be prepared for the arrival of the large army."

"At the same time, we must prepare for war. We must also master the power of Hongchen technology."

"This is a battle that concerns all of humanity, and we must not take it lightly."

After hearing this, Shen Wufang was silent for a moment.

"What do you think of Ye Mingliu?"

"We want to control the entire world of mortals and unify the power of mankind."

Ye Mingliu looked at the two of them. The conversation just now made his heart feel numb. He could feel two huge magnetic fields and hearts locked on him.

If he makes any unusual move, he may be greeted by a thunderous attack.

He also heard what he said just now, one of the sources of heavenly beings, an existence hundreds of times more terrifying than heavenly beings.

If all this is true, the human world is in big trouble.

You know, just being a heavenly being has already made them feel a huge threat.

Almost every province has several god-level masters stationed there, monitoring the world at any time, looking for traces of heavenly beings.

Controlling the country of H in real time, there will be no big forces controlled by heavenly beings.

If it weren't for the heavenly beings having some kind of congenital defect, it would be difficult for their number to increase naturally, and in the distant past, it seemed that most of the population was blocked by some force.

Humanity has been overthrown a long time ago, and it is impossible to develop knowledge like technology.

But even if it is just the remaining celestial beings causing trouble in the human world, it will delay the development of civilization in the entire human society for many years.

Important events occurred one or two hundred years ago.

Celestial beings launched a large-scale attack suspected of assassination against scientists.

As a result, a large number of scientists died in the attack. In that era, there were not as many god-level generals as there are now.

Each god-level commander needs to suppress a larger area, and it is often difficult to take into account the security of all cities.

In that era, more of the main forces were spiritually perfect martial arts masters, and any country would spend huge efforts to train them.

Legend has it that in ancient times, human beings developed modern civilization through battles with the remnants of heaven and man.

Now Mingren Ye knows it after listening to the words of Shen Wufang and this senior Qianjun.

The heavenly beings they have been dealing with seem to be only a small part of the disaster.

He took a deep breath, "If what you say is true."

"I will inform all the god-general-level beings in the entire country of China, and persuade the entire top management of country H to cooperate with you to deal with the upcoming danger."

Hearing this, Senior Qian Jun and Shen Wufang looked at each other. Although they wanted to control the world of mortals, they did not want to start a war.

Because every ounce of power is important and must be used in the upcoming disaster.

Senior Qianjun nodded, "You can make arrangements for me to meet the senior officials of Country H."

"I will show them firsthand the horror of the disaster we are about to face."

Ye Mingliu took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I will use my power to accomplish this."

Shen Wufang looked at Senior Qianjun in front of him, and a thought flashed through his mind.

"How do those ancient existences, the source of heavenly beings, compare to that store manager Lin?"

An idea arose in his mind, coveting Lin Yi's power.

He did not reveal any information about Lin Yi to the senior Qianjun in front of him.

He was alert enough to the old guys in front of him. If they knew about Lin Yi's existence, he didn't know what they would do.

After all, it has been confirmed that Lin Yi is 100% a super strong man from unknown time and space.

The entire world was shrouded in treacherous clouds, and a feeling of impending rain enveloped the entire Blue Star continent.

The day passed quickly.

Night falls again.

The 12 o'clock bell in the Master Room has already sounded.

Lin Yi sat behind the floor-to-ceiling window of the Wanshiwu Room with a calm expression. Opposite him sat the Blood King Indra.

Tonight, Indra will leave this world.

The power of the wishing shrine slowly opened, and the door of the House of All Things revealed a faint red light.

At this time, there was a strange knock on the door outside.


It was the sound of fingernails scraping against the door. It was very harsh and made people feel uncomfortable all over.

But Lin Yi didn't care and opened the door directly.

The foul smell of blood hit his face, and a skinless humanoid being stood outside.

His eyes were filled with blood, and he looked at Lin Yi fiercely, seeming to have endless resentment.

And the world he was in was like a sea of ​​blood, stretching as far as the eye could see.

At this time, there was a trace of surprise on the face of Blood King Indra.

"This is my world."

"It's amazing that you found my world directly."

Lin Yi smiled faintly, "It's just luck."

A flash of understanding flashed in Lin Yi's heart.

"Sure enough, the wish shrine will find the target according to what I want in my heart."

At this moment, the blood shadow outside the door rushed towards Lin Yi fiercely, with two bloody claws grabbing at his heart.

But the next moment, it stopped in mid-air.

Indra appeared next to Lin Yi, and a bloody radiance burst out from his body, covering the bloody figure that rushed towards Lin Yi.

The next moment, the bloody figure shattered in the bloody light and turned into countless bloody lights.

The blood light merged into Indra's blood light and became a part of it.

Then, Indra stepped out of the door and stood on the endless blood-red ocean.

A note appeared in his hand, "When you want to perform a mission, you can use this note to come to the Wanshiwu."

"Looking forward to your visit."

Indra looked at Lin Yi with a strange smile on his face.

"I will come again, Manager Lin, and I hope there will be a suitable mission for me next time."

Lin Yi smiled faintly, "There will be."


The door of the Wanshiwu slowly closed, and the whole world became quiet in an instant.

Lin Yi obviously noticed that Indra was not suppressed by the world when he entered the opposite world.

Obviously, that was his original world, so this kind of thing would happen.

After doing all this, the wish shrine appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

"Tonight's hunt will begin again."

The next moment, he had returned to the center of the underground maze.

The wish shrine quickly merged into the maze, and at the same time, the door in the center of the maze was connected to an unknown world.

The same ordinary alien life form knocked on the door, just like yesterday.

After signing the contract, he was knocked unconscious, and countless energy from other worlds rushed in and was quickly absorbed into the Lingyu, which served as the energy source for Brandy and others to fight.

The door of the Wanshiwu was also connected to Wanjin City again.

A large number of mutant corpses were attracted and quickly rushed into the arbitrary door.

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