The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 765-1 Everyone’s Gains (First Update)

But he had no other choice. His original world was already facing the emergence of weirdness.

It was just that he knew the danger of weirdness, so whenever there was weirdness.

He would immediately do his best to extinguish the budding of weirdness.

He would not give them any chance to develop, and only then could he barely maintain the safety of the world.

But he could also feel that the weirdness was appearing more and more frequently, and he was already a little powerless.

And at that time, a weird change that affected the whole world occurred.

And he also came to this blue planet during that change and was in his current state.

"This store manager Lin is really powerful, at the level of the Heavenly Immortal Dao of the Immortal Dao system."

"It seems that he has a considerable understanding of weirdness."

"Is he from the Void Immortal Kingdom?"

"That is one of the most powerful alliances in the void."

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Ayala's mind, and finally fell silent.

"There are still 6 days left, I hope I can spend them safely."

"This time, after leaving this world, I have to find a way to join a certain void force."

"Otherwise, facing the weirdness, no matter how I struggle, I will eventually perish."


Not to mention the confusion of Ayala's thoughts, at this time, Lin Yi and Sakuramiya Shirley were harvesting the powerful mutant corpses in Wanjin City just like harvesting wheat.

In just half an hour, they had dealt with more than a dozen powerful mutant corpses of the ghost fairy level in Wanjin City.

One of them even allowed the possibility of breakthrough.

But unfortunately, it had no chance to face Lin Yi and Sakuramiya Shirley.

In the end, no one escaped the lock of Lin Yi and the others.

After dealing with all the powerful mutant corpses, Lin Yi and Sakuramiya Shirley had returned to the gate of the maze.

At this time, both of them were shrouded in the glory of the true destiny.

Walking among countless mutant corpses, although these mutant corpses attacked them crazily.

But any attack of these mutant corpses could not touch them at all.

It was as if they were in another world.

Very easily, the two returned to the maze.

Standing in the center of the maze, the two began to quickly recover their consumed strength.

In the center of the maze, the spirit jade was absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy from the world connected to the wish shrine.

Lin Yi and Sakuramiya Shirley also quickly absorbed the energy in the spirit jade at the same time, and within a few minutes, they recovered to their peak state.

At this time, Brandy and others were killing the mutant corpses together with the maze guards.

Each of them was exerting their own body power, and the attacks transformed by spiritual energy killed the mutant corpses one by one.

Whiskey and Vodka, the two people were like two steel beasts, punching a mutant corpse.

Smashed their heads one by one, all fell to the ground and could not move, and then were pulled into the maze by countless silk threads to digest.

Brandy and Lao Wei each held a sharp sword, and after injecting essence, a sharp sword light burst out.

Cut the mutant corpses one by one.

Li Hualian also changed slightly at this time.

A strange power seemed to appear in his body.

The spiritual energy seemed to be absorbed into his body and stored in every cell of his body.

At this time, a huge magnetic field was constantly moving in his body, and the magnetic field of each cell bound a large amount of spiritual energy.

And these spiritual energies would be injected into Li Hualian's sword under the control of the magnetic field, turning into fierce sword energy one after another.

Lin Yi saw this scene with some surprise in his eyes.

The reason why he valued the power system of this world was that the power system of this world could be used in any world.

If in the extraordinary world, these Dao marks connected the spiritual power, they could mobilize the spiritual energy of the outside world, directly transform it into their own power, combine the magnetic field, form a field or even a world.

To exert incredible combat power, and this is what Li Hualian is like now.

He has completed an independent mission.

In that extraordinary world, he obviously has noticed the existence of spiritual energy and transformed this energy into a form that he can use.

It is stored in his body and changes his physique.

In Lin Yi's eyes, every cell of Li Hualian has an independent magnetic field, spiritual power and energy trajectory.

Each of his cells has an independent energy circulation system, which allows him to store energy at a density that even exceeds that of the immortal system.

And this circulation system also caused his cells to undergo a qualitative change.

After the cells were integrated with spiritual energy, they became stronger. At this time, his body was infinitely close to the existence of the earthly immortal.

If Li Hualian came into contact with any method of cultivating the Tao, he could complete all the transformations in the shortest time.

Directly step into the realm of the earthly immortal and enter the range of immortality.

In simple terms, the system of this world has a very high realm, but its power is very weak.

If we use the words of Lin Yi in his previous life, it means that if you cultivate your nature but not your life, you will end up with nothing.

But the reason why this happened in this world is because this world has no spiritual energy.

You can't cultivate your life, you can only cultivate your nature.

But now Li Hualian has come into contact with spiritual energy and quickly transformed his realm into power.

And he started using these spiritual energies without any instruction.

Seeing this, Lin Yi showed a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

The martial arts masters in this world will be the best bounty hunters in his hands.

"It seems that I have to speed up and find the right person in this world."

At this time, he slightly checked the strange power reserves in the Wanshiwu.

In just half an hour, at least more than 20,000 mutant corpses have died in the Wanshiwu.

A large amount of strange power has brought the strange power of the Wanshiwu back to 1/5 of the peak level.

"It seems that this time, I will get enough strange power to allow the Wanshiwu to leave this world at any time."

"This is a brand new guarantee."

There was a hint of joy in his eyes, which meant that he would have more choices.

At this time, Bitter Love Wine and Lafite Red Wine were the most unlucky of all.

One of them is a vengeful spirit, and the other is a small and weak strange existence.

Facing these mutant corpses, they all felt a little helpless and could only watch Brandy and others earn contribution points.

Anger, helplessness and anxiety filled their hearts.

At this time, the two guys were already controlling their clones and attacking together with their real bodies.

Originally, Lin Yi planned to give each person 500 contribution points and let them carry out the task tonight.

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